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Jetglow is no longer made and for good reason. It was a poor product. Mine only lasted 8 years with moderate wx flying and hangared. The base coat was poorly applied with orange peal, vibration cracks on the cowl and now wing flakes everywhere. I am about to re-do. Imron is still good. What are the hot products these days? The tried and true?

I am going with Hagerstown Aircraft. Probably the only certified MSC in the country that does paint (other than the factory). Their paint work is probably better than their Mooney work, but recognized as excellent. Any experiences to the contrary?


Thanks Dockett & KSmoniac for the kudo's. I find I spend more time "around" my Mooney than in it so its appearance is very important to me. This struck a good compromise between all new & new to me. The Eagle lends itself to the job as it starts off mostly white so I get to choose my colors!  It was actually one of the things I liked about the purchase knowing at some point I could economically paint it in the colors I wanted. I just did not expect to do it so soon. but I really could not live with those off color white rings around the fuel access panels. Dockett I hope you fair much better.


N4352H My A/C was painted with Sherwin Williams ACRY GlO. There are two types of ACRY GLO Metallics-Conventional & High Solids. I understand that the A/C Mfg's have to use the High Solids due to EPA regs. while smaller shops can use the older and supposedly better Conventional formula. I really wanted to use Imron but in the end you have to go with what the shop is experienced & comfortable using. Otherwise chose another shop IMHO.  


One more WELL DONE, Cris. It looks great!

You are right on about the two types of Acry Glo, and most shops don't explain it to us, so do research beforehand.


Quote: ArtCraft

ArtCraft Paint, Inc has a Thanks’ giving special COMPLETE PAINT JOB FOR $ 9,000.00 if you bring your aircraft before Saturday November 14, 2009

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