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Everything posted by triple8s

  1. Anyone ever have problems with flap actuator relays sticking? Once in a great while I have a flap actuator relay stick, I can tap it and it instantly starts working, only does it occasionally, always at in opportune times of course. It's an Aromat JT1E-DC24
  2. Seriously, you may save money scrounging but it might take some time and if you don't get to look the used spinner and bulkheads over closely to check the fit you may end up with more trouble and a big waste of time and money. I never realized how much could be wrong with the spinners and bulkheads till I assisted my mechanic with work on a 310 C. One of its spinners had been operated while loose and the holes for the screws were enlongated, and the bulkhead where it fits the end of the prop had been working, the fit between things was loose. I'd want to see what I was buying if I bought used stuff.
  3. I have heard the bigger ones are more prone to drooping with age........ : - O
  4. @ KDKX there is an E model that's been on tie down for a good 25yrs very sad to watch. Back around 2008 I was getting instruction from a fellow who flew a 231 for a lawyer, it was a decent bird, it has the original king stack and GB engine but has a low time engine not a bad machine. The owner ended up dying with cancer a few years ago and the plane has been on tie down aleast 3 years. I'm sure the heirs think it's worth a war pension, and I'm also sure they'll hold it looking for that pension and it will end up dying a long agonizing death baking in the summer sun and freezing and thawing cycles in the winter.
  5. Not sure if you have one or not but I had an engine monitor that had a feature where you could set alarms one was an alarms that would let you know if buss voltage was below a user specified level. It would flash a red LED and could also beep. Was a UGB-16. Things like that sure make a person think about the mechanical gear.
  6. I use FlyQ on a minipad it has IAP "plates" and even shows the position on the plate which makes it too easy.........however........I like life, I have kids, and grandkids and I'd kinda like to put off the inevitable end of life for the time being so I would suggest to you to carry "current" paper plates and low enroute charts for where you are going to be flying. KNOW the approach, if I have to hold the chart and read what to do then I consider myself to NOT be proficient. In the event you dont care to hang around here as long as possible please do all us GA pilots the favor of choosing another way. Dont add fuel to the fire for those who would like to take away our freedom to fly. One through 4 is not an option. Paper Low enroute charts Paper IAP plates Up to date 430 database (if equipped with a 430) Current tested Nav radios Ipad or other non certified nav aid (optional situational awareness tool) Smart phone with aviation app (optional situational awareness tool) KNOW the approach, any pilot that has to hold the chart and read what to do next is NOT proficient. I suggest anyone who flies hard IFR to strange airports oughta invest in a flight sim even if only a home PC and Microsoft flight X. Fly the approach.Know the approach.
  7. They'll also have tfrs issued when we're being herded into the rail cars
  8. Ok ......... I'll bite........what does it mean?
  9. I made a small battery pack from two latern batteries had a cigarette lighter plug to plug my chargers in but when I plugged the iPad into it my 430 would still break squelch. It must generate some type signal that interferes with the radio. My kx165 has no issues with iPad charging.
  10. I have a 96 ovation and the cig socket under P T M is 12v there is another under right side yoke that is 28v. I was wondering is I can power my garmin 496 on 28 v. It says it can be but I was wondering if it has to have a special power cord to run on the higher voltage or if there is internal regulation. Anybody know? I wanted to not have the 12cig socket tied up and I hate wires everywhere. Oh, FYI on cell phones and IPad charging, if you have a garmin 430 chances are when you charge a phone or IPad the squelch will turn off. Mine does.
  11. One time, the last time I rushed to take off, a thunderstorm was coming, I had plan filed, really was in a hurry to get outta there. I even got to the run up area, did my run up and thought to myself I latched that baggage door didn't I? SURELY I did...........I very soon had a drill on being sure to make flying the airplane top priority. At rotate speed my baggage door popped open, was leaving the ground and wasn't sure I could get stopped in time. I flew around the patch, things flying around everywhere in the cabin, saw a pair of A20's whirling around in mid air in the baggage compartment. I made a good landing, taxied off the active and closed the door which is now a reminder of several things I did that day, some wrong, one thing right. I made a big mistake yes, but I flew the plane, will I rush things again? Not a chance. My beautiful mooney now has a kinked skin on the baggage door, anyone that sees it, knows I screwed up. I could have fixed it ASAP but I have it there as a reminder of what my stupidity did and also what it might have done. Lesson? Never ever ever rush unless the zombies are close and ALWAYS use a checklist! I may have it fixed oneday, but for now it is a reminder of what I did wrong that day. I am OCD on fuel, I always check it and I am in a locked hangar, I also sample and sump first. Why? Because if a drain doesn't seal properly I will catch it on the exterior preflight before take off. I can't imagine not opening the fuel caps and looking or sticking the tanks before flight.
