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Everything posted by gregwatts

  1. Unfortunately, there are too many pilots that do this. Some get away with it.....some we have to read about. I am sure we will be reading about this "friend" before too long. Inadvertant entry into IMC is a major cause of fatalities. His deliberate action.....only goes to demonstrate his judgement and decision making abilities. I think you should bitch slap your friend and tell him that he is a danger to the other fliers out there following the rules.
  2. Don't forget about the pat-downs by TSA or the delay because the airline had to replace a drunk pilot. You should take one commercial flight somewhere.......just to remind you of why you love your airplane!
  3. Visit the website.......http://pilotsnpaws.org/
  4. I have been signed up with PnP for several months, but have yet to actually take a trip. The two that I was supposed to do ended up cancelling or rescheduling due to issues with the animals. I look forward to doing my first run!
  5. That was at KSEF........there was a decent turnout!
  6. Buyer pays for the pre-purchase........the annual is a negotiation factor.........but I would absolutely try, if not demand, that the plane be delivered with a fresh annual. As far as bringing the plane from Minn to Fla for a pre-purchase/annual......you may be on the hook for that, and that is if you can get the seller to agree to that. Not likely! Good Luck!
  7. I had a flame-out in a Lear 25 at FL410..........does that count?
  8. "Comfortable" will be determined by the pilot flying.....not the airplane. I would have no reservations with a 20-25 kt crosswind........you just have to be well prepared for a "what if" and in front of the airplane. My suggestion would be to whenever possible......practice crosswind landings to maintain proficiency and confidence.
  9. I think some of you guys are stretching it a bit......my first Mooney was a 68 C model with several mods.......140kts was best I ever saw!
  10. I ended up going to DAB....so I missed it myself.
  11. "Fair price" is a subjective opinion. Who did the engine OH and when? Are all the log books available? Has the plane ever been out of annual.....how long? Is there any damage history? Have the tanks been resealed? How many hours on the prop? When was it last overhauled....by who? Has the airplane been flown continuously or are there periods of inactivity? It is a buyers market....that is to your advantage. You have to do your homework....and decide "how much is it worth to me". My opinion only!
  12. A 76 F model is damn near 77 J model......the difference being about 10 knots and $20K. I have owned a stock 76 F and I now own an 81 J. The biggest speed advantages are in the climb and descent........the J model is cleaner with less drag. The cruise speed difference is about 10 knots.
  13. That would be a question for your insurance agency. Most likely, if you were PIC.....yes........if not..........no.........but each insurance company has their own underwriting guidelines.
  14. This is a classic case of getting "behind the airplane". It happens to every one of us at some time. Don't beat yourself up over it! You have decided to "man up" and own the situation......which many never do.....and that is a respectable move! It could have been worse and most likely, you will be a better pilot in the future because of it! Good Luck and get back in the air!
  15. First and foremost...make sure you are comfortable in the pilots position. The Mooney has a whole different feel than the Pipers. The old saying....you sit in a Piper, you wear a Mooney! Assuming that you WILL have a thorough pre-purchase inspection, look at things like....in level flight....the position of the aileron, flaps, etc. Will it fly hands free without rudder input? Do you feel play in the controls? Does it feel like there is excess vibration? The flying characteristics will be different than the Pipers as well as the visual perspective. You really should find a Mooney to rent for 10 or 20 hours to really familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the plane. The Mooney has shock bisquets not hydraulic landing gear......big difference. As far as a checklist.....you are about to get at least 10 of them.....use them all.
  16. 3 hrs SMOH.....for me....is a red flag. I would find out who did the OH and when. Could be that after spending $25K on a prop and engine OH, the owner ran out of money. It could also be a field OH and they are hoping someone will be want the low time SOH. At $65K....I suspect the owner was smoking crack......at $49K .....maybe just too optimistic. I suspect this was part of a flying club or flight school.....I would look to see how many times this engine has had overhauls and to what extent.
  17. I wouldn't try to over-analyze it. It's possible the controller misjudged and decided it was better to send you around than possibly sending the 747 around. The entire event may have been really a non-event......just the controller's discretion. Those controllers....for the most part....do an awesome job. Every once in a while they exercise their judgement and sometimes we don't agree. You may have been spot on perfect......but the controller made a decision.
  18. Wet or Dry? The cost per hour changes depending on how many hours the plane is flown. My local flight school rents out a 201 for $180 per hr, wet. Being a leaseback, that probably gives the school $20 per hr. I suggest that you really research the risk and your insurance policy. Nobody will fly your plane with the same care and consideration that you do!
  19. If it makes you feel better......one night flying into Atlanta/Hartsfield, I heard ATC repeatedly tell a Hawker to keep its speed up.....there were 10 jets in the approach. When it became evident that the Hawker wasn't going fast enough to keep the flow going, the controller vectored the Hawker off of final and put him at the end of the line. If you can keep the flow going.....usually you are fine. If it is obvious that your speed will interupt the flow.........you will get vectored. You were 8 miles out when you got the speed request and then 6 miles out when you began slowing. That 747 was probably maintaining a steady speed for that same 6 miles.
  20. If you want accurate news, you have to get it from Fox News!
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