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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. Idk but the engine builder at Lycon has ran some DLC lifters through 3 TBO cycles on some traffic watch planes. That’s 6000 hours. Still going.
  2. I have the FT60 on my J model and I thinks it’s made better. If you want a JPi floscan I have one for you also. New in a bag.
  3. Insurance won’t matter, because if you go down, you’re dead. That’s a guaranteed fact
  4. We are doing the annual on my friends 1987 201. 2000 hours, airframe and engine. Guess what, his “washed filter” metals are lower than mine and his cam and lifters are still good. Never had a cylinder off. Somewhere after 1991 or 1993, is the problem. My old boss’s Arrow also had a 1987 Mattituck field overhaul. It was running great until last year, it was still running great, but he decided to overhaul it because it had 2200 and it was that old.
  5. IDK, likely so the DLC lifters are backwards compatible with all cams. And it’s not cam lobes rusting and taking out the lifter, it’s the other way.
  6. The DLC lifters can’t get corrosion because they’re not showing any exposed iron.
  7. I’m pretty sure that’s not the instructions for the Tanis engine dehydrator.
  8. Do you have the McCauley c212 or C214 prop.
  9. And the fact that there are not really any auto converted diesels flying, not really any diesels of any sort flying. I would love to have a fusion powered Mooney that burned 1 pound of water per year. But you know of wish was a horse.....
  10. I just checked my annual sheet from last fall. Static RPM is 2650. Takes a few seconds to Stabilize and get that high, when you release the brakes to get up to about 50 miles an hour, the RPM comes up.
  11. I’ve used nord-lock washers on my BMW exhaust. They really are cool. However, not sure how compatible they are with aluminum.
  12. A couple of things, if you’re less than half tanks, always slip with the tank you’re feeding from on the high wing. Prevents fuel importing. Look at the fuel selector. Raise that wing. Also, all of this worried about the stall. If you slip it’s because you’re high, so slipping at a lower airspeed is counterproductive. If you add 15-20kt to that, your plane will fall like a rock. Which is the objective here. Then you can recover from the slip sooner, and have a Stabilized approach to the runway. So try this, mash on the rudder, lift the wing, add 15 knots of airspeed.
  13. To check it, either hold it behind your car ftet you start it up, or fire up your gas powered oven at home, and crack the door it goes ape sht in like two seconds. In both cases
  14. No, they’re ruined after being torqued. I know it is a PITA to pull the magneto mounting nuts off to replace the washers when you torque them to final and the mag moves a degree, but such is life. This board has a few instances of bendix dual mags Falling off or getting super lose and caught. Recently a guy landed his F model in a field in the middle of Colorado. TESTWEST had it happen. A friend of mine with a G model had it happen. And many other instances. I finished an air race and a guy came in with oil all over his cowl. The right mag was sitting on the wiring harness, fell out of the motor. The hardware was gone too. He adjusted the mag timing that morning.
  15. What were the iron levels on the oil analysts? 25hr oil changes you have to double the metal counts to normalize it. It’s actually so many ppm/hr
  16. Yep that’s how they go. The lifter face spalls, which is no longe smooth. Then it wears down the cam. were you doing oil analysis? Iron numbers tell the tale.
  17. The Raptor had a 100 page thread on Beechtalk. It boiled down to two camps, engineers, experienced pilots, and math guys saying there is NFW the thing can deliver half whats promised, and its a paper airplane. The other side had the faithful. no amount of science ansd engineering could convince them. It kind of mirrors current events, in a way.
  18. 20PPM isnt a concerning number, but a leak is a leak, and it could get worse.
  19. Propeller.governor failure really often means oil quantity failure.
  20. 2 part urethane from the paint supply store. Nason full-thane or omni 2-stage. Add activator. A little reducer. Spray through a Sharpe Finex gun.
  21. The biggest thing with powdercoat,. It is thick and tough enough to hide a crack.
  22. You basically repeated your earlier post. And your post is like well “I feel like it is superior”. These engines are not highly stressed, the cheapest mineral oil even single weight will do the job. I have noticed sometimes increase in oil consumption after about 45 or 50 hours. But again, it’s slightly thinner then, It doesn’t break down and it doesn’t cause lubrication- related damage. These engines do not get lubrication- related damage. They certainly go bad from corrosion between flights. Everybody says mine is a real sweetheart, it runs great has for years. Then the oil analysis Iron trends up.you pull a jug, the cam has a bad lobe and 3 lifter faces. Then rust on the small ends of the rods and the crank sometimes get scrapped for pitting in a small area. And then you’ll understand after the fact what happened to you. Some of my friends planes have not flown for over 100 days. What do you think the Insides of look like? Speaking of that a friend of mine prop struck his plane at Oshkosh last summer. He sent the engine to the continental factory, it is a missile io-550. He flew it every 10 days or so, just like they all say to do. He gets a bill. Part of it is the crankshaft to scrap because of rust--pitting on the front main journal. He said how could that be? I fly every ten days. I said go look at the tools in your toolbox.
  23. Silica beads by nature are white. But you add about 5 to 10% of the indicating beads, those change color when the saturated. I do not like cobalt, because it’s toxic. However, they make orange indicating silica beads which turn green when they are saturated
  24. That is not nearly enough anymore. I know plenty of people with airplanes that fly all the time, they still open the engine up because of premature cam and lifters failure and there’s corrosion everywhere.. What does help, in addition to flying regularly, is camgaurd, and what really helps, is an engine dehydrator plugged in anytime the airplane sitting on the ground. The pickling procedures are onerous, and expensive, and only last a certain amount of time.
  25. Philips xc 20W50 plus a healthy dose of Camguard. That’s the best thing to cost the parts with on shutdown. Straight W100 also works with the camguard, but XC gives you better cold start lubrication
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