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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Actually, my user name used to be my first initial and last name, but I changed it in honor of Scott calling me that. I'll change it back soon. Name is Andy and based in Iowa, so I guess we'd have to meet somewhere Ohio, but quite frankly Kentucky is a whole lot more fun..


Alright...that's it.... I am coming to Iowa and tee it up with you and SFI.

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Ya know....the isolationism, the complete legalization of narcotics, political pandering to the NAACP, comfy with Obamacare....attributes that don't float my boat. I think he is brave, shrewd and smart. I am glad we have so many doctors involved in politics. He'll mope the needle. Huff Post and other liberal rags love him and tout him, until is is game time. then there'll be no love.


Well, Obamacare was a Republican idea heavily promoted from early 1990's as an alternative to single payer. Are you telling me you guys were never serious...

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Well, Obamacare was a Republican idea heavily promoted from early 1990's as an alternative to single payer. Are you telling me you guys were never serious...



Very much true, then sprinkle in a few suggestions from the Heritage Foundation and voila. Let's keep in mind that Obama originally did not want the individual mandate but Heritage actually promoted the concept.




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That's always my problem with Republican arm of the Republicrat party. Democrats propose some wild haired idea that works in Europe but cannot work in American due structural differences. You guys propose a workable alternative, but don't hash out all the details. We steal it, polish it, run with it and you guys get all upset. 

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What we need from you guys now is a good idea to lower medical costs because Obama care only solved half the equation...



True, but healthcare inflation is at it's lowest level in 50 years, so something's working.


I've said it here before and I'll say it again, it will be interesting to come back to all this mass hysteria 8 to 10 years from now and see how it all worked out in the end. Either Obamacare will turn out to be a major flop and be a major drain on the economy, or it will live up to its expectations.

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Yeah...yeah...yeah. Then explain asshats like Gruber. 



I suggest you open the link that I just posted. It contains the Heritage Foundation plan and it's scary to say the least. Read it at your own peril because it may just cause your head to explode.

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True, but healthcare inflation is at it's lowest level in 50 years, so something's working.


I've said it here before and I'll say it again, it will be interesting to come back to all this mass hysteria 8 to 10 years from now and see how it all worked out in the end. Either Obamacare will turn out to be a major flop and be a major drain on the economy, or it will live up to its expectations.

 Ya know, I love when dems tout all of this good, but it is underpinned on debt....staggering debt. Treasury is about to stop printing money and buying bonds from Wall Street. This will be timed exactly in the lap of our next Republican administration. It's purely a political move. Regain did it with star wars spending. Problem is, no matter how hard they try, Obama ain't no......welllllll, you know.

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1989..... love it.


Part of the "what if" is, what if the CBO is right and ACA does actually reduce the deficit down the road? I usually take what they say with a grain of salt, after all, in 2000 they projected budget surpluses all the way into 2010.

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Yeah...yeah...yeah. Then explain asshats like Gruber. 


How about asshats like Carl Rowe, same shit, it's all about salesmanship…Republicans got sold GWB, who turned out to be a liberal democrat who gave us medicare part D without any ability to negotiate prices and a way to pay for it…Same old shit, same old pandering, different day

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Republicans got sold GWB, who turned out to be a liberal democrat who gave us medicare part D without any ability to negotiate prices and a way to pay for it



Don't get me started on that trillion dollar debacle or my head will explode.

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 Ya know, I love when dems tout all of this good, but it is underpinned on debt....staggering debt. Treasury is about to stop printing money and buying bonds from Wall Street. This will be timed exactly in the lap of our next Republican administration. It's purely a political move. Regain did it with star wars spending. Problem is, no matter how hard they try, Obama ain't no......welllllll, you know.


So we're at least in agreement here: the main difference between republicans and democrats is what gets neglected, but the spending continues. Reagan started the whole deficits don't matter bullshit and it continued and even accelerated and I think we can all agree we didn't buy anything of value, no matter who was doing the purchase orders. 


So now you see my point about the Republicrats.


A Reagan was a much better actor than Obama, I will grant you that much...

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Alright...that's it.... I am coming to Iowa and tee it up with you and SFI.

Just tell me where and when. I will bring the Cigars and Jack Daniels...and my brother, because he can actually play a full 18 without a "that would have been a great round "if" line". My vote would be for The Honey Creek Resort. Fly into Centerville. About a 15 minute drive. Decent track and a nice resort.

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Don't get me started on that trillion dollar debacle or my head will explode.


