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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Really nice...
  2. From the album: M20CN9341V

    You can see four volcanos in this picture (two are still active...)
  3. I heard that the new software upgrade for the JPI 830 would allow to have Fuel levels measured too (ie. direclty from the tanks). I have been trying to find out if that was true, but I have not been sucessful. Somebdoy knows anything about this? Oscar
  4. I have to say that since I opened the cow flaps my cht in cyl 3 went Down significantly. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. My M20C is a 70 model, it has many speed mods, including the 1 piece windshield and the cowl closure and I also see 135-140 kts @9.0 gph at 11000 and 12000 feet.
  6. Yes I can attest to that. DA makes a huge difference Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  7. Yeah, Dulce de Leche is great... but i is like flying a one way road. Once you try it and you like it, you can't get enough.
  8. I agree is an excellent choice. Good combination of a nice precise read out and lights.
  9. I had a EI FP5 and I loved it too. I just changed it when I decided to upgrade to a JPI 830 and I still miss it...
  10. Yes, it is similar to Nicaragua... My Dad was Argentine Ambassador in Nicaragua and we lived there for a while. Nice country too.
  11. Just a proud Dad... http://youtu.be/jcppJ0PT2xM
  12. Tom good to hear that you are OK.
  13. We have to help our faries perform their job...
  14. I am looking for the cowl flaps mechanism for a M20C. I was wondering if somebody could help me with that.
  15. Naw...you just get used to it... the solution is just to factor in the gust and keep the approach above the glideslope... However, as m,entioned by astelmaszek, once you get used to it, you start having problems landing in fair weather....
  16. Those wonderful little fairies...I really love them...
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