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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. I would like to thank you for shooting the video , I have noticed that my plane has been a little slow , and when I watched the video of my landing , I noticed the step was not retracted , ...... Very cool...
  2. The parts are supported by a company called Univair , as far as the mooney specific parts , I think you would be screwed.....
  3. Reducing fuel flow does not reduce stress in the climb ,it increases it with higher operating temps... the extra fuel cools the engine , there two ways to cool the engine at max power , Air (lowering the nose ) fuel (richer mixture) ........ Seroiusly , if worrying about a gallon or two of fuel , verses safety , you need to find a safer hobby.....Perhaps fishing , or collecting stamps....
  4. Remember this , Engines usually fail on climb out , and power changes , The little bit of fuel you save on a 2000 foot climb out is nothing compared to the altitude that might save your life if you need it.... Climb out at full power , 100% If you can do this lop go for it , I dont think you can.... Climb out full rich , when you have enough altitude to make a safe forced landing , transition into a cruise climb and run whatever power setting you want.... Safety trumps economy...
  5. I just bought the JPI upgrade for my 700 , to the 830 . its a trade in program , spruce gets 1060 $ , JPI refunds me 200 $ so my net cost is 860 , I would bite , but my install is on my bonanza , so it is a 6cyl installation....
  6. Whos going to reading tomorrow,,
  7. Its a 40 hour engine, I will probably just fly it another 100 hours and then sell it next year ,
  8. The fuel guages are not marked correctly for the F , the senders are different, the oil pressure is mechanical on the F (I think) ,
  9. Thats a pretty cavalier attutude to have , given somebody is asking for advice on how to be a safer pilot.....
  10. I'm not worried , I am just wondering if I am going to have to fly it another two years , before someone buys it.. I wouldnt even consider pulling jugs , or replacing a cam , unless there was a problem.....
  11. I recently purchased a M20E out of an estate , Fixed it up , and am trying to sell it.... The problem is that the engine has super low time (>100 hours) and almost 10 years of sitting in a hanger..... How much time do you think I will have to put on it to lessen the big lycoming cam pitting fear......It seems to be a big obstacle , Other than that it is a nice plane...... My IA says that although it does happen , it is not very common.....To quote him , fly the plane , you will be fine...... And I have been flying the plane with no problems.... Just looking for a general concensus......
  12. Wow , tough crowd.......I can only say this ..... I got carried away with my last mooney , and sunk way , way , too much money into it , If I had the work done at a shop , instead of doing it my self , I would have had a B model all in for about 80 K ..... Sometimes we do stupid things..... I put a thread on here a few years ago , suggesting parting it out , or selling it whole, and a Fellow Mooniac purchased the plane........ That being said , its probably foolish to getting a pissing match with this guy...... Just don't buy the plane......As far as ebay goes , the 12.5 bid is probably not a real bid..... I buy a LOT of things on ebay , a lot of big ticket items , and I don't consider ANY BID below the reserve price a real bidder.... Just my .02 .......
  13. I was thinking just the opposite......Garmin boxes have been out for about 13 years or so , and are still supported by the factory , When they stopped supporting the 28 only models , they made a cheap conversion to make it into the newer style 14/28 version.....Instead of making you buy a new box for waas ,, they gave a conversion for 1500 dollars.... Cheap..... You have companies like Avidyne , who are going into a buisness model of retrofiting old install profiles (tray / wiring / install ) with thier items.... I think the autopilot retrofit DCF series is genious..... Also G1000 units are modular , each part of the system slides out of a rack in the back of the airplane ..... Garmin flat rate repairs are major cheap as far as Aviation goes...... And MTBF (mean time between failures) are in the tens of thousands of hours for thier line......Bottom line , if there are enough units sold , then the service profitability will last.......
  14. I cross east to west at 11K and start my descent about 20 miles out , In reality you are only out of glide for about 35 to 40 miles depending on winds , and in the C that is 15 minutes , The plane does not know it is over water......That being said , I only am there around August , and and always keep PFDs in the plane...... I would not do it in cold weather......You could skirt the southern shore 18 miles off shore , and only add 30 or so minutes to your trip.....
  15. I just read an article from a Whichita newspaper a few months ago and it says that they will be out of chapter 11 in 2014 , They are being courted by Cessna , Embrear , and General Dynamics , so Beechcraft is not going anywhere ... They will be dropping thier Jet lines , Keep in mind that thier kingair line is the most popular selling turboprop in the World....
  16. Still in buisness making airplanes......Time will tell... Are they no longer owned by Raytheon??
  17. I cant remember exactly , But I think the tire size was wrong , Ford replaced ALL the tires those years on the Explorers...
  18. Actually , an understatement if you need 6 seats....and comfort for your passengers , and a door that you could fit a moose through , On a two hour trip to arrive 6 to 8 minutes sooner is frivolous....... Just say "I like flying the Rocket better than a Beech" That is what you want to say , and there is nothing wrong with that...... There is a reason that there are Many , Many , Many , Bonanzas out there ..... They fit a more popular mission ...... When I want comfort , I take my Beech , when I want to save gas on a shorter trip , I take my Mooney , Both great aircraft , Different missions.......If you want to know what is happening at Beech right now , They are making Bonanzas , Barons, King Airs , and Jets......
  19. No such thing as a 6 seat rocket......Never saw tiptanks on a rocket either...... They are not apples to apples.......there is more to a mission than simply speed , unless it is a race....
  20. I dont think the dynon is legal , Technically the turn coordinator should be your backup (electric) ...... I would put the money towards something more useful...
  21. There is no reason in world to over inflate tires..... They are supposed to be flat on the bottom.......A tire with 60 psi in it will have less than 50% of the tread on the ground than the same tire with 30 psi..... Think of how this affects your braking....even worse how would this affect your braking with a wet runway....Also how much pressure is it putting on the wheel beads.... Answer? twice what it is supposed to....What is printed on the side of the tire is the max load for that tire , not the vehicle it is on....30 psi is what to put in the tire....
  22. Jack screw play is not possible in flight as the wind pushing on the vertical with almost a 5 foot arm wont allow the tail to (float) I would lean towards nose gear doors , maybe main gear doors... aerodynamic flutter is out , as catastrophic damage would be obvious...Maybe a harmonic getting picked up by the fuselage skins .... They are not stressed forward of the rear rollcage bulkhead and are succeptable to vibration........
  23. Thats Slugatoga!!!
  24. I would lean towards the Beech or a Cessna ... The Beech products have remained virtually unchanged for almost 40 years , and the parts are interchangeable within different planes in the line....(a bonanza and baron share about 70% of thier parts ) That being said , the yards are packed with beech parts.....The Beech and the Mooneys are the most Robust planes I have ever owned ..... I would not even consider a Socata , or Grumman , Commander etc.... Doesnt matter how good the plane is , if you cant get parts , you have nothing.....
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