Yeah....but what's wrong with that? Seniors are a rich voter base. Kind of like a sweetheart, union suck-up, bail out of GM and buying the states of OH and MI for 2012. Rustbelt votes, senior base......ya know. Kind of like that.

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How about asshats like Carl Rowe, same shit, it's all about salesmanship…Republicans got sold GWB, who turned out to be a liberal democrat who gave us medicare part D without any ability to negotiate prices and a way to pay for it…Same old shit, same old pandering, different day


Carl Rove is a known political operative. Gruber was hired as an expert consultant for the specific implementation and subsequent debacle of Obamacare, only. Both ran their mouths after the fact. Problem is, Gruber didn't know when to shut up and Carl Rove never underestimated the intelligence of the American voter.

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Part of the "what if" is, what if the CBO is right and ACA does actually reduce the deficit down the road? I usually take what they say with a grain of salt, after all, in 2000 they projected budget surpluses all the way into 2010.


This is not the Heritage Foundation's current position. This was to thwart the Barney Frank's and Ted Kennedy's view of the world in 1989. It predated the recession, Silicon Valley, Al Gore's internet, Hillarycare, 35 million illegal immigrants and the events, post 2000. The ACA will be gutted in short order to be only a fraction of it's current incarnation, a federal handout to the sick and poor among us. If they wanted to tax us to this end, they could have done so without dragging every other American into fewer health choices, higher premiums and EXTREMELY higher back-end deductibles. In Maryland, Obamacare forced my family from United Healthcare to the exchanges. Under the ACA, it is now illegal for that bastion of American small business known as the maw-paw shop, to operate as an independent group. We were forced to the front door of the ACA exchanges. In Maryland, there is nothing but a $1bil budget shortfall, fucked up website and only three insurance choices.....HORRIBLE!


What did I do? I opted for my cadillac union plan (thanks Barrack). As a member of the Screen Actor's Guild, me and my family now enjoy a cadillac plan at 1/8th the cost of the Maryland exchanges with one half the deductible. The ACA is weak...it won't make the cut. Fair competition and reasonable controls will make the best healthcare system in the world.

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This is not the Heritage Foundation's current position. This was to thwart the Barney Frank's and Ted Kennedy's of the world in 1989. It predated the recession, Silicon Valley, Al Gore's internet, Hillarycare, 35 million illegal immigrants and the events, post 2000. The ACA will be gutted in short order to be only a fraction of it's current incarnation, a federal handout to the sick and poor among us. If they wanted to tax us to this end, they could have done so without dragging every other American into fewer health choices, higher premiums and EXTREMELY higher back-end deductibles. In Maryland, Obamacare forced my family from United Healthcare to the exchanges. Under the ACA, it is now illegal for that bastion of American small business known as the maw-paw shop, to operate as an independent group. We were forced to the front door of the ACA exchanges. In Maryland, there is nothing but a $1bil budget shortfall, fucked up website and only three insurance choices.....HORRIBLE!


What did I do? I opted for my cadillac union plan (thanks Barrack). As a member of the Screen Actor's Guild, me and my family now enjoy a cadillac plan at 1/8th the cost of the Maryland exchanges with one half the deductible. The ACA is weak...it won't make the cut. Fair competition and reasonable controls will make the best healthcare system in the world.



I guess they were for it before they were against it. Makes sense.


You are a member of the SGA??

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I guess they were for it before they were against it. Makes sense.


You are a member of the SGA??


SAG-Yes, I am one of the top voice guys in the country. I am on tv networks, affiliates, trailers, national commercials, etc. You are in Jacksonville, right? I voice both Fox and CBS there.

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SAG-Yes, I am one of the top voice guys in the country. I am on tv networks, affiliates, trailers, national commercials, etc. You are in Jacksonville, right? I voice both Fox and CBS there.



No kidding. We have a celeb among us.


I'm further south, Fort Lauderdale.

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... and so flyboy is left to digest the clear and simple fact that most Americans already know:

Obama's "affordable care," ... isn't ... it costs more ... the coverage is worse ... and it costs taxpayers trillions ...

Will he face reality?

How many more person accounts will he need to hear?

Will he rationalize them as conservative propaganda?

Will he bring up former presidents to excuse how bad this one is?



Are the 15 million plus new enrollees part of these "person accounts"?


Unless you haven't noticed, I gave up on bringing past administrations into this thread. And also in case you haven't noticed, I warn those that do that it's taboo. However, just in case we are all on MS in 2017 and a republican enters the White House, I'll be monitoring your responses just to make sure that you don't blame Obama when president Huckabee encounters difficulties.

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