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MooneyMitch last won the day on March 26 2021

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    Pismo Beach, CA
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    Music, airplanes, motorcycles, sports cars and happiness !!
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  1. An opportunity to create a technology that does work!
  2. I did not purchase a unit. I made a couple of units myself with parts I had in the hangar. .
  3. Technology has to be created/implemented to prevent these potentially deadly mistakes.
  4. You two have darn good looking Mooney!!!!
  5. Yes sir! Same issue with my C/D model pilot/co-pilot brakes as well a few years ago. I learned about shuttle valves too. Leaking O ring in the valve. Replaced all O rings in the valve assemble...................all was good. Thank you for sharing your detailed description.
  6. My Mooneys painted by Artcraft.............beautiful!!!
  7. From the video and photos, it appears that possibly the chute was pulled a bit late, causing a hard impact, but fortunately survivable. Given the close proximity of the airplane to the airport, I suspect there may have not been enough altitude for the chute to be completely effective. I have not looked at ADSB data to verify my opinion.
  8. The term common sense applies here...................don't fly in the approach path of other aircraft! Procedural change details to follow soon. Seems simple to me.
  9. https://www.foxweather.com/extreme-weather/video-california-trooper-pulls-pilot-burning-plane-explosion
  10. Someone mentioned a possible major weigh shift, due to lack of equipment securing, causing a situation rendering the flight control useless and an eventual stall. I recall this with a 747 out of Afghanistan several years ago. Huge cargo shift that caused that crash [on video]. Regarding the fire issue.........again someone mentioned that what appears to be the jet on fire, is possibly the aircraft forward lights reflecting [at times intermittent] off of the broken clouds during the rapid decent
  11. I remember filming that segment with the 2 very dedicated women tank sealers. I haven't watched that video in years. There are some very wonderful segments that I loved filming though.............especially the dear Bill Wheat and the very dedicated Stanley Feller segments. I don't know if the 2 ladies went back to Mooney with the 2014 startup. They had been gone from Mooney since the 2008 shutdown and were most gracious to return to the factory during our filming in 2011.
  12. So sad for family members left behind. I hope the best for those injured on the ground. Fullerton, no place to go in emergency situations such at this. Not my favorite place to fly in or out of. Each time I landed or departed, I always hoped for no issues.
  13. That's super fun!! A fun Christmas gift indeed.
  14. I visit Coastal Valley on regular basis. I no longer have an airplane, but I refer friends to them. Rick and Nick continue to provide quality service to all.
  15. Merry Christmas to all and to all...............have a great New Year !
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