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Everything posted by PTK

  1. What do you expect them to say! But they should know they don’t decide what’s legal.
  2. Well, why would someone who is aware of their surroundings taxi so close behind a 737? Not to mention while it’s performing engine run ups? Especially if they are not talking?
  3. https://www.lycoming.com/sites/default/files/Dual Magneto Attachment.pdf
  4. A bit?! Alan uses two seat pillows so he can see over the glareshield and double rudder pedal extensions so he can reach the pedals!
  5. Well, Byron...with all respect Sir, you have indeed deviated standard practices. You mounted your Aera 660 contrary to the standard and accepted practice of portrait orientation! You completely disregarded and ignored the aforementioned standards, as if they didn’t exist, and proceeded to mount it in landscape!
  6. Yes and L3 should take notes.
  7. Yes I’m aware. He is an L3 rep and of course biased. That’s why I made the very humble suggestion.
  8. May I humbly suggest you fly with Garmin targettrend and experience the concept of relative motion of traffic? ATAS is not targettrend. Not even close.
  9. I go by what the Garmin field engineers tell me. It is not a back up for EFIS like the G500. And of course the G5 is not either. That's because it's not certified for lightning strike survival. But my KI256 doesn't "need" a bu. The AHRS from the GTX345 provides the data and I see nothing wrong using it as a bu or reference.
  10. I don't place much credence to those opinions. They don't phase me.
  11. It's not a simple track vector. Targettrend gives you motion of traffic threats relative to own ship and it's instantaneous. Think of it as relative motion vs. absolute motion which is what other traffic sources give you. The big difference is that too much time is required to interpret absolute motion. With target trend it's instant and that's a huge advantage. Another advantage is that your traffic page is not flooded with irrelevant non-threats. Garmin is the only one that gives you targettrend.
  12. Horrible news. RIP Mooney brother.
  13. Very good question and the D2 would certainly serve its purpose if it's still available. I’m not terribly excited by its presentation. It’s so MS DOS looking, imo. But overlooking that, for the same money the 660 hardwired to the 345 provides so much more functionality.
  14. I don’t think anyone is suggesting buying the GTX345 solely for its AHRS. Thete’s so much more to the 345. It’s AHRS is intended to be a backup AHRS. And when hardwired to a display such as to the 660 eliminating the bt connection it’s another available backup. The GTX345 is yet another example of the Garmin tradition: building feature rich products. The few folks who talk about their Lynx, have you asked L3 why they didn’t give you AHRS? Or targettrend?
  15. I would not want to depend on a bluetooth iphone connection for my backup attitude though. I would definitely want the 660 hardwired to the GTX345. Still considerably less than the other backups and a lot more functional.
  16. The aera 660 hard wired to the GTX345 is a great AI backup. And when not used for attitude it can be used for other things like a dedicated traffic display with targettrend.
  17. How much oil in the engine? Mine reads 7 qts on the stick and pressure is solid 80 psi on the JPI and middle of green arc. I notice as the volume drops closer to 6 qts after 10 hours or so the pressure will also drop closer to 77 and closer to bottom edge of green arc. I replenish oil back up to 7 qts and pressure recovers as well. I keep detailed records on this and measure oil always on cold engine for accuracy.
  18. Here’s an interesting article that may shed some light and help you. http://www.mooneyland.com/why-mooney/
  19. I have flown both the Cirrus and the Diamond. So called “new” technology airplanes. Not my cup of tea. They pale in comparison to my Mooney. Timeless.
  20. Yesterday was bumpy but a piece of cake compared to the day before. On Friday it was a lot bumpier! Riding the waves at 100 KIAS is a lot of fun!
  21. Andy, I have nothing against Aspen. I do have legitimate reasons why I wouldn't consider it today. I just don't like to pay a premium for old technology. Do you? Hopefully Aspen will introduce a brand new box...soon. If they did I would definitely consider it. Rumor has it they may have something new coming down the pike i.e. Evolution 5.
  22. Your Aspen is 10 year old technology with no hardware upgrade path. (GNS boxes do not pertain to this discussion but fyi they are repairable and upgradeable to GTN boxes at owner's discretion.) As for the sudden stoppage it depends on the detail level to which it was addressed and what was done and not done. SB533C spells it out. But Lycoming also gives a lot lattitude and leaves it to mechanic's discretion. Was it a bare minimum just to get it legal or was it done in detail as per the SB? Was the crankshaft replaced? Did the crank, connecting rods, case, gears, etc undergo NDI? All this detail is important to me. As far as what's a safe range of hours that is subjective. Depends on your comfort level. To me there is no safe range unless parts were replaced. The safety of my pax and my piece of mind is my top priority. There have been catastrophic crank failures from prop strikes that happened many hundreds of hours and many years prior. Show me the details and we'll talk about price later...if we get that far. As far as helping buyers, listing a plane at the very top of the price range and not disclosing the very recent sudden stoppage DH does not impress.
  23. Wow! I’ve bever seen something like this! Glad it held up for you to be safely on the ground. Was it FOD? Or was it a nick that developed into a crack which ran and stressed it to the point of failure?
  24. Personally I think you can go very much wrong paying to dollar for sudden engine stoppage damage with under 300 hours on the repair. And very much wrong paying top dollar for old Aspens that have no upgrade path. Since when do DH planes sell at for premium $$ ? And we can’t generalize. Each plane has to be evaluated on its own merits. For the record I said that I have no issue whatsoever paying premium $$ for the right airplane. This is not the one.
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