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Everything posted by BigTex

  1. I don't think it's worth much. I pulled mine out last year when I installed my JPI and donated it to a local flight school that didn't have an EGT monitor an their trainer.
  2. Might need it for one of your famous sand storms out west...
  3. This is a depressing thread... Between heavy workload at my day job, maintenance issues and upgrades it looks like I'll be only around the 20 hour mark. But hey, there's always next year.
  4. I have one... It's too large to upload to the website so PM me with your email address and I'll send it your way.
  5. I've also heard that the big Continentals should only have compression's checked after you've flown for some time.
  6. Your performance numbers sound about right. As for raising the gear... everyone has their methods but I found that if I trim the plane for the initial climb out, I can fly hands free while raising the gear. That way I'm not tempted to yank on the yoke when pushing down on the Johnson bar. Presto, no Mooney waggle!
  7. Where in Texas to do you live? There's a great shop in Conroe as well as several in the DFW area
  8. I actually had my MP connector come loose in flight. The MP gauge became a barometer. The engine would run fine until I pulled power. If you backed off the power, the #1 cylinder would go cold and the engine would start running extremely rough. It doesn't sound like his engine had any issues with roughness.
  9. The gentlemen I purchased my plane from picked up the tab for any Airworthy items found. It was all agreed to up front in the contract.
  10. I would be nice to have someone exam the gear to see what happened. I went back and reviewed some of Mr. Haynes posts and in one of them he talked about making an extremely hard landing where he dropped it on from 6'. Makes me wonder if this might of been a contributing factor.
  11. There was a thread around cracked spinners a few months ago. Here's a Hartzell SB on it: http://hartzellprop.com//wp-content/uploads/2012/12/ASB332-R01-W.pdf
  12. Makes me wonder if the noise gear had the trusses damaged due to improper towing?
  13. That's one nice looking F! We'd love to see some pictures of cockpit.
  14. I actually had to swap my PAI-700 out due to magnetization issues with the roll cage for a SIRS compass. For me, it seems to work better in a truly possessed aircraft.
  15. And it's pretty sad when Congress, yes Congress actually came up with a better proposal for third class medicals than AOPA and EAA.
  16. If this is a pre-buy, I'd not pay for anything other than the cost of the pre-buy and any agreed to expenses the seller incurs. Also, if mags need inspections, I'd recommend only sending them to folks that specialize in mags. I'd never let a local shop IRAN or overhaul them. If you purchase the plan we can provide recommendations on where to send them.
  17. If they are Bendix mag's plan on spending $650/mag to be IRAN'd plus A&P costs for removal and re-installation.
  18. Sounds like a few of us might be hitting the eggnog pretty hard! Not that there's anything wrong with that. Maybe the OP for this thread could just put up a poll on the subject (assuming their still around) so we call weigh in on this subject and then call it a day.
  19. Here's a link from an EAA webinar that walks you through the process. They are inspecting a Rotax but the process is the same. http://www.eaavideo.org/video.aspx?v=3735936001
  20. Wow... Look at those CHT's in those tables! One had 440dF for the C model. We've learned a lot since this article was written.
  21. Only on MS can a test post get 8+ responses!
  22. The challenge now is that I suspect folks with really nice planes are holding onto their planes unless they need to sale them until hopefully the market turns around. So buyers are mainly finding sub-par planes. Tough market for both buyers and sellers.
  23. You might trying bringing your RPM's in cruise back to 2400 and back the throttle just a touch and see how your engine responds. I've found that my engine seems to get better fuel distribution with this configuration.
  24. Isaac - I'd consider having your Mag's IRAN'ed by a top notch mag shop. At 600 hrs, you're about 100 hours beyond what is recommended. Plan on spending around $650 per mag.
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