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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. It's possible to get covered, but not guaranteed. I'm happy to give some advice to get you going in the right place. Feel free to message me.
  2. I wish everyone would just get their own insurance and pay whatever their actual exposure is rather than what we've got going on where everyone everywhere wants a Waiver of Subrogation and Additional Insured. There are a few cases where it absolutely makes sense. But many cases where it does not. If someone is going after an organization on the aircraft owner's policy, they're certainly going for the organization's policy as well.
  3. I will be on the full broadcast of Just Plane Radio scheduled for June 26. One of the hosts & Mooney M20J owner, Dennis ( @lotsofgadgets ), was nice enough to invite me onto the show. If you want to spend part of your Saturday listening to some insurance discussion, please tune in or download their podcast! https://justplaneradio.com/
  4. Most companies don't charge for this. I think the one you're with does, as a general rule.
  5. Every insurance company will pay for a teardown on a Continental. They think it's necessary/prudent.
  6. I'm a big fan of getting your private in a rental and then buying the Mooney. The coverage options pre-private in Mooneys are not good.
  7. Tough call - never know if they'll settle within the policy limits or try for higher.
  8. AGL on the east coast
  9. Top Gun or LASAR if I lived over there. Or maybe Advanced up in OR.
  10. If it was my plane, I'd let the buyer pick between SWTA and Don Maxwell.
  11. Does anyone know if when Mooney weighs the aircraft at the factory if they include the O2 bottle filled or unfilled? The compressed O2 adds a few pounds of weight. Maybe someone here can calculate the difference. I've been meaning to ask this question for quite some time but happened to remember it while sitting in front of the computer.
  12. That was the Trophy 262 conversion which is no longer available.
  13. I'm here in hangar A. Booth A-046
  14. He may have more time in a couple years if he’s renting while fixing this plane. Not sure the entire specifics of Avemco’s indication.
  15. I always tell people to pick a place with two or more multi-engine aircraft of the same model in case one goes down on maintenance for a long period of time. I can't tell you how frequently it happens.
  16. The best deal is if you're a CFI and a SAFE member.
  17. Wish it was that way when I sold mine.
  18. While Global (just an educated guess you were with them) had you down sub $1000, everyone else was likely around $1400-$1500. Why they were so far below market for that long, who knows.
  19. If you're going to have both those, then it may as well be able to float, too. Grumman Widgeon.
  20. I think about doing that since I’m in the same boat. But then I’d be tempted to do that for my SES and MES
  21. Wanted to be an airline pilot after I got a copy of Microsoft Flight Sim 2000 in middle school
  22. https://www.iata.org/en/pressroom/pr/2021-03-25-01/ With a fatality risk of 0.13 for air travel, on average, a person would have to travel by air every day for 461 years before experiencing an accident with at least one fatality. On average, a person would have to travel every day for 20,932 years to experience a 100% fatal accident. Enough said. This is quite incredible.
  23. Now that Bill Gates is buying Signature, I'm sure they'll be more reasonable.
  24. Blake, it's annoying, but with municipalities there is no way around it. That said, municipalities are rarely, if ever, named in suits where an aircraft operator is negligent. Regarding @donkaye's comment above, they do want to know you have insurance and I guess this is one way to prove it. However, almost every standard policy form does not cover property damage to property you rent (the hangar). However, most carriers write back this coverage under terms such as Fire Legal Liability, Damage to Premises Rented, or Non-owned Hangar coverage. The worst offender right now is Signature Flight Support. They want to be afforded a waiver of subrogation if you lease hangar space from them and in one case I heard they require the aircraft owner to fix their hangar if they break it while moving the aircraft. Underwriters are finally pushing back on this and charging for it. You buy your insurance, Signature should buy theirs.
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