flyboy0681 Posted August 18, 2014 Report Posted August 18, 2014 Bush I&II ultimately DID accomplish the mission...only to see the efforts (financial and human capitol) wasted through ineptitude. Reset. Begin again. Or not. I have read the speech AND heard it. Nice historical revision... Once again, how do you interpret this speech? "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet"
flyboy0681 Posted August 18, 2014 Report Posted August 18, 2014 As an airline pilot who was flying on 09-11-2001 ... and then as a National Guard Pilot mobilized after 09-11-2001, I would like to state very clearly: if you don't know "for what" ... Nothing we can do to help you. ... still blaming Bush for Obama's failures. Pathetic ... (Remember seeing any big buildings in New York and Washington DC on fire and falling apart? ... hear anything about terrorist attacks on American citizens? ... MMMM ... maybe some plane crashing in a field in Pennsylvania after citizens thwarted terrorists flying the plane to crash it into the White House? ... just taking a stab in the dark! Ever hear about any of that?) I still fail to see the connection between 9/11 and Iraq. Afghanistan yes, but Iraq - no. As brutal a dictator as Saddam was, he kept everyone inline.
flyboy0681 Posted August 18, 2014 Report Posted August 18, 2014 I'm done here. Have a great life. Not the answer I was looking for. Just reply with the relationship between 9/11 and Iraq and I promise to put this one to bed.
flyboy0681 Posted August 18, 2014 Report Posted August 18, 2014 (The man is intelligent and has his convictions. Why let a little thing like a terrorist training camp in Bhagdad, Salman Park, complete with an airplane mock-up - and multiple witnesses saying they saw foreign terrorists train there ... get in the way of your vast intelligence and unshakable convictions? You rock on brother!) I appreciate your candor and per my promise, I won't mention the subject anymore. But it was interesting to read your point of view.
alex Posted August 18, 2014 Report Posted August 18, 2014 I appreciate your candor and per my promise, I won't mention the subject anymore. But it was interesting to read your point of view. You w'ont mention it because it answers your question on the relationship that exists or because it's easier to just ignore it? Is this one of the situations where we rather mock the excuse of bad intelligence? Only a buffoon would use that excuse right?
flyboy0681 Posted August 18, 2014 Report Posted August 18, 2014 You w'ont mention it because it answers your question on the relationship that exists or because it's easier to just ignore it? Is this one of the situations where we rather mock the excuse of bad intelligence? Only a buffoon would use that excuse right? I didn't want to mention it because it's going to touch a raw nerve, but the bipartisan 9/11 Commission concluded that there was nothing to the Salman training camp claim. The claims came from dissidents, and they are as reliable as jailhouse snitches when it comes to information and intelligence. Unless you are one of those that believe in the many conspiracy theories that the US Government help orchestrate and plan the attacks, and that the report was a giant cover-up, then yes you were correct - nothing I say will change your mind and vice versa.
