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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. A stuck valve in my m20c after take-off left me nervous. The plane maintained altitude and we landed on the next runway. Vibration was strong. Altitude of about 500 ft. My flight instructor earned his keep that day. I was required to fly 15 hrs with instructor by my insurance company. I elected an io-550 for my next plane. I figured 5 cylinders is better than 3. -a-
  2. My 65 M20C leaked out the low pressure tubes from the reservoir. Age and contact with brake fluid were the culprit. Swelling and brittleness were the cause of the leak. The low pressure side was a lower quality tube than the high pressure side. -a-
  3. My kind of Ford! Very nice.... Not my post....but I do share the same sentiment
  4. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/menus/in/compasses_sirs.html Impressive.....
  5. Quote: Hank WHY DOES IT DO THIS TO ME?????
  6. Robert, Good plan. You will be surprised at how good your skills are. Aluminum Primer is available in a spray can from aircraft spruce. It is better to not have corrosion, than let it wait for a real paint job some day. Note: do not sand down any rivets. This is a problem of using power sanding equipment. Stick to hand tools. Attack small areas one at a time until you have good practice. Best regards, -a-
  7. Thinking out loud..... Hartzell is in Picqua, OH http://www.hartzellprop.com/service_support.php?id=39 They claim to have eddy current testing as one of their services. Best regards, -a-
  8. On the interior the two most probable sources of leaks are the fuel level sender seal and the fuel line. Often the fuel line is a rubber hose with decades of service. They get brittle and crack. Sounds like you have removed the interior panel and the blue tinted rug. The suspected parts are readily visible with these pieces removed. After that be on the look out for leaky screws, rivets seams, etc... Don't forget to check the sump valves. They are good for leaking out. Wherever 17gallons went. It will leave a mark wherever it last evaporated from. Light blue means it was thinly spread over a wide area. Thick dark brown means it all dripped and evaporated from one spot. Its there somewhere. Best regards, -a-
  9. MooneyM20d, You have the most unique Mooney! Front of a J, Paint of an Ovation, and stinger tail replete with Butler button hook that nobody else has. Where does the name Mooneym20d fit in? Best regards, -a-
  10. Jim, Earlier this spring I had a similar experience with my Ovation. However, in pre-flight, my tank was slightly pressurized. Piloto gave advice on how to unclog the vent. I ran a piece of safety wire up the length of the vent. I could hear the pressure relieve itself as the wire broke through a new layer of sealant that had been misplaced. Vacuum should not exist in your tank. This can be detrimental to the fuel pump diapragm. Plus, it could stop the flow of fuel from that tank, or minimize it during take-off or go around. To check you vent have some body put their ear near the open fuel cap. Blow in through the vent, they should hear you......... I think you can search on blocked vent? Best regards, -a-
  11. Robert Just to clear up my cryptic post... The flap retract speed will be different than what you had before. If they snap up quickly, the change in lift feels dramatic. Doing this at altitude first, is better than close to the ground. When I first got my C, it used to dump the flaps in less than a second. That was alarming, especially from full flaps during a go-around. Best regards, -a-
  12. Formulate a plan and attack corrosion as early as possible. They continue to grow in size. My thoughts anyway... Good luck with you M20C. Best regards, -a-
  13. When you first try putting the flaps up during flight. Be extra thoughtful. They will most likely retract faster than when on the ground with no air pressure on them. Best regards, -a-
  14. N601RX, What is the upside of the CD arrangement? Is it If interest rate increases over time the balance is in your favor? Plane interest will stay constant, CD can be renewed at a higher rate? I am not sure how many people can take advantage of this option. If you have $100k in the bank. You don't need a loan. If it is locked up until you repay the loan, it can't be used to pay tuition or rent. Thoughts on 401k money. If you decide to change jobs, the loan needs to be repaid in short order. It will be a difficult time to refinance if the job decides to quit you (lay-off). Paying yourself interest sounds enticing. Deep financial questions make you prioritize your wants. Your other options...work harder, work longer, work smarter, marry wealthier or win lottery. The value of your Mooney may go down for no apparent reason. It may also go up in value for no apparent reason. It is not usually classified as an investment. It is not gold. Best regards, -a-
  15. Jet D, Certainly not one of their shining moments in the engineering department. My C had one forward light bulb and a red rotating beacon. My r has six forward light bulbs and xenon strobes with a red flashing beacon. Still need to work out when best to use the recogs. Best regards, -a-
