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Cody Stallings

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Cody Stallings last won the day on November 9 2024

Cody Stallings had the most liked content!


About Cody Stallings

  • Birthday 12/15/1980

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  • Location
    Wynne, Ark
  • Interests
    Stallings Aircraft Propeller RS# 5JRR748C
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  • Model
    M20K Rocket Conversion

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  1. We are at DRP. Give us a call 870-630-8166
  2. Very well said. You can take one of those Mooney drivers and take them for a spin in the black sheep an 9/10 times make them a believer too!
  3. Very well said. You can take one of those Mooney drivers and take them for a spin in the black sheep an 9/10 times make them a believer too!
  4. Very well said. You can take one of those Mooney drivers and take them for a spin in the black sheep an 9/10 times make them a believer too!
  5. I would call it that, A spade is a Spade. Until TBO is backed up by a Reg of some sort and not documented by most all manufacturers manual as a Recommendation, the shops exposure is minimal. The liability really gets tied on with the Overhaul though. Shop ties itself to that accessory for Two years.
  6. You were lied to about the liability part. Sorry to say that, but it’s true.
  7. Looks like it’s a crack in the paint layer. Don’t really wanna downplay that as you now have a week area in the composite layers(paint and filler) that will allow it to flex and let moisture in. Not good.
  8. Actually Yes, but not will GA aircraft props. I have some sets of Exchange props for Metroliner, King Air 200 and King Air 300/350 that really minimizes downtime for some Part:135 operators I work for. GA props are tough to Core because a fella may take your exchange then have to turn around and buy brand new blades for the Core to make it whole agin, and with programs like Hartzell has with TopProp it literally costs more for those two blades than a New TopProp STC.
  9. I send them back with the propeller. If I replace a part, you will get the scrap parts back.
  10. Alan may have Something. i don’t have anything at this time
  11. Looks like I’m a little late to the party guys. Many Thanks for the positive accolades..
  12. A broken pitch change knob on the blade. Not something you see often, but I have seen it a few times.
  13. Cody, I'm searching for a prop for a '61 M20B.  I was referred to you as a possible source of help.  Any suggestions?  Stan 703 431-2315

  14. Give me a Call 870-630-8166 May be able to answer some of your Questions
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