alex Posted August 18, 2014 Report Posted August 18, 2014 This was taken from a foreign news source at the time, The telegraph UK, and it is in chronological order. Perhaps some reasons to go after this GEM! Saddam 'still ready to use germ warfare' By Bruce Johnston in Rome 12:01AM GMT 01 Nov 2001 SADDAM HUSSEIN still wants Iraq to become a world power and is prepared to use biological weapons to achieve that, according to the diplomat who knows his military capabilities best. Rolf Ekeus, who for six years was president of the Special UN Commission with the task of verifying that Iraq had renounced arms of mass destruction, said Saddam still wanted to dominate the Middle East. His scientists had the knowledge to help him realise his dream, said Mr Ekeus and apart from anthrax, they had found ways to isolate and develop deadly viruses. He said that while Iraq had denied having anything to do with the anthrax attacks in the US, and while the spores might have come from a Russian or American laboratory - the facts suggested that Saddam may be behind them. "For more than four years Baghdad denied, formally and in writing, the existence of a project to develop biological weapons," Mr Ekeus told an Italian newspaper. "It was only when, after inspections, research and tests, we managed to find scientific proof that there was a project after all, that they admitted its existence. "The main research centre in al Hakam was hidden in the desert, protected by fencing and walls. It was made up of a lot of buildings, with laboratories and a great deal of sophisticated equipment. "We razed it to the ground in 1996." That did not mean that Iraq's germ warfare capacity had been wiped out, he said. "In al Hakem we found a milling machine capable of refining anthrax for military purposes, and we destroyed it. But there was the suspicion that there was another which we never found. "Moreover, despite the embargo, not only does Saddam have no problems with money, but he is awash in it. And people who have no cash worries usually find a seller. "And since December 1998, when the inspections stopped, there is no one who can check and see what is going on. Not to mention research into viruses. "We found that they had experimented on camel pox, a sickness of camels similar to smallpox. Another project that greatly interested them was the poisoning of lakes and aquaducts." Asked if bin laden and Saddam could be working together, Mr Ekeus said that the two men had "clearly different objectives". But he added: "Let's not forget the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Stalin and Hitler had diametrically opposed strategic objectives, but that did not stop them becoming allies in 1939, because at that time they shared certain tactical objectives. "Bin Laden and Hussein are both at war with America, and they share the same immediate objective. To drive the Americans out of the Gulf. And on this point, Saddam said exactly the same thing as bin Laden. Word for word." Mr Ekeus, now the OSCE High Commissioner for Ethnic Minorities, said: "Saddam continues to repeat that he is the one who is winning. And I think that for him, things are actually going rather well. In the streets of Arab countries he is becoming ever more popular." Saddam running training camps for terrorists, say defectors By Philip Delves Broughton in New York 12:01AM GMT 09 Nov 2001 TWO former Iraqi intelligence agents have told the CIA that Saddam Hussein has fostered training camps to produce scores of highly trained terrorists for attacks in the Middle East and the West. If confirmed, their statements will strengthen the case of those in Washington advising President Bush that the only way to crush Arab terrorism is to topple Saddam. That case received a further boost on Wednesday when Colin Powell, the Secretary of State, regarded as the least hawkish member of Mr Bush's inner circle, said America would turn its focus to Iraq once it had dealt with the al-Qa'eda network and Afghanistan. After defeating al-Qa'eda, said Mr Powell: "We will turn our attention to terrorism throughout the world, and nations such as Iraq, which have tried to pursue weapons of mass destruction." The two Iraqi defectors, who were debriefed by the CIA and then put in touch with The New York Times by exile groups opposed to Saddam, said there was no evidence that the men being trained at Salman Pak, a camp south of Baghdad, were linked to Osama bin Laden. But their claims contradict Iraq's official denials of United Nations weapons inspectors' allegations that Salman Pak was a terrorist training camp. One of the defectors is a lieutenant general who served in the highest ranks of Iraq's intelligence service, the Mukhabarat. As well as the training camp, he said there was also a strongly-guarded compound where a German scientist led a team of Iraqis developing biological weapons. "There is a lot we do not know," said the general, who asked for anonymity. "We were forbidden to speak about our activities among each other, even off duty. But over the years you see and hear things. "These Islamic radicals were a scruffy lot. They needed a lot of training, especially physical training. But from speaking with them, it was clear they came from a lot of countries, including Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Algeria, Egypt and Morocco. "We were training these people to attack installations important to the United States. The Gulf war never ended for Saddam Hussein. He is at war with the United States. We were repeatedly told this." His claims tallied with those made by Sabah Khalifa Khodada Alami, a