@Jetpilot86 speaks truth. I've stumbled on a runway hidden behind a ridge in WV, flying the might C172, about 2500 agl at cruise. I pulled throttle, made a right 270 and entered left downwind for a normal landing.
When my Mooney was based adjacent to Class D, they would sometimes keep me at 4500 msl until i passed their runway. That was 4.5 nm from my home field, at 567 msl. To get down, I would deviate east over downtown and do 1-1/2 standard rate 360° turns to lose altitude, then bleed off airspeed for the 3-4 nm back to the pattern. THEN I would make a normal landing.
Went out for a flight review with one of the instructors, when the wind was unusually out of the east. This meant downwind was behind the parallel ridge lines then choose a gap for base. He wanted me to go through the Cessna gap. As I turned base and pulled throttle to idle, I told him we wouldn't make it, then went full flaps, turned final and slipped until he was also convinced. Went around, and turned base at the next gap beyond the Cessna gap, and made a normal landing over the trees, just beyond the displaced threshold.
You have to learn the Mooney procedures, learn and fly the right speeds and power settings. I was still very much in Student Pilot mode when I bought mine, them almost immediately attended a MAPA PPP (Pilot Proficiency Program), which I try to gomback to every few years to brush up and get rid of bad habits that sneak in.
Bur it's soooo nice to fly! I go places that friends go in 172s, typically in 25-30% less time while using 10-15% less fuel . . . .