  12. Funny...........price always drops around election time.
  13. It looks ok, but 900 hr in 17 yr is about an hour a week of flying, at some point a lack of flying is a bad thing I'm not sure what the magic number is. The O2 bottle is composite and has a 15 yr life cycle, that's about 1600$ plus labor to install. If it's been hangared all it's life that's a plus, but ya never know about airplanes, seems like there's always something with them. I think the 550 is a pretty good engine, 280 hp isn't asking a lot of it.
  14. The aux tanks drain into the mains continuously as the fuel level goes down. Once the the level is down such that the fuel is no longer in the aux tank there is remaining fuel in the main, how much? I guess if the gauges are accurate then what ever they say. I was taught to NEVER trust a fuel gauge so I look at it like what's it even matter? I make it my business to know how much is on board before take off and I know how much she burns an hour and I have a watch. The best gauge is a stick they never fail.
  15. (Danb) Flying into Detroit this morning about 10 miles from the field my darn IPad Air for the second time locked up, anyone else have this same issue, I fly with the mini also for a backup for my charts in addition to paper, my air has locked up on other apps at home ?? YES! I have a minipad and it gets hot and locks up on occasion it sometimes locks up when it isn't hot, that why I consider those types of devices only an aid. They aren't certified for a reason, in fact I personally know a fella who flies IFR and has kx170's and an iPad with stratus, which is fine but he relies on his IPad not the certified navcoms which I feel is a bad habit to get into. I am going to get a fan for my minipad it connects to a duct on my airgizmos, hopefully that will reduce the lockups.
  16. I was told by an old pilot, he said replace one mag with brand new, not rebuilt but new. He said have the other built and alternate every 500, he said yeah it's a little bit more money but he says these engines will NOT run without a spark and what is your life worth. I may go this route when the time comes.
  17. I had mine made by Gann they do good work and reasonable.
  18. Sounds like you need to take a mechanically inclined passenger for a ride and let them search for the origin of the noise while you fly around. Incidentally I have been up to 3a2 a couple of times, guess ya been fishin.
  19. My 96 ovation has spacers on the right side panel between the tubing structure and the aluminum panel. They aren't all the same length either. It could even be a piece of junk an avionics shop or a mechanic had laying in the cockpit and it's just now rolled around to where you can see it. Maybe......
  20. Looks like it may be a panel spacer.
  21. An F or 201 is an increase in price that if spent on the purchase of an E or even a C would get you lots of mods and or newer avionics, but if you are hauling three often you will (or the person setting in the back) will appreciate the room. My wife is short and when I owned a C she would set sideways in the back and she found that comfortable. The short body IMHO handles a bit better but the long body I have now gives more stability in the bumpy air, the mid length mooney is the compromise between the two. That's why I should have two Mooneys! Lol
  22. My previous plane had a leaking tank the sealant was applied in 1988 when the long range tanks were installed and it was seeping a bit when I traded in 2012. I thought about getting them resealed but the leak was in the left aux, the aux tanks drain into the mains so the only time I had a slight leak was when the aux tanks were full. I rarely needed to carry 88 gallons so it was not really a problem. I did always put a few gallon in them to keep the sealant wet. I would fill the mains to a couple gallons less than full then pump a couple gallons into the aux tanks and let it run over into the mains thereby keeping the aux wet. The biggest inconvieniance was the blue streak on the gear doors. I guess a really bad leak in a main tank could be a real problem but as my situation was it wasn't that big of a deal. Corrosion and undocumented damage/repairs would be much more of a concern in my opinion. Engines, interiors, paint, propellers are all consumables, they get used up and get replaced.
  23. [quote name="BigTex" That hangar is WAY to clean... Where's the over stuffed chair and beer frig? Shhhhh.......it's probably in a hidden panel in the wall so the hangar use Gestapo won't see it! Non-aviation paraphernalia hello?
  24. Gonna throw this out there.............the most of all common mooney accidents are a landing, or issue involving a landing or go-round due to a bad approach to landing. A one day transition training is just hitting the high spots. I don't know your skill or flying history but I have heard some say....." Just watch your approach speeds, keep the nose up, and you'll be fine" I have to wonder how many that have went sliding off the runway or did the PIO to prop strike had been told that. If I were in a situation where I bought a plane (a mooney)out of state I would go ahead get a "Mooney" pilot to accompany or fly my bird home. If I sold my ovation and bought a 35 bonanza I would get a bonanza pilot to go with me to bring it back. Why? Because sh!t happens that's why and if it happens in an unfamiliar plane in the weather things can get nasty really quick. I had an instructor almost kill me and ruin my plane onetime so be sure to get a Mooney proficient person not just a high time CFI or pilot. I would rather have a long time mooney pilot off this forum than a high time CFI with no mooney experience to go if it were me, but that's just me. Oh, when you get checked out in it and comfortable with it..........You'll LOVE IT!
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