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Everything posted by FAST FLIGHT OPTIONS LLC

  1. RNWY 10 @ AVON PARK. I tried to upload 4 videos. I guess only one made it
  2. Video attached trim.iliS9c.MOV
  3. I was looking at aveo engineering. Their stuff is tso'd and some mooney owners received FAA approval to install.
  4. I tend to stay away from unimproved strips. LOOSE GRAVEL = POTENTIAL PROP/COWLING DAMAGE. Guess it depends on your skill level and the condition of your paint. I try to keep my paint job away from loose anything + Marathon has an FBO, fuel and instrument approaches. For me it would be a no brainer but to each their own
  5. You could find a bird with a run out engine that's priced right and start with a fresh engine.
  6. don't need an instrument ticket to do touch and goes or full stop taxi backs in wx like that. If your going to go to the air port to run the engine go the next step and fly her
  7. It's been said an engine doesn't know if its flying over land or over water. I'm not so sure of that and as such I wouldn't have the mental fortitide nessessary to make such a trip. Flying the east coast of FL spoils a person. At 10k or higher its rear to be outside of gliding distance to an airport or suitable landing spot. I like that...a lot
  8. I recently had a bad experience with trying to find an Airflow Systems Intercooler for my M20K 231. The company doesn't make them anymore (lack of demand) and I was trying to locate a used one which the company said they could rebuild for me. No luck with finding that part anywhere. So if anyone knows of one somewhere I would love to purchase it
  9. For what's it's worth i live in FL and if/when the time comes for a reseal Im going with the Weep No More process. I like what I have seen and heard and would be willing to fly whatever the distance is to have it done right.
  10. I traded up from a J to a K three years ago. It would be a cold day in hell before I gave it up for a normally asperated bird. I only burn 9.5 GPH which is not much different from the J and mx costs have been about the same. When compared to my J the K get's better climb performance, build in 02, a better autopilot, and hot prop for the same cost.
  11. 165 KTS ? Hummm
  12. Gary what's a curmudgeon? Can we make that the word of the day?
  13. You're not going to find a Mooney that meets all of your specs. Seems like you friend is going to need a TAT TN A36 & not a Mooney. The autopilot issue alone will be a deal breaker. For example...If you don't want an STEC auto pilot then the only other autopilot choice you have right now in a "Young" Mooney with a "Good" autopilot is the GFC 700 in the Acclaim where the useful load is something like 850lbs-900 lbs with FIKI (not very high).
  14. 167 KTS TAS @ 6500? Humm.
  15. I’ve never been one to second guess people but for the life of me I can’t figure out why someone would make an intersection departure on a 2400ft runway with obstacles at the departure end at night in a normally aspirated Mooney which doesn’t have all that great of a climb rate. Sad indeed
  16. Dear Mooney Aviation Company: If you have enough money to sue someone would you happen to have enough working capital to develop an STC for the TD-300 turbo diesel replacement for my M20K 231? I’m sure the J owners would be interested as well. I would opine this endeavor would net a better return on investment considering the cost of litigation these days. Thank you
  17. Background on this someone?
  18. Just installed a Plane Power Alternator in my K. A+++++++++
  19. Don Maxwell did say the #6 cylinder is going to be the coolest...but 80 degrees?
  20. For arguments sake let's assume the probe is fine as it's brand new
  21. I had a JPI EDM 900 installed at Maxwell’s shop this year during my annual. The thing is phenomenal and works great. I had all of the legacy engine guages removed. On my flight home to Florida I noticed the CHT on my number six cylinder was about 70 - 80 degrees cooler then the hottest cylinder(s). All six EGT’s appeared normal and were uniform. Interestingly enough the compressions on the #6 cylinder at annual were 78/80. This is on 1980 M20K 231 with a TSIO-360GB (1300HRS SMOH) which always runs great. Does anyone feel this lower CHT reading is a cause for concern? Thanks!
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