And short of looking in a crystal ball, how do you propose we make sure anything we put in our planes [today] connects with everything in the future?
I think as the landscape evolves and settles this may happen more and more but it may not. It's not there yet.
But the bigger question is this: is it really that important? As long as you have vendors that can seriously compete, and by that I mean offer us options, I don't see it as a big deal. For example today we have Garmin. Why not have another "Garmin?" What are the other vendors doing besides complain? As long as other vendors stand on their own two feet and flood the market with products without depending on Garmin, the end result is the same, i.e. increased competition. I see Dynon moving in that direction and it's very encouraging. They need to carry the ball all the way and complete the puzzle so we don't need to look to G for pieces.
The problem as I see it is one of competition. Or lack thereof. No one puts up any real competition to Garmin.