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Everything posted by PTK

  1. Hypothetical scenario: Unleashed and unattended dog is allowed to run loose out on tarmac and into a spinning prop. Which party is responsible for prop strike inspection? The pilot in the cockpit tending to his airplane or the dog owner?
  2. There’s no excuse. Totally irresponsible to have animals running loose around airplanes and let them hit the prop. Blatant dereliction of responsibility. What if it was someone’s child? Extremely stupid and asinine!
  3. I think LOP climbs can be a significant fuel saver down low say up to 12k feet or so. Above that it becomes a stretch because climb rates become lower. Looking at it another way, climb rates < 10k or so are high so time spent in climb is less. Ff is high but for less time. It would be interesting to have some figures and compare to see any savings. I climb my NA Mooney ROP and enjoy every minute of it!
  4. How well does that work for short field ops?
  5. Physics can be elusive. Philosophically speaking we have to distinguish between the laws of reality and the laws of theory. We see what we think is real but there’s also the theoretical reality behind what we see. This can give rise to new never thought of possible discoveries. Case in point: we’ve seen ethanol mixed in gasoline. The next big thing may very well be H2O in av fuel and may very well save GA. Just saying...
  6. The way I see it the airport was there long before houses were built. And those who don’t like it or can’t tolerate it can always sell and move.
  7. Assuming we’re talking about in climb as the airplane is climbing mp gradually reduces due to less O2. In climb I’m at full mp and redline RPM unless there is some noise restriction. I note target egt on take off and dial back mixture every so often. MP stays full from takeoff to setting up for landing.
  8. Your analogy doesn't support your argument. The horse will drink only when it's thirsty and has water. If it's thirsty but has no water to drink it will look elsewhere.
  9. If I were you I wouldn’t buy any Garmin or Apple for that matter. They are closed systems. You’re better off with Aspen or Avidyne. What’s that Aspen GPS Nav/Comm box again? How about that Avidyne ADSB in and out transponder? And didn’t Aspen have a GPS aviation portable receiver?
  10. History has taught us that your theories don’t apply here. How is IBM a closed system? Can you still buy an IBM PC? Ever heard of IBM compatibles? And how does Apple limit development? On the contrary they continue to develop superior products and like Garmin, are extremely successful leaders. What exactly is your problem with Garmin? What is it you don’t like and please be very specific. Aspen and Avidyne have failed to learn from the Garmin model. As I said earlier the only ones that I see actually moving in that correct direction is Dynon.
  11. And short of looking in a crystal ball, how do you propose we make sure anything we put in our planes [today] connects with everything in the future? I think as the landscape evolves and settles this may happen more and more but it may not. It's not there yet. But the bigger question is this: is it really that important? As long as you have vendors that can seriously compete, and by that I mean offer us options, I don't see it as a big deal. For example today we have Garmin. Why not have another "Garmin?" What are the other vendors doing besides complain? As long as other vendors stand on their own two feet and flood the market with products without depending on Garmin, the end result is the same, i.e. increased competition. I see Dynon moving in that direction and it's very encouraging. They need to carry the ball all the way and complete the puzzle so we don't need to look to G for pieces. The problem as I see it is one of competition. Or lack thereof. No one puts up any real competition to Garmin.
  12. No argument necessary because there's no such thing as pure water. But I suppose we'll argue anyway! That's what we do best! The water molecule by it's polar nature and its ability to bond through H bonds makes it impossible to be "pure." We can approach absolute purity in the laboratory but can never achieve it. Pure water doesn't exist.
  13. The apex or tip of the upside down triangle, aka “tab”, is 25 gal.
  14. Mike, no worries and no explanations necessary. I'm very thankful to the higher power who kept you with us. I am very happy to have you here my Mooney brother! Be well for many years to come. You make the world a better place.
  15. No one is beating up this tragic Mooney brother. He decided to depart in very bad wx conditions and his flight was cut short in a very bad way. Discussing the wx and the DP and asking questions is not beating up. But call it what you wish. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion.
  16. What’s also puzzling is that the crash site is NNE of the departure rw 29. Which suggests he may have made a right turn instead of straight ahead and then left as per DP. If he was departing 11 it appears he may have made a left turn instead of direct SGD.
  17. Yes, I just noticed that. Thank you.
  18. May he rest in peace. Prayers and condolences for his loved ones. Human decision making can be a scary thing... very scary indeed...
  19. That was supposed to be a secret Anthony! Seriously at the present time I have no desire to remove my King HSI, aka swiss timepiece, any time soon. And here’s why: as simple a reason as it may sound, it performs flawlessly without asking for any money in return. That has value and I’m not willing to throw it away. It’s a depreciating asset providing free cash flow! So I will continue to receive my free cash flow until some future point in time when it decides to complain. During my 10 years of ownership it has only required a grand total of 600$ in maintenance. That’s like 50¢ per flight hour. 300$ of that was for a sensor in the gyro and another 300$ to Bob Bramble for a sticky GS and going over the HSI itself. Going by this track record that point will be well into the future. At that point I will evaluate and decide. The avionics landscape continues to evolve and options will be more clearly defined and settled than they are today.
  20. Andrew, let’s try this again: the E5 does not have an HSI. Only a DG. Do you know the difference between a DG and an HSI?
  21. And your avionics guy confirmed this how?? Be specific with details please. If Aspen had newer processor why would they keep it a secret? I have two calls out to the rep. Not one but two calls. He has not returned any. And no HSI. It’s a DG.
  22. Andrew, where did you see that the E5 is a faster processor and refresh rate than the old Aspen boxes? Would you please post a link with those details? Also where did you see that it’s an HSI? Would you please post link?
  23. I spray windex on them regularly. In fact it works like a charm on everything inside the plane and out. It’s the miracle stuff in a bottle and not just for skin warts! Does a great job on the plexi too!
  24. Philly Bravo is not all that bad. I must say however based on my experience that Newark has the nicest controllers followed by Philly and JFK.
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