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About 1524J

  • Birthday 07/15/1961

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    Brownwood TX
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  1. Select Aircraft Service is who I used to rebuild my dual mag. Excellent service!
  2. Tank sealing estimate is in line. $3000 for the landing biscuits is almost double what it should cost. I'd guess $1700 tops if you have a shop do the work. If an A&P is willing to work with you the cost would be around $1200 or less. Corrosion and paint is too subjective.
  3. If I were the seller and the buyer wanted funds in escrow for the engine, my concern would be the buyers experience in flying with an engine that requires some knowledge to operate properly. In my opinion, you're asking him to become a silent partner, albeit for a specified period of time.
  4. So I guess I need some info on the subject as we may be moving to Logan UT shortly. I've never had to think about a heater for the engine living in Texas. What are the recommendations? Is it possible to use a forced air system through the cowl flap openings or are heating strips on the block the best?
  5. Agree! Stripping and reselling fuel tanks is not very technical, but beware, it is extremely tedious and you need to be somewhat anal retentive to do the job properly. There are several threads,with good info and some pitfalls to avoid, on Mooneyspace.
  6. Wow....reminder to self....fuel smell in the cockpit requires immediate attention to resolve source!!! Glad you found the leak before it found the ignition source it was resting against.
  7. That's what I've got. Accutrak II with Stec altitude hold.
  8. Pull the seats. It'll take 15 minutes and make it easier to search. If you can't find it with the seats out, chances are it's no longer in the plane. Don't forget to pull the rear seat bottom.
  9. Well.....thinwing did say it was his brothers phone thereby deflecting ineptitude to his sibling.....unless you consider his inability to find said phone as complicit. Thinwing....this isn't so bad....I can have a tool in my hand one minute, spend thirty minutes searching and find the hanger elves managed to slip it in my back pocket while I wasn't looking. You guys did search all clothing, bags, jackets, ect. ?
  10. Had both for 6 1/2 years without any issues other than routine maintenance.
  11. Bob, just as soon as you locate that Cherokee 6 let me know. I'm sure there are several us Moonyspacers that would be willing to settle for your short body E. Heck, I'll even buy it without a PPI.
  12. Congratulations!!
  13. Just in case anyone missed it.....you also get FAA Wings credit.
  14. An update Tom.....I wasn't losing my mind about the nsulation on the firewall or around your fuel sending units. It's in SB-208. Just reread from Clarence posting a link to SB-208 in the "corrosion" thread. And my wife tells me I can't remember anything....
  15. I've got dibs on the 530....
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