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Everything posted by PTK

  1. Does the one from Mauser carry an STC or PMA?
  2. Two things: First, unlike you, I defend your right to express your opinion. Second, if your opinion mattered to me, I would be insulted.
  3. Robert, just to clarify. My understanding is that you are vfr under flight following and established comm with C. You copied instructions to fly to a certain point in C. You reach that point but are unable to contact atc. If I'm understanding you correctly, once I reached that point I have complied with the instruction. And being vfr I resume own navigation to destination. And there's no clearance questions. Once you establish comm with C and you hear your call sign you can proceed into class C following any instructions unless they're busy and tell you to remain clear or outside of C. It''s not like B when vfr traffic must be explicitly "cleared through B" before entering. It’s not necessary to file a Nasa report either.
  4. Yup...that’s it! @Cruisernailed it! It must be the Garmin conspiracy theory! This guy is too good! Hey @Cruiser ... how did you get to be so good?! Did you come up with it all by yourself or did @Marauder help you?
  5. Mark, with your GTN and setup it's worth considering a dedicated aera 660 or the larger 796 instead of an ipad. They will give you large mfd display almost the size of the 750. You can hardwire it to the gtn and mount it in the panel and via bt to the 345. And with mapmx format made possible with the gtn these units can display curved paths for all phases including approach and missed approach procedures and holding patterns exactly to what is shown on your gtn. Also gives you terrain and obstacle alerts. It's a much better option than the ipad imo.
  6. Sounds to me they don’t have an answer. I would try that just to humor myself but don’t hold your breath! If no joy I’d switch to G Pilot.
  7. When In an airplane turn on airplane mode! Makes sense to me!
  8. I seem to recall reading about something like this being a known foreflight issue. Have you contacted them? Maybe a good time to consider switching to G Pilot.
  9. The 660 and its bigger brother the 796 are excellent units. They can be hardwired to the gtn giving you an mfd screen that are almost the size of the 750. And now with mapmx it shows exactly what the 750 shows. Also they give you obstacle and terrain alerts which cost extra in the gtn.
  10. Clearly a miscommunication. Have you tried to return it? They may be able to assist you with returning it since they gave you wrong info?
  11. Brad, what are AOI boxes?
  12. It’s tough to say considering you are not planning to keep the plane. Depends on which way you want to go. Keeping the 327 and adding the GDL82 is a nice inexpensive way to conform to the mandate. But it’s a dead end as far as ADS-B in. I would definitely compare the costs and see if you can go with a GTX 335. Considering the delta is about 750$ it may make more sense. One box instead of two and easier for someone buying the plane to go to the 345 if they want ADS-B in. Removing obstacles for buyers makes it easier to sell.
  13. The logic that the GNS is a 20 year old product and still popular does not carry over automatically to an old pfd such as Aspen, imo. The GNS was the gps/nav/comm powerbox that single handedly and permanently carried the non satellite panels up to GPS and added nav/comm to boot. It is still very popular because older legacy panels are still out there and being updated to GPS. Moving forward 15 years the gps/nav/comm was made even better by adding mfd capability to it. In comes the GTN 750 which is essentially the same logic as the GNS but much more advanced and it adds mfd and touchscreen. On the other hand a pfd is a mere display. It's a monitor and monitors need to be updated to keep up. If they are not there will be a mismatch. Similar concept to say using an older vga monitor with a new computer. It can be done but really the best option is to update the monitor as well. Who buys a vga monitor anymore?
  14. Ofcourse the problem, and it's a big problem, for Aspen is that a lot more potential customers are ruling them out and going elsewhere. What is the name of that effect? Seems to me if they had something new they’d announce it to retain some of those. Otherwise they lose them forever. This is what BK is doing with their new autopilot retrofit. They announced it and customers know it’s another option for them. I’m afraid Aspen is becoming less and less relevant. They better do something.
  15. Not being sarcastic at all. I commend BK for offering this option. No one else has addressed this need. Not Garmin and not Aspen. No one.
  16. I fail to see how this makes any sense. When you have significant movement in a fast changing landscape, i.e. Garmin, BK and Dynon announcing brand new equipment grabbing market share in an already limited market how can Aspen afford to keep their mouth shut? They can’t. If they had something new and exciting they would announce it. I’ll give an example. I’m in communication with BK. Both their sales support team and the regional rep. I’m also in communication with Sandia Aerospace the manufacturer of the KI300. They are all on the same page. All of them. It will ship in February with new software. They had shipped units but instead of having users come back for update they decided to take them back update them and ship all units with new software. Apparently at Aspen the right hand doesn't know what the left isvsayong or doing! But if they had something new do you think they'd keep it hush hush? I don’t think so.
  17. On the contrary Counselor. Their credibility is impeached when the witness is biased. For example their testimony is not trustworthy when it suffers from confirmation bias.
  18. I’d love to see Aspen come out with a fresh box believe me! But according to the rep it’s not in the horizon. The info you’re referring to may be for software to “existing equipment.” He mentioned that to me also. That’s lipstick on a pig. I asked him specifically for anything new in hardware to compete with the Garmin txi. Unfortunately his answer was no.
  19. What are you comparing in your installed figures? Here's an apples to apples comparison from a very recent conversation I had with Sarasota Avionics sales: A single 7" 500txi with a GAD43e installed in my airplane compared with a single Aspen 1000 pro with an EA100 come in at a delta of ~3K. These are round number comparisons given to me when discussing options. It doesn't appear that Aspen is half the cost! Also comparing equipment costs, a single 7" AHRS 500txi is similar $ as the 1000pro! And that's because Aspen is running a special of 1k off. Box to box comparison on Sarasota website. In another conversation with the regional Aspen rep himself yesterday, as a matter of fact, they are not planning on any hardware upgrade or new releases. Just same old stale boxes. So why would someone in their right mind doing a new install select Aspen?
  20. That’s a very capable panel. The only thing you may want to consider is a GTX345 transponder which gives you AHRS to an Aera 796 or 660 and to Garmin Pilot if you want. No reason to do anything with the radio stack but If you do wish to do anything there you need to consider the GTN750. With this you can go with a remote GTX345R and remote audio panel. That will free up some space on the panel.
  21. POH or not the decision to intentionally risk spins in the Mooney at 2500 AGL is suspect. Your instructor should know better and you as PIC should also. You may wish to consider a Mooney specific instructor and/or the MAPA safety foundation seminars. http://www.mooneypilots.com/calendar.htm
  22. Two thongs about stalls in the Mooney. Be coordinated and don’t rush it when recovering from primary stall. It’s very important to be coordinated when practicing stalls. Primary stalls from a coordinated condition are a non issue. Left wing (in my Mooney) will break and start to drop. Recover and allow it to fly and don’t be in a hurry to level out. Give it time to fly again. If rush the recovery from primary stall it will enter a secondary stall and will drop the wing even more aggressively than primary stall. Don’t ask me how I know! But it does.
  23. I didn't mention Aspen because it’s very long in the tooth, archaic technology in comparison. The KI300 is brand new as is the G500txi and G5.
  24. Gary, the KFC 150 is a very capable digital autopilot. The weak link is its dependancy on vacuum. You also mentioned you’d like GPSS. You can go one of two directions: Either KI300 and a G5 HSI or altetnatively a G500 txi and a GAD43E. Both will enable you to remove the vacuum system and provide attitude reference to your KFC. The G500 txi adds an ADC and gives you some options or enablements as Garmin calls them.
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