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Everything posted by FAST FLIGHT OPTIONS LLC

  1. The chute may not help all the time but it sure as hell never hurts. Right? If the option were available for our mooneys and weight and/or cost were not a limiting factor why would anyone not want it. It's a tool for your toolbox not the end all be all.
  2. Seth- FYI. I had similar issues at similar time frames and with similar rates of occurance. The messages related to signal integrity but not VLOC specifically. I Replaced the GPS antenna and everything was back to normal.
  3. I think percentage wise your going to be off when you look at total US population vs. the GA population
  4. Appreciate the offer. But my plane won't be ready until 08JUN13 so that would be a bit to soon
  5. Looking for a ride from NE Florida to Longview,TX to pickup my bird. Every once and a while I run across someone heading that way to drop off at Maxwell so i could provide a ride back to the east coast
  6. Time to overhaul the roll trim servo possibly?
  7. Nice paint hence the exterior picture. Where's the panel pic? Hummm
  8. Time for a JPI?
  9. Scott: your topic says June 18. The web site says the 8th???
  10. Sounds like your drawing a correlation which does not exist between what your mechanic does for you and what someone charged me in St.Augustine.
  11. Tip the mechanic who ordered three tires from aircraft spruce for me just like I could have and marked them up 30% for making the call?
  12. I fly my 231 @ 65% power 28"/2450RPM LoP and my fuel flow is 9.5 GPH mostly. Might want to try LoP for better economy
  13. Miller aviation (3I7) in phillibsburg. Honest people. Ask for Derk
  14. I'm out of the country but could be reached via email @ FASTFLIGHTOPTIONS@gmail.com
  15. We are 100% interested in one. I spoke with Bill at Airflow Systems in the past and have given him my name as one of the ten interested persons. If you can get an order together please let me know. You can contact me at 904.472.4651 or 954.448.5061. I was never interested in the turbo plus system because of the extra labor involved and it is not as efficient. Nick
  16. Do yourself a solid and look at Phil Jimenez in Avon Park for your south Florida maintence. He's G2G and you won't be disappointed
  17. I wonder what caused the death. The plane looked relatively intact with no substantial forward impact???
  18. I still don't have one on my 231. Might get one at some point in the future. Should increase critical altitude and extend turbo life as it allows/causes the turbo to spin less at lower altitudes.
  19. Not No but HELL NO. AIM covers non-towered airport ops. I'll stick with those procedures and keep the money in my pocket. Once u agree to pay anything like that it goes downhill real quick
  20. My yearly flights from Saint Augustine, FL to Longview, TX (most recently this weekend) have always included a stop in Meridian. Best FBO around. +1 KMEI
  21. http://www.aerosuppliesinc.com/PDF/Aveo%20Rock%20Rack.pdf
  22. When I watch the wife pack for a trip I wish I owned a Bo. When I'm fueling I wish I owned a C-152. All other times I consider myself fortunate to own a 231. Unless you need a TKS system or something else specific to one model over the other don't discount the 231 if you go with a turbo Mooney. Why? because if money matters to you, you can find a great example of a 231 for about 50 percent of what a comparable 252/Bravo would have cost. When I looked at the price difference between the 231 and the superior 252 the 231 won hands down for me based on difference in purchase price.
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