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Everything posted by BigTex

  1. Unfortunately no. I never took any pictures of it with the interior removed. I'll look at getting a picture for you.
  2. One thing to keep in mind is to set aside around 10-20% of the cost of the plane to fix deferred or other maintenance issues that crop up the first year. Almost without exception everyone has spent in that neighborhood fixing "stuff" during the first year so make sure that's in your budget. So that $50K aircraft when likely cost you $60k. Something to keep in mind when shopping.
  3. Have you reached out to some of the MSC's and asked them? Might give Don Maxwell a call as I'm sure he'll be able to help you out.
  4. What I've found in my C, if you have an adult in the backseat that's anywhere near MIL-Spec isn't an issue. If they have long legs, they can set slightly sideways. In adding a 4th passenger, I have to start leaving fuel behind which digs into most of my intended missions. So for me, it's two person long distance trips, three for shorter (2-3 hour) trips and only local flights with 4 on board. The only time I really wish I had a mid-body plane is when I'm packing for a trip. That additional 5" of baggage would really come in handy. I find I run out of room before hitting the baggage weight. As far as avionics go, these planes are for traveling so I personally would not consider purchasing any Mooney no matter what model unless it has an operational auto-pilot (preferably w/Alt hold) and WAAS GPS. These two are very expensive and it's much cheaper if you find a plane that already has them. other items like engine monitors, etc can be added later.
  5. My C model has one of those unofficial pull rings installed. However it doesn't unlock it. It only pops the latch.
  6. Looks like something right out of the TV show CSI... Kind of disgusting.
  7. Very nice. How do you like your AOA?
  8. The only way it works if you have the shop that that has the plane pull the interior and reinstall it when it is returned. I did that when Don Maxwell was doing some work on my plane. He pulled the interior and shopped it and shipped it to Aero Comfort. Then reinstalled it when it returned. That being said, that's not likely something an avionics shop would want to do. Reinstalling interiors can be pretty tedious.
  9. That's the place I referring too... A guy I fly with has a flight school there had one of his 152's done there. It looked okay but I personally didn't think it was Aero Comfort standards. Of course if you have corporate jet dollars, they might up their game.
  10. Hi Don, There is an interior shop on the field on the east side by the fuel pumps if you need to keep it local. But I'd recommend you do is to box it up and send it down to Aero Comfort in San Antonio. They are one of the best shops you'll find. That's what I did. Since you're in Fort Worth, you can just take it there. I have pictures of their work in my gallery.
  11. +1. I use these guys and they have very good prices for lower time pilots.
  12. I never lock mine because I want farmer Joe to be able to have a way in if I end up in a field and my door is jammed shut. I always give it a good tug as I climb up.
  13. Evidence that an E model will smoke an A36!
  14. Should of made this a poll.. My vote is to keep the Bendix Mags!
  15. Might want to give Jimmy Garrison a call at AAA and he'll explain why Bravo's are at the price point you're seeing.
  16. Right there with you Oscar. Mine was really old and I wanted to update the terrain DB requiring a firmware upgrade. I also wanted some of the latest fixes to their ADS-B integration. I should of known better being in the software business but before the upgrade, things worked great... now, not so much.
  17. Interesting... So you can set your FOB and it sticks?
  18. Do you have fuel flow tied into your 430W?
  19. Not sure if you've reviewed the M20B Flight manual but if not, here's the link to it: http://mooneyspace.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=22946 On page 2, they recommended operating range is 2300 - 2500 RPMs. So I'd bump up the RPM's to 2300 and maybe pull off an inch of MP.
  20. Please validate your flap speed as I believe Mooney didn't increase the flap speed until later C models. I'm pretty sure B's flap extend speed is100 MPH. Also, for that engine, 2200 RPMs is in the red zone so you might consider 2300-2400 RPMs.
  21. Thanks! He just repainted his gear so this sounds like a perfect fit.
  22. Thanks... If you don't mind, what was the quoted price?
  23. Byron, a buddy of mine is looking for a shop to paint his 201. What shop did you decide on using?
  24. Scott, The GDL88 or your GPS will need to be WAAS and if you plan on flying below FL180 you are good. At or above FL180, you'll need an Extended Squitter (ES) transponder in addition to a WAAS GPS.
  25. If you already have a GNS430W, all you need is to add a GTX330ES and you're good. No need for a GDL88 unless you want ADS-B in.
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