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Everything posted by BigTex

  1. Just a follow-up to anyone that is considering pulling off and rebuilding their fuel selector. When you install the new one, make sure that you bleed out all the air from the fuel lines going into the carburetor. These selectors are not self purging!
  2. I'd not fly the plane until you get that fixed. It should move just like your throttle and mixture cables. I had my prop cable replaced recently. I ordered it from SWA and it was drop shipped from Mooney and made by McFarlane... Go figure. Cost was ~ $500 and a bear to install.
  3. Agreed... Just seems to me they paid a lot of money to a design company to take a SR20/22 and put a Mooney tail on it. But as you said, we all should keep and open mind and see how it all plays out.
  4. I saw a drawing of the new M10J and I was a little disappointed in that they got away from the gear design on the M20 series. I suspect they'll be changing the airfoil as well.
  5. Same here... It's amazing what a little lipstick will do!
  6. They take your existing panels and first repair them then cover them with leatherette. Looks fantastic.
  7. I'm assuming you're referring the the B models when you reference short bodies. All C's and E's have hat racks.
  8. Hector is definitely the magic man... Looks fantastic! Thanks for flying your plane forward.
  9. Don, we ALWAYs care! Glad your issues resolved.
  10. Mike, why KAFW? I know if at least three airports within spitting distance to Alliance that's much more GA friendly that that airport? Unless you're doing business with FedEx or some other company there, I don't see any reason to go in there.
  11. I actually planned on going this route based on some earlier MS threads but was talked out of it by LASAR. They said they'd sale me the parts but I could still have the same issue afterwards. Anything related to fuel flow I figured it might be best left to the pro's.
  12. A couple of weeks ago, I was pushing my plane back into the hangar when I noticed fuel dripping from the selector value. After doing some research, I decided to send it out to LASAR instead of rebuilding it myself. I just got it back and man, did they do a great job and the price didn't break the bank (~$225). Dan at LASAR side it was in pretty bad shape and he suspected that it's never been off of my 50 year old plane. Anyone that can't find any logbook entries of your selector valve being rebuilt, I'd recommend pulling it out and having it rebuilt by LASAR. He turned it around in 2 days! Here's some before and after pictures:
  13. Might be worth a phone call... Give Aaron a call at (972) 227-9581.
  14. Send it up to Aaron with Select Avionics at Lancaster Airport. He'll IRAN the Alternator for a fair price.
  15. I think the sensor is only one the iPhone 6.
  16. It's about time. Most Android devices have had Baro sensors for years.
  17. Is the MP/Fuel Pressure gauge still available?
  18. I believe DMax's base price is $2100 for the M20C plus T&M to resolve any squawks.
  19. 1. P51 Mustang - warbirds fun 2. J3 Cub - low and slow 3. Beaver on floats - back country hunting 4. Beech Stagger Wing - cool factor 5. Citation CJ4 - Traveling
  20. I replaced my vertical card compass with a SIRS to resolve issues with a magnetized roll cage. It did the trick and couldn't be happier.
  21. My "C" does.. In fact two! So I would assume an E would as well.
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