The software package is usually free, but I've never seen a manufacturer pay for the labor to have an upgrade done. The shop I use for my Garmin software updates usually does it for free since I've been doing business with them for awhile. Never hurts to ask, but my guess is no, L3 won't pay the labor charges if the shop charges to do the update.
Which version of the Lynx do you have installed? Only the 9000+ and 9000D+ show active traffic and another antenna is required. The base model NGT-9000 does not have active traffic capability, only ADSB traffic. Here's the difference between the four versions of the 9000 from the Lynx website:
The NGT-9000, also referred to as the “straight” NGT-9000, includes an internal position source (WAAS GPS), 1090ES Transponder for the transponder and the ADS-B Out functions, Dual-Band ADS-B In which gives you the FIS-B weather products and the ADS-B traffic. Additionally it includes the PIM-9000 WiFi module for displaying this information on a PED via various Aviation Apps.
The NGT-9000+, has ALL the same functionality of the straight NGT-9000, Plus it adds TAS/TCAS1 active traffic. This requires the additional NY-156/-164 directional antenna.
The NGT-9000D, has ALL the same functionality of the straight NGT-9000, and, it adds the Diversity function. This requires an additional L-Band antenna to be mounted on-top.
The NGT-9000D+, has ALL the same functionality of the straight NGT-9000, as well as the NGT-9000D and the NGT-9000+. It also requires the NY-156/-164 Directional antenna, but not the additional L-Band antenna, because the Top Diversity antenna function is incorporated in the NY-156/-164.
I'm glad to see that Foreflight opened up their architecture for more ADSB solutions. When I had the NGT-9000 installed in my Bonanza back in 2017, Foreflight only allowed Stratus to connect to it.