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Everything posted by triple8s

  1. I was told anything that was connected to ships power needed field approval, or have an STC. I have an Airgizmo for my Ipad mini and wanted to wire it so it would charge, but my mechanic said it wasnt legal. He said as long as it had it own power source and wasnt wired into ships power it is ok. He said it was ok to use cigarette plug just not to hard wire it in.
  2. I hitched a ride with a Bo-driver this morning and went to the EAA Pancake Breakfast at KBGF. I was amazed at the turn out. Musta been 150 aircraft there, out of all those there were only two Mooneys, they have the breakfast the first Saturday morning of every month and I plan on going next time bar nothing comes up. Was interesting having so many aircraft all trying to land at the same place. I guess all you can eat may have had something to do with it.
  3. One HAS to wonder, at least i wonder would it have flown with all that weight? Most of us know they dont run on water.
  4. I have been struggling with whether or not to get the 310 HP STC for my Ovation as I have the 280 hp with the MacCauley 2 blade, now to hear that the STC maybe gone for good is very discouraging to say the least.
  5. I spent 2 hours in the Ovation today bought fuel @ 3.64$/gal, came home and wife had potatoes baked, porterhouse steaks cooking and you guys are ruining the mood. My daughter is talking Vandy, time for a beer or three!
  6. I'd imagine 70 odd years ago a generation of young men learned first hand just how banged up a plane could be and still fly.
  7. I was told by a fellow who had an O2 and got the stc done said there was very noticable difference in the drag between the 2 blade McC and the 3 blade Hartz when landing. He said after the 3 blade was installed it didnt go into glider mode when the power is pulled back.
  8. Bottle Rocket ????
  9. GoJo without the grit is great for removing the oil,lead,grimy goo from the belly and it leaves shine behind.
  10. There is Aeroshell W100, Aeroshell W100 plus, and Aeroshell Oil 100 MIneral Oil ( has a blue stripe on the bottle ). I have seen folks use the Mineral oil (the bottle with blue stripe) during cylinder break in and change to the aeroshell 100 or other oil after break in.
  11. Got a surpirse at Wilson today, saw a B17 setting on the ramp, a few hours later I was at home well over 100 nm to the east and l hear the roar overhead and its 4 big radials. I get goosebumps thinking about all those youngsters getting ther training, getting a pat on the back and a pep talk then going to a foreign country to save our world
  12. I would think all that screwin in and out in and out would make the holes get loose........wear out the threads. I leave'm out.
  13. Funny thing is how important it is to avert calamity and save a life that might be at risk from an old pilot that may have an inflight health emergency. It's also of great importance to tell commercial motor vehicle drivers how many hours they will be alert behind the wheel, have them jump through many health hoops with the medical certificates much likethe FAA does. They make you fill out mountains of documentation when you drive a heavy vehice for the purpose of making a living, and I am all in favor of protecting the public. Then unlike the FAA, the FMSCA thinks a retired person of ANY age or health condition is quite safe to drive anysize or any weight motorhome on public highways with no time restrictions as to hours behind the wheel. No medical exam, nothing. Quite odd I find, sure seems like there is room for some common sense in all of this.
  14. I am shy to land on anything less than 2500 ft, even though I have shown myself repeatedly that 1500-1600 ft of ground roll is not too much problem. And the thing that gets me.......if the speeds are dead on, 2500ft seems so easy, hell it is easy, but get distracted for two seconds and let the speed get off and you will get a huge dose of humility!
  15. That can be done but not by a sloppy pilot. The take off wouldnt be an issue, but landing would require proper approach speeds or youd be touching down on the threshold......after floating in ground effect for 2499 ft.
  16. Machinery, cars, trucks and especially aircraft will often drop subtle hints telling you what they want and need. If you listen, you can usually stay ahead of the mechanical issues and keep mechanical issues in the maintenance category and hopefully out of the emergency category. From my limited experience I find that mags usually start dropping those hints when it comes time to start the engine because the magnetos are turrning slow and the mixture is rich and pourly vaporized. To help get started there is an impulse coupling or S.O.S. and IIRC only one mag is firing while engine is turning for start up, so any weakness should show at this time.
  17. 1 Coleman cookstove 2 a pot 3 bag of gravel
  18. I was talking (texting) with a used to be Mooney driver who is my hangar roomie and we were discussing the issues involved with a trip north. Its not the leaving your own hangar nor flying to the destination but when you return to the frozen airplane, we are aware of the challenges of getting everything inside the cowl warmed up but what could be the consequenses of starting up the cold gyros and the avionics?
  19. I seriously doubt fuel prices are going to stay put, we have been told what it (price per gal.) "ought" to be and it is way below that right now.
  20. I guess i should clarify......if you have a leak on a wing that is a seep that over time leaks on to the ground or down the mlg and gear doors, i wouldnt be too worried. Always consult your maintenance professional and go by mooney recommendations. There are examples of acceptable leaks in the manual.
  21. i would fill both tanks and start the trip burning off the leaking tank, switch when it got to nearly empty and then burn off the good tank. might not even need to fill it to max cap. but i would end up with the good tank holding my reserve at the end of the trip.
  22. I dealt with this for 5 seasons and was one reason I wanted a fuel injection on my C model, didnt want the angle valve engine, just wanted FI. The later model Skyhawk had a parallel valve Lyc with FI. Anyhow, I had the cold weather start issues and could always get mine started by...... run the boost pump and mixture full rich pump 5-10 pumps, leave the throttle full open, take key out of switch and lay on the glare shield in my sight, get out and slowly pull it through about 10 blades. I then taking my time would get back in and give it another half dozen pumps with boost on, get back out and with throttle open i pull through another half dozen blades. Again taking my time so excess fuel would evaporate I'd work my way back into the cockpit. Mixture full rich, boost on, 2 or 3 pumps close throttle completely then engage starter. The key for my C was to NEVER open the throttle AT all when cranking. Letting the thing set there after pumping and pulling through made the difference on my plane, i think it let the fuel vaporize/evaporate. I did see a C model someone had put a primer on it, didnt ask about an STC but it had a primer on it.
  23. Beaches are open in Ontario according to the mother in law however she advised to bring my own axe!
  24. Let's just say I am not sure they're in business anymore and 20 or so minutes was just about over Tampa bay.
  25. In the interest of safety I strongly advise anyone who has the tanks or fuel system touched by any shop no matter how reputable, to ground run the aircraft and FULLY test the system personally. Dont assume the shop will test it. It's no fun getting 20 or 30 minutes into a flight and switching tanks to have the engine get quiet. Ground run the engine, do it and switch to both tanks running long enough to assure things are all good to go. The standard checklist isnt enough after maintenance, cant be too careful.
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