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co2bruce last won the day on May 9 2013

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About co2bruce

  • Birthday 07/21/1955

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    South Florida ( KPMP)
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  • Model
    Bonanza A36

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  1. If the Charts are current in the GTN 750 (updated) but not yet in the G500 the 500 shows the updated chart from the GTN. That’s how mine works. It does take a while to sync. Be careful, the G500 often needs to restart after update.....I’ve aborted takeoffs due to it shutting down on takeoff roll. As Don says, this may or may not be your problem.
  2. Tailwinds, and Godspeed to you Bob. RIP.
  3. Parker saved me some money and is great to deal with. Knowledgeable, and honest. You may not like what’s going on in the Aviation Insurance world but he will give it to you straight, without the sugar coating.
  4. Wow, this has taken an ugly turn. I’m going to check out for a while.
  5. Food for thought. I was in 3 partnerships before owning my own. All is great until one is ready to sell and move on. Selling a “share” of an airplane limits your potential customer base to a 20 mile circle around the airport where the plane is based. This is a very small limited audience. I have seen it take months to sell or sometimes never. You may have to buy the others out to sell. If it’s your plane your potential buyer can live anywhere........in the world. I understand the financial benefits of the partnership, but paying for a plane for months or years if you can not fly (medical or situational change) , or do not want to fly anymore for whatever reason can alter this financial benefit drastically. Just my life observation.
  6. There is no reason to have to make a 60 degree turn, especially in the pattern. Stay ahead of the aircraft. If you overshoot final GO AROUND. My instructor who flies professionally always says the passengers don't want to hear power changes, RPM changes or feel anything like extra G forces. We should all fly like professionals.
  7. That’s an impressive video.
  8. Hector is the best.
  9. One of the funniest things I remember from my youth. Thank you.
  10. Professional once taught me the FATS check (killer items ) taking the runway: Flaps Altimeter Trim Speeds
  11. If you base the plane in Florida ( they walk the airports and write down tail #’s) you will end up paying use tax. Don’t ask............
  12. I was at KOBE when it happened. Gear was up, looked like he tried to put it down last second. Engine was running fine. I think they may have been doing touch and gos. That is not the pilot in the picture. I did not see it happen, this is just what i heard while I was there. YMMV
  13. I got to eat lunch with Martha at Oshkosh one year. Very entertaining, like you watched many videos.
  14. All I was saying if your flying by the numbers you should feel something off. If anything happens on final (like the long list of doors popping, babies puking, dogs freaking) GO AROUND! I know it can happen to anyone, but if it happens to you it is your fault. I do 3 GUMPS one approaching the airport, one on downwind, and one more after turning final. It may happen to me one day, but I try to do everything in my power to avoid it.
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