former captain in the Iraqi army who worked for eight years at Salman Pak before fleeing to America in May. According to both men, Islamic militants at Salman Pak were taught how to hijack a plane using the fuselage of a Boeing 707. Saddam has germ warfare arsenal, says defecting physicist By Jessica Berry in Beirut 12:01AM BST 30 Sep 2001 SADDAM HUSSEIN has directed his top scientists to work exclusively on expanding his chemical and biological weapons arsenal, one of the regime's former senior scientists has told The Telegraph. He said Saddam has ordered the nuclear weapons programme to be shelved because it had proved too expensive. The disclosures by the nuclear physicist, a recent Iraqi defector, will add to the alarm of Western leaders who last week issued a warning of the prospect of chemical attacks on European and American targets. Military experts said Saddam's decision could have been linked to the attacks on New York's World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, which investigators believe were planned years in advance. Over the past six months about 3,000 physicists and chemists have been working flat out on secret programmes to develop both toxins and the means to deploy them to lethal effect, according to Dr al Sabiri (not his real name). The scientist formerly worked at the Atomic Energy Organisation in Baghdad, but defected because of his growing horror of the regime. "I created death in Iraq. I had to get out," he said. Details of Dr al Sabiri's defection cannot be revealed because of fears for his safety. "I was asked to examine hundreds of complicated and dangerous toxins," he said. "They were very easy to use to create germs. You could put them in water or steam, throw them in the air or use them in the soil. We developed nerve gas, botulism and anthrax. "One day a light green yellow substance, which was crystallised and packed in tins, arrived. Suddenly intelligence men came in and rushed it away. I later found out they were working on some secret project." All these substances were tested on Iraqi prisoners, mainly Kurds and Shi'ites in Radwania jail, in west Baghdad. The projects are headed by Prof Shaher Mahmoud al Jibouri, a chemist and secret service agent. Senior Western intelligence officers confirmed the experimentation on prisoners. "Between April and May this year, 30 prisoners died after being used in experiments," said one. Earlier this month The Telegraph revealed that at least 20 Iraqi soldiers had died and about 200 were injured after a chemical weapons training exercise had gone wrong. Dr al Sabiri spent five years in the organisation's Neutron Analysis and Activation Department. Scientists, paid about £10 a month, worked exclusively on analysing substances, mostly imported, in order to copy and produce more. Using a small nuclear reactor, they are able to establish the exact composition of a substance. There was a shortage of material, which was why he was told to copy the samples that he was given. At one stage he was asked to reproduce a wax, crucial for use in firing ballistic missiles. This he did with the help of several Bulgarian scientists. "Ballistic missiles," he said, "is just one method they want to use to spread the poisons." More importantly, he said, the regime is currently working on adapting 12 pilotless aircraft, last used in the Iran-Iraq war during the 1980s. "Engineers are now working on developing their range. So far they have managed a range of 700 miles," he said. "The planes could easily reach Israel, Iran, Turkey or Saudi Arabia. The idea is to use them to deploy the toxins." Most of the parts, he added, were imported. A senior Western intelligence officer said last night that at least 30 front companies, mainly pharmaceutical firms, are under investigation for supplying Iraq. They are based in Italy, Thailand, the Philippines and the United Arab Emirates. The companies cannot be named for legal reasons. The defector's disclosures refute comments by Tariq Aziz, Iraqi deputy prime minister, who last week denied that the regime had any biological weapons. Last week Paul Wolfowitz, the United States deputy defence secretary, told Nato colleagues of "the alarming coincidence between states that harbour international terrorists and those states that have active, maturing programmes of WMD [weapons of mass destruction]." American hardliners are said to be keen to attack Iraq as soon as possible, and believe that aerial bombardment is sufficient. British defence advisers, however, have warned Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, against this. It is unwise, they say, while there is no suitable successor to Saddam. One intelligence official added: "The other problem is, we have no idea where Saddam is."
flyboy0681 Posted August 18, 2014 Report Posted August 18, 2014 This was taken from a foreign news source at the time, The telegraph UK, and it is in chronological order. Perhaps some reasons to go after this GEM! I lost count the number of times the word "defector" appeared in all of these stories. It was also an Iraqi "defector" code named "Curveball" who claimed that he was a chemical engineer at a biological weapons lab. His "intelligence" helped to promote the war in Iraq and in the end he turned out to be a nobody. His is actually an interesting story which 60 Minutes covered years ago. He eventually came clean in an interview with The Guardian and admitted that it was all a lie in the hopes that he could get a Green Card to get into the U.S., so he concocted up the entire story to get some attention. You can't make this stuff up folks.
