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Everything posted by N601RX

  1. If it is the Switch/Breaker getting weak an led bulb would probably drop the load to a point where the breaker would not trip. If it is tripping immediately, it is more likely a shorted wire.
  2. Pump the grease gun very slowly so the grease has time to disperse throughout the hub instead building up localized pressure and pushing the seals out.
  3. The trick is to do it very slowly.
  4. I used Superior parts last year when I overhauled my engine. The lifters have to be purchased as three separate parts, the lifter body, hydraulic internals, and finally the pushrod cup. I also did the Centra-lub cam mod. So for no problems.
  5. My 67F uses 6 individual gauges that plug into the 6-pack cluster. If yours uses the same setup, I would suspect a loose ground if they are all pegging when turned on.
  6. I think we have quit a few Auburn Grads on here. Seems most are Engineers also.
  7. Are all the logs missing or just some? The airframe AD's are few and easy to verify. Unfortunately there are some old lycoming AD's that are hard and expensive to verify.
  8. Here is a video of the entire event. It looks like both planes had skydivers and just slowly came together. http://t.mediaite.com/mediaite/#!/entry/video-planes-collide-in-terrifying-skydiving-accident-caught-on-tape,527836f3b7d8d24162acdb0a
  9. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/03/newser-planes-collide/3418241/
  10. I do it at every change. After doing it a couple of times its not to bad.
  11. How close are you to the coast? Is there someone else at your airport who does regular oil samples that you could compare data with?
  12. I've heard of insurance companies charging more if you are based on grass, but never denying coverage if you ocassionally land on grass.
  13. I was thinking the same thing.
  14. Most all the non wass gps were installed under 20-138 as the STC was only for a single model plane. Its probably a moot point if it has to be wass or not. The requirement is that the data output sentence from the gps contain a integrity and accuracy field. I don't think any of the non wass units currently have this and it is probably unlikely that King would release a new version of software to include this. It would be a very good selling point if they could and would. It would make buying their box a no brainer for anyone who already has a 89b,90b,or 94 and there is a lot of these out there. The paragraph below came from Trigs website and I found the same language in the ADSB specifications. "The GPS receiver used must be an IFR certified receiver. Although that GPS is not required to be WAAS capable, that may be a moot point. Many legacy GPS receivers that were designed before ADS-B was planned do not include the necessary calculation of integrity and accuracy that ADS-B needs to operate. It is unlikely that these older devices can be upgraded, and therefore a new GPS receiver would be required. Most new GPS products today are WAAS capable."
  15. There is a very long thread about this on Beechtalk. There is a lot more to this story. http://www.beechtalk.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=84344
  16. Saw this on I10 today!
  17. You already have a gps and 2nd com. It seems to me like a engine monitor and autopilot might be a good choice.
  18. Can you post a video?
  19. There is also some language in the new category that could be interpreted to mean in order to sell it you would have to remove all the changes you have made. This needs to be removed or clarified.
  20. Did he say what the price would be?
  21. And if it quits working $200 and a quick look on ebay will replace it. I enjoy playing with the one in my plane also.
  22. You can search them by make and model on the FAA website http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgSTC.nsf/MainFrame?OpenFrameSet
  23. I had to have the same one overhauled a few months ago. Berkshire Instruments in Co were the cheapest and fastest. Quotes ranged from $410 to over $800 and times varied from 2 days to 3 weeks.
  24. You might want to read your renters policy closely. Every one that I have saw clearly says that it does not cover any plane that is part owned by you, a company you own, or family member.
  25. Wass is not a requirement for ADSB. What the ADS-B spec requires is that the output sentence from a ifr certified gps contains a field that has a integrity check for the gps data. All the newer Wass units have this. It is possible that King could release software update for some of their older non wass units 89b,90b and KLN94 to meet this requirement. There are a lot of planes still flying with these boxes and it would make the KT 74 a very attractive option for those owners if they did.
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