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Everything posted by N601RX

  1. Does anyone go full throttle just as the engine dies? It seems to make the shutdown smoother.
  2. There are a few houses on it for rent as well as a old hotel I believe. I'm guessing the grass strip may not be in the best of shape? Did you get low enough to tell anything about it.
  3. I think I remember a post from a while back and the problem turned out to be a large resistor. You might try to find the old thread.
  4. How new is the battery, which type and size? Which starter do you have?
  5. Propane with a DC blower may be your best bet if no electricity is available. Also you didn't mention your cold start procedure but did you prime for 4-5 seconds while full rich and then wait for 30 seconds or more before trying to start?Might want to have the mags and shower of sparks looked at also.
  6. I have 2 pair of these and would like to sell one of them. I usually fly around by myself or with someone who has their own headset. They are in very good condition and only have a couple of very small scuffs on the volume control box. The accessory cables are included. They are extremely quit and comfortable headsets and have a bluetooth interface for music or phone calls. They also work nicely over bluetooth with foreflight alerts without having any cables hooked up. They also have a ipad app for recording and playing back radio talk. These will make a nice Christmas gift for yourself or someone who flies with you. $725 and I'll include shipping. Pm me if interested. Thanks, Mike Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  7. Why didn't the shop remove the governor and sent off for inspection also? Even if the decision was made that it probably was not damaged, I would be insisting that it be flushed. Also ask about the oil cooler. Most engine shops are going to insist on this also if the warrenty is honored.
  8. Has anyone tried one of these? Might be a little more challenging and painful to ride. http://solowheel.com
  9. Also check the ones behind the panel that contain oil and fuel. Mine were still original when I purchased the plane. We made up all new hoses for the entire plane by ordering several ft of bulk hose of the correct type and size from spruce and then built up new hoses reusing the steel ends.
  10. My shop is totally enclosed. Part is heated, part is not. If a piece of metal or tool is left out in the Unheated part it will start rusting very quickly. Next day sometimes. In the heated part it will takes months before it even starts to get a trace of rust.
  11. I think the heated hanger had a lot to do with it.
  12. All the info you need to manufacturer is on the drawing on the SB.
  13. The link I posted on the 1st page contains a article written by a CPA specializing in aviation matters. He mentions supporting case law in a couple of his statements. You may want to see if you can get copies of the cases and see how similiar they are to your situation. He doesn't go into detail, but on the surface they seem very similiar to what you are asking about.
  14. I never suggested anywhere that you could deduct the cost of owning a plane. My post simply said training is deductible if it relates to your job.
  15. The shim will also move move the wheel up in the wheel well another 3/8 inch or so and not mess up the preload in doing so. Mine was borderline on needing the shim by the measurement and it made the plane more stable on touchdown.
  16. The shim doesn't affect preload any.
  17. Some accountants are overly aggressive and some are too conservative in interpreting rules, much like IA's. Here are a few things the original poster may be interest in looking into, It came directly from the IRS publication involving training expenses. I also attached the flow chart they use to determine eligibility. You do not have to be self employed to deduct job related training. You can deduct the costs of qualifying work-related education as business expenses. This is education that meets at least one of the following two tests. The education is required by your employer or the law to keep your present salary, status, or job. The required education must serve a bona fide business purpose of your employer. The education maintains or improves skills needed in your present work. Self-Employed Persons If you are self-employed, report the cost of your qualifying work-related education on the appropriate form used to report your business income and expenses (generally Schedule C, C-EZ, or F). If your educational expenses include expenses for a car or truck, travel, or meals, report those expenses the same way you report other business expenses for those items. See the instructions for the form you file for information on how to complete it. Employees If you are an employee, you can deduct the cost of qualifying work-related education only if you: Did not receive (and were not entitled to receive) any reimbursement from your employer, Were reimbursed under a nonaccountable plan (amount is included in box 1 of Form W-2), or Received reimbursement under an accountable plan, but the amount received was less than your expenses for which you claimed reimbursement. If either (1) or (2) applies, you can deduct the total qualifying cost. If (3) applies, you can deduct only the qualifying costs that were more than your reimbursement.
  18. The shim fixed my swerving also. Here is a post I made that shows how to install it without renting the tool and having to ship it back. http://mooneyspace.com/topic/8878-make-shift-nose-puck-compressor/?hl=turnbuckle
  19. I'm thinking the airport manager may be looking for a free resurfacing courtesy of Boeing. I don't think they would close the entire airport. Our airport is only 3000' and the North 1100' has been closed for a few months due to construction work. The workers don't seem to mind or have at least got used to the planes taking off and landing over their equipment. It was officially closed for a few days, but I noticed several planes coming and going.
  20. Comant makes them. Usually pretty cheap off e-bay. I used the ci 1125, it splits the signal into 2 vor's and 2 glideslopes
  21. You are free to get training outside of what your company provides and deduct it as long as the education maintains or improves skills needed in your present work and does not train you for a new career.
  22. Here is some good reading written by a CPA who specializes in aviation issues. He seems pretty sure ifr currency training would be deductible if your profession is a pilot. He makes the argument that if you are a professional pilot, the training is no different than a Doctor going to a weekend course to learn a new procedure or brush up on some specialized skill. You can also back up a few directories and read a few other articles he has wrote. http://www.mkappcpa.com/www.pilotax.com/pdf/PilotEducation.pdf
  23. The nosewheel is "hard" connected with linkages, It does not use springs/rods as some planes do.
  24. I have an extra BI 805 valve if you need it.
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