flyboy0681 Posted August 19, 2014 Report Posted August 19, 2014 And since you are knowledgable of the 9-11 Commission report, please comment on the Commission's clear imperative that we immediately secure our borders and rationalize, in a way that only good progressives can do - the Democratic Party's refusal to do so for pure political gain. if securing the borders was so imperative, why wasn't it done?
flyboy0681 Posted August 19, 2014 Report Posted August 19, 2014 Let me take a wild guess: IT'S GEORGE BUSH'S FAULT? (Just take a deep breath and type it out: Yes, there was a terrorist training camp in Baghdad. It is a fact. It trained foreign terrorists. No it most likely didn't train Bin Laden's group. But it was a terrorist training camp nevertheless. Captured foreign fighters described it and directed our Marines to it. Another fact: a terrorist cell that had assassinated an American diplomat had taken refuge in Iraq.) (Note to other readers, what a waste of my time) And the commission report was released when? 2009? It's crystal clear to me that you believe the 9/11 Commission Report was a huge coverup. I respect that because we are all free to think what we want.
alex Posted August 19, 2014 Report Posted August 19, 2014 Summer is over, daver328 just started the school year but unfortunately many just think its cooler to cut class! 2
flyboy0681 Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 Once again, how do you interpret this speech? "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet" Scott, you hadn't replied to my request for how you interpreted this speech. When it mentions teachers that may have influenced you, or the bridges and roads built on our behalf as a society, what should I have understood it to mean?
John Pleisse Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 I still fail to see the connection between 9/11 and Iraq. Afghanistan yes, but Iraq - no. As brutal a dictator as Saddam was, he kept everyone inline. OK... I have read intently, now I want a piece of this. This logic of yours, repeated by so many Bush haters, supposes the following: Over 300 Congressmen and Senators didn't make the same decision with the same information, in the same state of mind....I mean the real hard core blow-hards like John Kerry and Hilary Clinton. Oh, except for our current President who has now vilified prior Iraq policies. All of this was preceded by a Saddam Hussein who bombed Turkey, took over Kuwait, violated hundreds of UN edicts (including the no-fly zone over 150 times)......colluded with Iran in weapon smuggling and EVEN masterminded a foiled assassination attempt of the President of The United States. Never mind what he did to his own people. I don't know what the right call was....but at the end of the day, if there was a choice between taking out Saddam as opposed to (or in addition to) the Taliban playing on monkey bars and hiding in caves....... I would have gone into Iraq and finished it too. Better yet, we should be there now........with a gigantic Air Force base, protecting the Iraqi public, Israel and putting the fear of God into Iran and every other wannabe bad actor in the region. Buuuuttttt..guess who F'ed that one up, too? Oh, and how are we doing in Yemen? Jordan (our last true friend)? In Libya? In Egypt? In Syria? In Iran (white flag)? In Nigeria? In Gaza? In Somalia? In Iraq? In Lebenon? In Afghanistan? Our guy went over there.....gave Bruce Springsteen'esque speeches, apologizing for our responsibility to the world and now, five years later? He is still blaming his predecessor. As petty and low as it gets. Finally, should we go back into Iraq? You're fucking-A-right we ought to. You can't reason with animals, you can't lecture animals. They only respect force and power, so give it to them. 1
flyboy0681 Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 OK... I have read intently, now I want a piece of this. This logic of yours, repeated by so many Bush haters, supposes the following: Over 300 Congressmen and Senators didn't make the same decision with the same information, in the same state of mind....I mean the real hard core blow-hards like John Kerry and Hilary Clinton. Oh, except for a few clowns like our current President who has now vilified prior Iraq policies. All of this was preceded by a Saddam Hussein who bombed Turkey, took over Kuwait, violated hundreds of UN edicts (including the no-fly zone over 150 times)......colluded with Iran in weapon smuggling and EVEN masterminded a foiled assassination attempt of the President of The United States. Never mind what he did to his own people. I don't know what the right call was....but at the end of the day, if there was a choice between taking out Saddam as opposed to (or in addition to) the Taliban playing on monkey bars and hiding in caves....... I would have gone into Iraq and finished it too. Better yet, we should be there now........with a gigantic Air