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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. I don’t know how much you can do to it and make it better. However, there is a shop in California that overhauls these things.
  2. They will both integrate with your century autopilot, but only as an HSI. Neither the G5 or the 275 have attitude output to the century II
  3. That’s standard hot Type-I followed by Type IV. You shouldn’t get your aviation advice from 13-year olds on YouTube. You’re really reaching, Jose. People here can see that for what it is.
  4. If you have very smooth entry and exit from the transducer it really helps the accuracy at different fuel flows. My flow scan transducer went bad a few years ago and I replaced it with a red cube. When I install the JPI 830, it came with a brand new flow scan transducer but I just kept using the red cube. So I still have a new flow scan in a box. Those things sell for over $500 now, probably because JPI bought them and now they have a monopoly on it
  5. 747-400 burns around 24,000 pounds an hour of fuel. The 777 burns around 16 or 17,000. I think the 777-9x is lower than that.
  6. So does Tri-flow, and it doesn’t ruin your Teflon coated rod ends. Nor does it attract dirt, like WD40 does, which ruins rod ends. Seriously, quit giving bad advice. I’m going to call you out every time. It says tri-Flow on rod ends right there in the service manual. There is a a reason for that. Reasons perhaps you don’t understand, or why you think you are so smug and smarter than the factory that built it.
  7. It does. The 737 doesn’t have an EICAS. Like the 757 which came from the 70s and has gone through a whole generation. I liked flying the airplane but it was from the same era as the 747-200. Obsolete. Cheap to run, though.
  8. Wd40 is not a lubricant. Follow the Service Manual and use Triflow on all rod ends.
  9. The EI red cube is much cheaper. Works just as well or better.
  10. Does your airplane hqve bladders or not? Because the caps are different.
  11. These are the newer style. From a 77J. A set from a K. And one without the writing.
  12. 3000$ for paperwork, rudder balance check, and ship off asi for a 500$ remark? Wow
  13. Yep. Flew to OSH from houston a couple years ago, at 1500 AGL. If it’s good for my friend’s cub it’s good for my plane
  14. I have three sets actually. Photos tmr
  15. I read a nice article the other day that said Boeing started losing their way when they move the corporate headquarters to Chicago. After that, Boeing focused on the stock price and gaming shareholders rather than building airplanes. They use the savings from the max program and delaying the new market airplane to purchase $42 billion of stock. Yeah they’re going to spend probably that much on Max woes, and then they still don’t have a new airplane. https://www.chicagobusiness.com/opinion/how-boeing-lost-its-way
  16. Been busy. Yes Brad P bought it. Thank you Brad
  17. Sound advice, Brad. A separate physical box using VHF nav.
  18. There are web forum posts from 10 years ago on VAF about pilots concerned about getting sued for selling their RV. So how long do I have to wait here, 15 years or is it more than that? Hasnt Happened YET. Are you really trying to scare me about something that might happen in the future because it’s not happened now or in the past? This is like leaking Mooney bladders or insurance companies denying a claim beucause the ADF is missing a yellow tag. Lots of fear, uncertainty, and doubt, but no evidence at all. That speaks for itself.
  19. They don’t. But the ones that sell cheap are for the same reason that Mooney’s sell cheap. They’re pretty far gone. Once you let the paint, interior, radios, and engine degrade to the point they all need re-done, there isn’t much left
  20. A 172 is expensive for a different reason, because it’s economically viable and profitable for student training.
  21. 55K for an old C model that has terrible paint, interior, and radios and a midtime engine that’s only been ground run in the past three years parked on grass? That’s a deal if I ever saw one.
  22. I have a set too
  23. I know that plane. It needs 20k to be right. It hasn’t flown in 3 years and has been ground run a few times since.
  24. OK lay some logic and math on me, what’s the likelihood of getting sued over and above your >1million umbrella policy? It happens I don’t deny that. But how often does it happen. I bet more pilots are struck by lightning then get sued for 3 million bucks? Again with the defiant, the manufacturer, yes b. Everyone of these 10,000 RV airplanes out there flying are built by somebody else. How many of those guys got sued when they sold the plane And it crashed later. Because those airplanes are everywhere. But I never hear of these kind of lawsuits.
  25. Interestingly the 737 has no EICAS system. Like the 1978-designed 757 that is out of production.
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