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Everything posted by larryb

  1. It is a 12 volt bulb with an inline 150 ohm resistor to drop 24v to 12v. This is in the aircraft wiring diagram.
  2. So changing that little bulb is difficult, in my panel at least. There is access to the rear but getting close is the problem. I made this little tool in my 3D printer. I’ve attached the stl file if anybody has a printer and wants to make it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4a4yxv65ahc1a5s/clock_tool.stl?dl=0
  3. Also resist the temptation to top off your airplane tank frequently just because you can. You get the most efficient transfer out of your low pressure tank if your airplane tank is close to empty. I made that mistake one time, the airplane tank had more pressure than my low pressure cascade tank and o2 started flowing in the wrong direction.
  4. I had 1 screen in my J and 3 in my Encore. I was only going to get 2 in the Encore, but Aspen had a great deal at the time, basically buy 2, get 1 free, and all the unlocks as a bonus. On the third unit I display terrain map, AOA, and Traffic. During an approach I will have the plate up on the third unit. But I also have the plate up on the iPad. I use the iPad as primary and the Aspen as the secondary for the plate. I think the third screen is nice but not necessary. It gives some extra redundancy. But if everything is working then it just duplicates info available elsewhere. I agree that you really want the 2nd screen.
  5. Because we use O2 virtually every flight and I dislike the clutter of wires and tubes all over the place I put some effort into making the O2D2 install as clean as possible. I bought extra 6mm and 4mm poly tube on Ebay, along with a selection of push connectors. The tubes run behind the lower edge of the panel. The tube comes out with a push connector next to each mic jack for both the pilot and co-pilot positions. Then the tube is spiral-wrapped to the headset cord. The supply tube runs behind the pilot side panel towards the rear where it is tied into the ship system. You'll need the MH step-down regulator. You could tie-in where the outlet is in your arm rest. I used 3m dual-lock to attach the unit to the pedestal. It is not an off-the-shelf solution, you have to be a bit creative.
  6. You need this to connect to the fill port. https://www.mhoxygen.com/product/ta-916-s-transfiller-adapter/ Assuming a 200 cu-ft supply tank and 115 cu-ft airplane tank, you will not even get one full fill from a 2200 psi supply tank. Consider the formula: (200 / (200 + 115) ) * 2200 = 1396 psi. and next time: (200 / (200 + 115) ) * 1396 = 886 psi. What you really want is a cascade system of 3 tanks. Consider the weight of a tank also. I use 125 cu-ft tanks because I can move them and lift them by myself. I doubt I can lift a 200 cu-ft tank. Also consider the Mountain High O2D2 system. I have one connected to my built in tank, and it will literally give me a year of flying on a single fill. So maybe if you have that you don't need your own transfill system. Larry
  7. I have one. $200 including shipping. Removed from 1997 Encore 2 years ago. About 1000 hours on it. Working when removed. Larry
  8. I used to replace my boat battery every year until I discovered AGM batteries. The vibration killed them.
  9. If you don’t need the money I personally would not do it. And I don’t rent my vacation house on VRBO either. But that’s just me.
  10. You just have to get over it. And buy Concorde next time. Many many years ago I went through the same thing with my first airplane and a 2 year old Gill. I thought all sorts of things were wrong with the starting system. Just a bad battery.
  11. Try disconnecting the load and activate the relay and see if it still chatters.
  12. Or your shutdown technique. My shop recommended to me 1300 RPM for 30 seconds before shutdown to allow scavenger pump to clear the oil out of the turbo. That solved the problem for me.
  13. Or it chatters because of a high load on the output. Kinda like a weak car battery causes the starter solenoid to chatter. But if the output were shorted you would expect the CB to pop. Can you give us mote detail?
  14. I wanted to buy the upgrade. But I have 3 displays and I felt they were gouging by asking for $500 extra for each display for the exchange option. There was absolutely no way I would agree to the return option. Even if things go as promised you are looking at 3 weeks of downtime. There is nothing I hate more about GA than excessive downtime. And there is a significant risk of delay with a new program such as this one. Aspen offers incentives all the time, so I figured I'd wait a year or two for this initial surge to die down and for Aspen to start offering deals on an exchange upgrade. In the meantime, I'm pretty happy with my 2 year old legacy units. For those of you who paid for the return option, would Aspen allow you to upgrade to the exchange option now?
  15. In my J best feel was also quite above the takeoff mark. But in my K best position is just below the takeoff mark.
  16. Could also be the audio panel. Or the audio panel tray connector.
  17. The clock draws 4ma. That would drain the battery flat in about 4 months. So a week is not a problem. Battery minders are great but a good battery should last well more than a week. I am guessing you need two new batteries. Hold old are they?
  18. The lever is aft of your ankles sitting in the seat. Look at the emergency gear actuator on the floor and move your eyes to the rear.
  19. I do check the engine monitor graphs regularly, did not see anything unusual in the #2 graph.
  20. I am replacing my cylinder with new to minimize downtime. Two-way shipping + time in the cylinder shop would probably add near two weeks to the job. Once the job is complete I will look into having the removed cylinder overhauled and put on the shelf as a ready spare. I only consider the repair since I know the cylinder has 1207 TTSN and was not a previous overhaul-exchange with no known history.
  21. My plane was running great. Good performance. No issues on the JPI. But I got out the scope during an oil change and found this. 1207 TTSN for that jug. The other 5 are fine. We are replacing it based on this pic alone.
  22. This is my #2 exhaust valve. New cylinder goes on next week.
  23. The problem with many mechanics is they lack a robust electronics background and are not great at troubleshooting to the component level. Add in poor documentation. Yes, we have schematics. But they are hard to follow and lack a “theory of operation” paragraph. I spent a few hours redrawing the flap circuit until I could 100% understand it. The result is throwing parts at the problem until fixed.
  24. My wife and I got our real id’s a year ago in California. They made me take the written because I was not up for a renewal at the time. When I ask family and friends about it almost none have it.
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