Force base, protecting the Iraqi public, Israel and putting the fear of God into Iran and every other wannabe bad actor in the region. Buuuuttttt..guess who F'ed that one up, too? Oh, and how are we doing in Yemen? Jordan (our last true friend)? In Libya? In Egypt? In Syria? In Iran (white flag)? In Nigeria? In Gaza? In Somalia? In Iraq? In Lebenon? In Afghanistan? Our guy went over there.....gave Bruce Springsteen'esque speeches, apologizing for our responsibility to the world and now, five years later? He is still blaming his predecessor. As petty and low as it gets. Finally, should we go back into Iraq? You're fucking-A-right we ought to. You can't reason with animals, you can't lecture animals. They only respect force and power, so give it to them. Thanks for jumping in. You and I are on the same page regarding going back in. Regarding the 300+ Congress members, they based their decision on faulty intelligence, which I pointed out earlier (look for "Curveball"). Finally, here is a clip of Cheney after the first gulf war, saying that we didn't take Saddam out because of the dangerous vacuum it would leave behind. His words were very prophetic, so what changed nine years later? Also, on June 18th Glen Beck reversed course and said on his show that we shouldn't have gone into Iraq Make no mistake - while Obama was at times conciliatory, he never apologized for anything. If you have a speech where he outwardly apologized for US behaviour, please reply with a link.
John Pleisse Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 I knew Glen Beck when he was a Top 40 morning DJ in Baltimore at B104 FM. I can safely say, when he professes he wants to be Walt Disney.....he really is that dense. He has no relevance, even to unabashed conservatives. Brietbart? Daily Caller? Drudge? All groundbreaking and ligit. Correct...Obama beating around the bush (pardon the pun) and not outright apologizing...... is even more disgraceful than clumbsy nuance. Capitulation.....very becoming. And as for Cheney? Well, I guess that analysis debunks all of the anti corporate, moronic, Halliburton, oil grubbing, conspiracy theorists.
Guest Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. It just depends on one's perspective. Clarence
flyboy0681 Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 I knew Glen Beck when he was a Top 40 morning DJ in Baltimore at B104 FM. I can safely say, when he professes he wants to be Walt Disney.....he really is that dense. He has no relevance, even to unabashed conservatives. Brietbart? Daily Caller? Drudge? All groundbreaking and ligit. Correct...Obama beating around the bush (pardon the pun) and not outright apologizing...... is even more disgraceful than clumbsy nuance. Capitulation.....very becoming. And as for Cheney? Well, I guess that analysis debunks all of the anti corporate, moronic, Halliburton, oil grubbing, conspiracy theorists. I never bought into any of that Halliburton stuff, so it's lost on me. Interesting clip you attached about O's "apologies". Not once did he say "On behalf of the American people, I apologize for the way we treated your country and your people". Other American presidents have had conciliatory words over the decades, and this is probably one of them. As a side note, my favorite "apology" was when the Fox Morning show (Douchee, Kilmead and that cutie Gretchen) reported in 2011 that while on an upcoming visit to Japan that Obama was going to apologize to the Japanese people for dropping the atomic bombs. Problem is, there was never any intention on Obama's part. However, in a rare Fox moment, Douchee did come clean and later retracted the story saying it was not true. Here is that very rare, tail between his legs moment:
alex Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 Scott, you hadn't replied to my request for how you interpreted this speech. When it mentions teachers that may have influenced you, or the bridges and roads built on our behalf as a society, what should I have understood it to mean? If you want full context to that speech why not include the part that came before that and sprinkle on the condescending tone and arrogance that accompanied the delivery. This is not a leader he is nothing more than an instigator in a nice suit. 1
flyboy0681 Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 If you want full context to that speech why not include the part that came before that and sprinkle on the condescending tone and arrogance that accompanied the delivery. This is not a leader he is nothing more than an instigator in a nice suit. Here is the entire, unedited text, point out to me the offending points if you will: Obama, July 13: There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.) If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires. So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for President — because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together.
