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flight2000 last won the day on September 22 2016

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  1. Hmm, same thing happened to mine back in 2018. Had to pull and send the unit in under warranty. L3 never did get back to me with a reason why it would lock up, they just replaced the entire unit with a new one. That happened about 13 months after install and roughly 270 hours of flight time. I will say that L3 customer service was great, but the inconvenience of being down while waiting for the new unit and then having to fly to a shop for the swap was a pain. Good luck. Brian
  2. Ever done time with 2/6 CAV when they were in Illeshiem, GE? I was there as a young 67R (before they changed it to 15R) from 1994-95 before going Green-to-Gold. I was also at Bragg with D Co AMC, 82nd ABDE before they got rid of the Apaches. I was happy to get out of there as they destroyed my knees jumping out of perfectly good airplanes.... Anyway, you do need to have a Commercial MEL as a minimum for the Regional's. Most will send you through the ATP/CTP course and then you'll do the ATP checkride and type rating at the same time in the aircraft you're assigned to fly. Cheers, Brian
  3. Ya’ll pulled me out of lurking on MS with this thread.... I’m retiring from the Army later this year (27+ years as a logistics officer) and 5 days after getting my “walking papers” I’ll be in ground school with a larger Regional Airline. Finally going after that dream I had as a teenager all those years ago. Edit to add that I agree with the sentiment of striving to be as professional as possible - flying for hire or not. Cheers, Brian
  4. @Parker_Woodruff So on the flip side, what is with the recent trend of aircraft underwriters dropping coverage on older aircraft? Starr just dropped me because my plane is 62...and I was told their current cut line is 1960. The only 2 underwriters that gave quotes to my former broker were increases of $2.5K (and they had a $5K in-motion deductible) versus last year for the same coverage. I ended up with Avemco (was still an increase, but not nearly as bad), which is why I had to depart Travers after being a long time customer. Brian
  5. Dare County Regional in NC is the first I'm aware of to close on the East Coast. Dare County went one step further and requires proof of residency on the outer banks to get in... https://www.darenc.com/departments/emergency-management/entry Brian 03/008 Aerodrome Airport Closed Except 1HR Prior Permission Required 252-475-5575 OR 252-475-5576. 17 MAR 19:30 2020 Until 31 MAR 23:00 2020. Created: 17 MAR 19:17 2020 03/009 Aerodrome Airport Closed Except MEDEVAC. 17 MAR 19:30 2020 Until 31 MAR 23:00 2020. Created: 17 MAR 19:17 2020
  6. I had ~50 knots on the nose yesterday at 6500 feet heading NW out of Richmond, which worked out to 114 kts ground speed. It was nice a smooth, but slow. Flipped a 180 and ground speed jumped to 214 knots... Friend on mine went from Detroit to just south of D.C. in his V35B with IO550 and Flightaware had him at 244 kts ground speed at 9,000 which was ~74 knot tailwind. For once, it worked out for him... It's always fun checking out what's happening via the Windy website. https://www.windy.com/?900h,41.870,-98.262,4 Cheers, Brian
  7. The software package is usually free, but I've never seen a manufacturer pay for the labor to have an upgrade done. The shop I use for my Garmin software updates usually does it for free since I've been doing business with them for awhile. Never hurts to ask, but my guess is no, L3 won't pay the labor charges if the shop charges to do the update. Which version of the Lynx do you have installed? Only the 9000+ and 9000D+ show active traffic and another antenna is required. The base model NGT-9000 does not have active traffic capability, only ADSB traffic. Here's the difference between the four versions of the 9000 from the Lynx website: The NGT-9000, also referred to as the “straight” NGT-9000, includes an internal position source (WAAS GPS), 1090ES Transponder for the transponder and the ADS-B Out functions, Dual-Band ADS-B In which gives you the FIS-B weather products and the ADS-B traffic. Additionally it includes the PIM-9000 WiFi module for displaying this information on a PED via various Aviation Apps. The NGT-9000+, has ALL the same functionality of the straight NGT-9000, Plus it adds TAS/TCAS1 active traffic. This requires the additional NY-156/-164 directional antenna. The NGT-9000D, has ALL the same functionality of the straight NGT-9000, and, it adds the Diversity function. This requires an additional L-Band antenna to be mounted on-top. The NGT-9000D+, has ALL the same functionality of the straight NGT-9000, as well as the NGT-9000D and the NGT-9000+. It also requires the NY-156/-164 Directional antenna, but not the additional L-Band antenna, because the Top Diversity antenna function is incorporated in the NY-156/-164. I'm glad to see that Foreflight opened up their architecture for more ADSB solutions. When I had the NGT-9000 installed in my Bonanza back in 2017, Foreflight only allowed Stratus to connect to it. Cheers, Brian
  8. Paul, I wish that were true, but Virginia law requires it if the plane is based and licensed in VA. It's going to be a state by state thing. Most don't but some do. "Current Virginia law requires proof of financial responsibility. (See Virginia Code sections 5.1-88.1 and §5.1-88.2, Ex-300). This is a prerequisite to licensure of aircraft, which translates into limits of $50,000/$100,000/$25,000; or a single limit policy providing $250,000 coverage, including passenger liability of $50,000 per passenger seat." Brian
  9. https://dailytimes.com/promotions/article_f44f402c-153a-11ea-960f-3b4021e27776.html Wonder who the additional investor is?
  10. No more rebates are available: https://www.faa.gov/nextgen/equipadsb/rebate/ "Thank you for participating in the FAA's rebate program. We are no longer accepting new reservations. All of the 20,000 rebates have been reserved." Brian
  11. It wasn't the wings that got me, it was attempting to look out the side window....keep smacking my forehead on the side panels above the door...definitely prefer the Beech and Mooney windows....
  12. Okay Doc, your Comanche is on a totally different playing field, maybe even planet...that monster is in a league all to itself. The Cessna 172, 182, 210, etc don't get along with me to well. I call them the forehead smashers. Got the marks to prove it too.... Brian
  13. Exactly, take those take-off and landing numbers that were posted in the links by the OP with a huge grain of salt. They are not real world.... As for comfort, that will be a personal choice and preference. I seemed to always get a butt cramp after about 2 hours while flying my previous M20E. I look at it this way, if you like sitting on the floor eating with a tray table while watching TV, that's the M20 line (i.e. legs straight out). If you prefer to sit at a dining table, that's the Beechcraft line (i.e. legs bent 80-90 degrees with feet flat on the floor). I personally find the Beech's to be much more comfortable for me. My wife and boys found the backseats to be more comfortable in the Bonanza and Travel Air as well. My seats also recline and lay almost flat unless I have a crap ton of luggage back there, but that would apply to the M20 series too. I haven't sat in an A36 in a long time, but I'd be shocked if the rear, forward facing seats didn't recline. The backward facing rear seats would have limited recline for obvious reasons. As for this nugget: Every time I've rented cars at airports, I've had the option of upgrading to a larger SUV if needed. This sounds like a personal limitation to me? Cheers, Brian
  14. Pay a local teenager $20 bucks and sit in a lawn chair supervising.... I at least give them the supplies and then turn them loose. Brian
  15. I'm heading that general direction Saturday morning if the plan for tomorrow falls through for some reason. Cheers, Brian
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