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  1. a mate told me he used it for sticking on motorcycle hand grips, I didn't believe him until I tried it. Spray the inside of the grip, slide it on and the next day the grip is like it's almost glued on the handlebar!
  2. with a conventional camera I found that a mini tie clip mic in the headphone was the best all around for comms and ATC. DC headset, no noise cancelling. pluggging into the unused comms jack you could hear a lot of electronic noise, like the trnasponder and stuff... You can get a fisheye lens adaptor for the smartphone too, which I found made my cockpit vids heaps better...
  3. that flyover looked like it was timed perfectly! The track looked SOOOO ubumpy in the slow mo replays... And the Old Bloke nearly did it again, super race.
  4. 1000MPH tape...
  5. safe and easy to use... available at Home Depot
  6. Even the best hit sailboat masts... https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=55501
  7. After negotiating on a friends behalf for over a year, and having many "Aerosexual" fantasy buyers contact me, the bird with an on condition engine finally sold to a LAME (Licensed Aircraft Mechanical Engineer) who can continue to sign it off every 100hrs if he recordes the oil upload and gets the filter residue analysed. For this LAME purchase of the bird was a no brainer, he could fly it as long as HE thought it was safe with minimum cost, then overhaul the engine and MAKE $10-$20K on his ownership becaus ehe bought it right, yet he STILL took almost 24 months to make the purchase because he was trying to get the best priced bird in the country... Strangely, he had ANOTHER LAME do a PPI on the bird??? I wonder how much fun and enjoyment he missed out on in those two years trying to haggle the price with other owners? "You cannot drive a price!" I used to state to hagglers in the automotive retail industry. This also applies to aircraft, you cannot fly a price. (unless it's a G6, baby) A Manager of Used Vehicles back in my automotive days said to me: "There's always a reason why a car is cheap" and ther ALWAYS was... I saw a couple of legendary hagglers get stung, bad.
  8. not to my knowledge, I had to tell him about the site... maybe he'll come on
  9. it was a low pace procession dominated by Dovi, i got up at 0400 local to watch it... call me dedicated.. the last lap was alright and I loved the Suzukis...
  10. now decided to overhaul the timex engine, bump...
  11. I thought of a Stephen Coonts book that mentioned the effects of Halon on humans and I found an interesting site regarding this issue. https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Halon_Fire_Extinguishers Where a portable Halon extinguisher is used by cabin crew, it is usually recommended to consider donning a smoke hood before discharging it so as to eliminate this risk, but for pilot use on the flight deck, this will not be an option and risk awareness is the only defence. The fumes are toxic if inhaled and all practicable precautions should be taken when they are used.
  12. remember, gasoline requires a NAKED FLAME to ignite, a cigar but will just go out...
  13. was that a two blade tornado or a three blade tornado?
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