alex Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 Flyboyfor44 you are my wife's wet dream, please come and take her the meantime I will go get my chopsticks and some Tylenol. 1
AndyFromCB Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 Flyboy, Scott is always a capitalist, unless of course, it comes to me, who made his money starting an crop insurance company, which of course, makes a communist, or his employer, Selective, whom sucked, close to 90% of its income last year from either federal government programs (flood insurance, 50 million of their revenue), or federal/state mandated insurance (auto, commercial auto and workman's comp, 400 million of their revenue), which leaves about 50 to free market forces (been busy, I'm sure my secretary could assign at least 49 million to to other regulation). Most of the free market chickenshiats would be out on the street starving if it wasn't for rules and regulations. BTW Scott, a TBM (paid for, free and clear) is about to join the Mooney in the hangar, how is that for a communist ;-) Oh, and Scott, since you have some many opinions on Ferguson and you love GB so much, why not read this: And then understand that 50% of Ferguson's revenues come from court fees, based on manufactured charges. How is that for poor/minority people not paying their fair share. Most of them pay a lot more percentage wise than us, middle and upper class folks. This is one area that we can maybe agree on, the federal government militarizing our police force. Sorry if they are the only ones with balls and finally blew their gaskets ;-) I'm sure you're willing to quit your job, give up the Cayman and go protest. Or we could give up the idiotic local control, 91 separate entities in St. Louis county and fund things on state/national level. Of course, it's nice having an opinion living in a third or fourth highest income tax state in the nation, like our Iowa, receiving on top of getting 10% of my income, another 40 cents on on a dollar from the feds and being all high and mighty, isn't it Scott? So full of shiat, I can almost not take it anymore.
alex Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 That sounded like a dreaded Sarah Palin rant. Why are communists so obsessed with material possessions? Apparently it's not enough to want to distribute the achievement of the individual but now it's morphing into a "mine is bigger than yours" playground shoving match? Progressivism never rests I guess. Enjoy that TBM!
flyboy0681 Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 Well, I must say that this was a very interesting thread, but as many have said, it's gone way beyond it's original purpose. Thanks all for participating and listening to differing viewpoints. Afterall, that is what truly makes America great. 2
flyboy0681 Posted August 25, 2014 Report Posted August 25, 2014 Happy Monday. I started the thread. What would make you believe that you know what was the threads original intent? You haven't a clue sir... WHAT truly makes the United States of America GREAT is the founding fathers vision of a Constitutional framework outlining the RIGHTS of its citizens...and those that just hang out here...AND the limitations to the power(s) of the Federal Government to infringe on those rights. The rule of law. The Power of the individual. THAT is what makes The Republic GREAT. If only Little Timmy could learn that in school... I'm sorry for overstepping my bounds and I can assure you that it will not happen again. Please accept my sincerely apologies.
Cruiser Posted August 25, 2014 Report Posted August 25, 2014 We just finished our third "Junior Pilots Camp" at the Port Clinton Erie, Ottawa International Airport KPCW. This last class was limited to 15 well behaved, very intelligent and eager boys and girls ages 10 to 15. The week long event touched on all aspects of flying and aviation. I am encouraged that so many young people were interested (or their parent/grandparents to sponsor each of them). The population in our area is on the small city size and stable. It is not a rich area, mostly depending on tourism for business, this constraint of population has always limited the activity in flight training, flying club, parternships etc. at the airport. Talking with the airport manager, we have decided to offer this week long class to adults this winter, with classes being held in the evenings. I think we will have to do more than one class when the word gets out. 1
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