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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Great job as always
  2. What RPM were you attempting the Cycle? IN my F Model, I could easily do the cycle as low as 1500 to 1600 RPM. In my Missile, I have to be above 1800 RPM, so I do my run up at 1900 RPM. We called Rocket about that and they said that is in parameters and normal - especially since I had just overhauled my prop governor as part of my engine overhaul when I purchased the airplane. Maybe your new engine or governor or something needs a higher RPM before it will cycle. Good luck, -Seth
  3. I had two incidents of clogged injectors / debris in the injectors in my former F model 4 cylinder engine. Once in an IFR / IMC flight from Pittsburgh to Maryland, and once from Maryland to Tampa. One time it looked like small compacted dirt in the injector, the second one looked like paint chip slivers. Both times the engine ran rough, and I had to run full rich as the cylinder was running lean from the blockage. I did not have an engine monitor in that aircraft. Glad you were able to simply clean it an move on. -Seth
  4. Spot connect for about 14 months now - very reassuring.
  5. When I upgrade my ipad2 at some point it will be to the mini
  6. First two TBM 900's delivered. I don't know where I was hiding the past few months until I read about the TBM 900 a few days ago. 330 knots. Amazing. Wish in all the news they mentioned as they have in the past, that the "M" stands for Mooney. All for a cool. $3.711 million. Looking on controller.com, I noted quite a few twin turboprops and small to medium jets for sale for less than that. Yes, you lose out on the dollar per hour rate, but man, to get into a cabin class for less than $1 Million, or even under $500,000 is amazing. I don't have the money for it, but window shopping can be nice. Even a TBM 700 can be had for around $1 MM -Seth
  7. +1 It's like the plane just knows . . . Depending on where you or your potential aircraft is located, I'm sure the members here on MooneySpace can provide referances for a few good trusted shops or mechanics for the prebuy. Welcome to MooneySpace. -Seth
  8. http://cfd243.cfdynamics.com/airtoair/store/Results.cfm?category=4 Found it - Paul Bowen Check out the website - there are even a few great shots of Mooney's on there. -Seth
  9. 3/14/15 at 9:26 in the morning. 3.1415926 My little brother personally likes 6.28 or 2Pi more. I did eat a Pizza Pi on 3/14 this year - yes, we're all dorks. -Seth
  10. Location/Airport may help get it moved. If it's in good shape, that can be a fun pattern knockabout and $60 hamburger getter -Seth
  11. Jose- What would be the reason at this point that they would say it "crashed" in the Indian Ocean? Why wait so long? Now you've got me thinking this way? Were they waiting until they had found it, destroyed it by bomb/missile/shot it down elsewhere, and then said that it is located in the Indian Ocean where the chance of recovery is less than 1 out of 10? -Seth
  12. Check to see if your rudder petal boots are torn, if so, then you will get air from the nose wheel compartment, and if the nose gear is down, you may get some exhaust gases, maybe the fuel smell is coming from there? -Seth
  13. I am aware of the 1/32 rule - not sure where it's stated. remember, a detent, or a paint chip may not be 1/32. Mine has a slight depression, but multiple mechanics have said it's right no the line but not past 1/32. Any more and I need a new truss. -Seth
  14. What is your mission and why do you want the NA engine over the Turbo? I chose the NA engine, but I also am on the east coast and don't need to go above 12,000 feet often. The Ovation will beat the Encore below 10,000 in speed, but you win by far in efficiency up high as well as with an airframe you know and love. Engine times? Are you due for some major work soon? Tell us why you're thinking of making the change. Some people say the Encore is the best Mooney ever made, some say its the J, some say it's the Ovation. -Seth
  15. Congrats!! A C may be the best bang for buck airplane in Aviation. Fly and enjoy! -Seth
  16. +1 Though it was easy to get up to speed, this was where I had the most difficulty during my initial training for the IFR rating. -Seth
  17. Amazing - time to polish mine up again. When I polished my F after probably years of not being polished (two years by me and who knows by the former owner) it took hours to get it polished, but boy did it look good afterward. -Seth
  18. That's very similar to what I did. But I didn't make my ADF inop - we just didn't shoot that approach. I did a VOR, LOC, and ILS for my checkride in my former F. I upgraded to a panel mount GPS in my Missile and got training for it after the fact. The IFR rating gives you much more capability with your aircraft. It's a great learning experience and makes you a better pilot as well. -Seth
  19. I've heard that about some of the conversions - there are more conversion out there than Rocket and Missiles, but I have heard that including Rocket's and Missiles - remember though, the reason the Bravo/Acclaim and Ovation exists is because of the Rocket and Missile Conversions. I do hear you - some MSCs do recommend against them. -Seth
  20. That does make sense
  21. If you find a good Missile - it's a good buy as well - 300 HP with the mid length body. For your mission an Ovation or Missile both work just fine. The Missile will be priced lower, however you get the long body which has more cargo room and is a newer airframe usually with the Ovation. -Seth
  22. Same with the Missile - You have to be ready for it but can roll it on so sweetly. Just hold the nose off. -Seth
  23. Malaysian officials Sunday confirmed someone in the cockpit of Flight MH370 turned off the aircraft's ACARS system before sending the final radio transmission ("all right, good night) a non-standard response to an ATC handoff that is normally answered with a read back. The revelation has focused even more attention on the possible involvement of the crew in what is now presumed to be the intentional diversion of the aircraft. Officials seized the elaborate flight simulator the captain of the flight built at his home to determine if he'd been practising the unusual flight profile that was apparently used by whomever was in control of the aircraft. On Saturday, officials confirmed the aircraft's automatic engine monitoring system sent its last signal to a satellite almost seven hours after data link and transponders aboard the Boeing 777 were "deliberately" turned off early last Saturday morning. There were also reports the aircraft climbed as high as 45,000 feet and spent time at 23,000 feet, all adding up to potential destinations for the aircraft that include the restive Xinjiang region of western China. That's where militant ethnic Uyghur Muslims have staged grisly attacks, including a knife massacre in a train station that killed 29 people two weeks ago and a more recent attack that killed six. At a news conference, Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak said the last ping from the aircraft was at 8:11 a.m. Saturday, perhaps over the Indian Ocean. All the maneuvering that led to the long flight is "consistent with deliberate action by someone on the plane," Razak said. The new information has, of course, led to more speculation on the fate of the passengers and crew and possible crew involvement in the caper. Malaysian officials searched the homes of the two pilots on Friday and are going through the personal backgrounds of everyone aboard. Malaysia has come under intense criticism for allegedly withholding critical information about radar returns and satellite uplinks but the prime minister defended his officials on Saturday. “We have shared information in real time with authorities who have the necessary experience to interpret the data,” he said in a prepared statement read at a news conference. “We have been working nonstop to assist the investigation, and we have put our national security second to the search for the missing plane.”
  24. You mean my Mooney? I guess she's not a secret mistress . . . -Seth
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