  16. Fortunately for us, there isn't a one size income that fits all. There isn't a one size financial responsibility that fits all either. It takes all types to fly Mooneys, from those that focus on it, to those who only do it because it gets him from here to there. Right for one is not necessarily right for all.... JetD, I bought my Tahoe used, and my sea ray got cut from the list of things I need to have in life. no beemers here.... Two kids to get through college, getting closer.... Owning a plane takes a financial commitment. It is easy to get into, and rewarding while there. It is easy to get out of also, it is challenging to minimize the amount of money spent during this life cycle process. I think a guy who flys helicopters for a living knows best what is involved in owning a private plane. Moreso than I could have when I bought my first plane. If you want a plane. Buy it. Know what it takes to afford it. Try to minimize money spent on interest. Interest is $100s of dollars spent per month that will never add value to your machine. Businesses get to write it off. Homeowners can deduct it. Ordinary people have to adsorb that cost. Pay it down quickly to minimize total interest payments or as George points out, invest your excess cash if it can earn more than the loan interest. Either way start saving. Great planes become available every few months. Pick a good one. Best regards, -a-
  17. Expensive bulbs and melting lenses puts a significant dent in their use. Its got to be busy before I light those candles. Best regards, -a-
  18. Notar, Be careful of loans that require refinancing a few years down the road. Depending on your situation, financing the remainder of the loan may be impossible or extremely expensive. Whatever loan you select, be sure to read and understand each paragraph. They are written in understandable English. They are not usually protecting your interest the same way a home loan would. Search this site for other examples of financing. Best regards, -a-
  19. Rob, You are right, 1/4 turn fasteners on the side cowel covers make it a breeze to get on and off. Square windows and nice fasteners are the big difference in the 1965C. Dog house was still there until J, I believe. Exhaust and air intake pipes are easier to get out than removing the lower cowel. Best regards, -a-
  20. "Suprised at the lack of info on good shops for field overhauls." - Pachoc Pachoc, Welcome to the board. We were waiting for you to fill in this open space. Let us know what you find. I am interested in how you were successful getting past TBO with your engine and what has made you decide that now is the time. This is another empty spot that could use some filling. Best regards, -a-
  21. You are all right, and we all agree on the same things.... (1) interest rates are incredibly low, especially if refinancing your house is involved. (2) mooney values are very low right now, but through a strange twist of fate can go to zero. Especially if you fail to insure it prior to having an accident. This can leave you paying for something you can't use. (3) things always cost more than planned so don't overload your monthly financial responsibility. (4) today we have to plan to live to our 80s. Statistically speaking, some of us won't get there. Leaving a chunk of cash behind is a by product of other unfortunate circumstances (cancer, heart disease, accident, etc.) (5) I used Dick's advice when I bought my M20C. Paid cash. A big chunk from my savings. I was young and so was my mortgage. (6) for the M20R, I used George's advice. My mortgage is older and so are my children. (7) You need to decide on your own... Where are you financially? Where do you need to be? What do you do with the plane if it becomes difficult to pay for. (8) using the bank to help finance the plane does have an upside. They make sure you do all the appropriate steps to proper ownership. If this is your first plane purchase, it may be a good idea. You can always refinance to a lower rate from a different source later. (9) there won't be a better time to own a plane. It will only stay the same or get more difficult... (10) Notar, make it happen, but be fiscally responsible along the way. The only way to enjoy the plane is to be able to afford it. Best regards, -a-
  22. If you fear IOS 5.... You can cut and paste through Notes. IOS 5 is my favored route. Search up IOS 5 on this site if you have ifficulty upgrading. You may need to update ITunes on your PC first. Best regards, -a-
  23. Flight school at KMMU (Morristown) uses the RV antifreeze in a spray bottle. This is the antifreeze intended to be put into water tanks for winterization. It works mildly well. For anyone with ice stuck in the fuel caps. I use hot water in a ziplock bag placed on top of the ice. Scraping ice with a screw driver is a bad idea. Prying the locking tab through the ice isn't a good idea either.... Keep in mind that NJ doesn't go below 20 dF very often. These solutions are for those days that are barely below freezing. Pointing the plane towards direct sunlight is often part of my winter pre-flight. Best regards, -a-
  24. The familiar site of a Mooney above the clouds. Gotta love IFR flight, now share it with somebody else. Best regards, -a-
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