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Everything posted by Hank

  1. I'd probably find a nice biplane, which isn't on your poll . . . .
  2. Everything I've read prior today has talked about the unholy terrors caused by the pilot-side bracket installation, and the enhancements made to the installer's vocabulary . . . .
  3. FTFY. The tail wheel makes at least one complete 360° spin, then turns more just before touchdown, which forces it to spin the other direction to line up behind the plane as it disappears into the grass. Then a couple seconds later, the plane begins turning left. At least it had slowed down a lot before hitting the tree . . . .
  4. The bigger problem than reaching the pedals is seeing over the panel and cowling to land. I'm 5'11" with 33" inseam, and sit on a 2" tapered cushion; once I got it (while still doing the insurance dual), my landings improved significantly. My wife, 5'3-1/2", sits with the seat in the furthest back locked position, and can stretch out her size 3 shoes, wiggle her feet around and not touch anything. She also points out the "half inch" in her height . . . To see where we are going, she sits on TWO seat cushions like we have on our hardwood stools at the breakfast bar. Just did a Flight Review with a shorter CFII who is self-proclaimed long waisted, and the right seat was slid forward and locked in further forward than I've ever seen it, with one seat cushion. But it worked well.
  5. Just be prepared for ATC to move you over the Atlantic coastline. Your plan may work, but it may not.
  6. Just be prepared for the almost-overlapping Bravo airspace of Tampa and Orlando.
  7. Wow, head on into an oak tree! Glad to hear everyone is out and recovering.
  8. "Pitch then Roll" is the methodology my retired Naval Pilot CFII just told me to do chandelles. Now some guy on the interwebs says that's wrong . . . . Pitch up, then slowly roll through 90° course change, then hold bank and reduce pitch, rolling wings level at original altitude, reverse course and speed near MCA. Pitch up, then roll; later, hold bank and reduce pitch. So I guess its both?
  9. Later Fs have the flap select on the right side of the quadrant, and it slides down to Takeoff and Landing settings. My friend's 75F had only the three selectable positions, including Up. There should be a friction lock on the outside that is adjustable, similar to the friction lock for the quadrant itself. I know nothing of the hydraulic flap operations. The flap control on my C is on the right side below the quadrant, reachable with a finger while holding the throttle to Idle. It's just a temporary toggle switch, the flaps move down and up as long as I hold the toggle (they stop at Full Up and Full Down, or any spot in between where I release the toggle). The 68F could have any of these three--hydraulic, temporary toggle or slider beside the quadrant. Without more information, we can't really help @billy hellcat much . . . .
  10. Ahh, so that's whymthe CFI insisted on pitching up 15° then rolling in bank when teaching chandelles . . . . Knowing the "why" in addition to the "what" is often beneficial. This would probably never occurred to me without this thread. Thanks, ya'll!
  11. I went there a few years ago, Edison did a great job. Things to expect: In Florida, VFR altitudes are North/South rather than East/West If IFR, you'll go down V3; I joined around Daytona. Palm Beach vectored me over the Everglades at 4000, then I had to descend to 2000. Nothing out the windows except swamp, grass and gators. Ft. Lauderdale sent me several miles out to sea before turning me inbound. At 2000'. But the flight was a non-event. Went V3 both ways in my Mooney, and on the airlines. Right down the east coast and near the Shuttle facility. It's still the furthest South I've taken my Mooney. Have fun, and enjoy yourself!
  12. Woo-hooo!!!! Congratulations, @Flyler! Along with where you are based, we now need the obligatory interior and panel shots. Good luck with your current training, and your Mooney transition!
  13. USAA told me back in 2007 that they no longer insured aircraft, so I went with a local broker. Later I switched to Falcon, because I moved out of the area my broker covered. Saved some coin, too. But there was no USAA connection (call it 2014). Now I'm with @Parker_Woodruff and Airspeed Insurance. Apparently USAA also no longer covers boats, but there is a USAA-referred desk at Progressive for boat insurance. Just a little bass boat, but it's in the water and I don't want tpit to sink and be a total loss, especially if anyone else is on board.
  14. I often tell people that I'm running low and need to get some more altitude!
  15. Congratulations! That's a big step. You are now on the verge of The Dream, Part 1. For me, Part 2 was to own my own plane . . . . It will be a great answer if someone asks what you've been up to lately . . . . Better than "about 4000 feet".
  16. Wow, you live in a "target rich environment"! There are zero airports within 30 minutes' drive of my base, and only two within 30 miles of home (I'm based at the closer one, 18 miles away; the other is 27 miles). Stretching to an hour's drive will add three more, including the local Class D with airline service, and a 2nd one a little further in a different direction.
  17. Tried that with daytime running lights. Now many use parking lights or "designer" LED strips, or like my car, turn off when it's bright out. I'm surprised by how many cars still do not have the AUTO setting on the lights. In my Mooney, I just never turn off the LED landing light or the LED belly strobe. I've had pilots departing my destination in the evening ask what my lights are, as I'm very visible even with the original incandescent wingtip nav lights.
  18. On my C (same engine as your G), the filter is mounted on the back of the engine. There's about an inch of clearance when changing it. I have no experience with the firewall-mounted version. But I have a presentation in the Download section showing how I change my oil, it may have a good photo of the filter in place.
  19. There's a green headlight indicator on the tachometer of my Altima, not sure about the truck. Just turn the headlight switch to Auto, then leave it alone and it won't be a problem. It can be annoying in early morning and evening, as the lights turn on and off depending on whether the car is pointing towards the sun, driving through shade, etc., which makes dashboard visibility change dramatically. Can always see the speed and tach, but the "information center" can fade away. Our BMW back in the day had Red dashboard lights, not amber; I liked it because it didn't destroy my night vision, quite unlike my current white lights. Then again, I've never turned them up real bright (and still don't).
  20. I used to fly an approach into a nearby Class D, and after breaking out, go home VFR. Now where I'm based, we have GPS approaches both directions. I've found that fuel is more important, having spent several years flying off to fuel up, or making a very short first leg on a trip.
  21. Oops! Just edited my response above, because 200 mph = 175 knots. Also, Bonanza start at 235hp for the older ones, and the newer ones are 285hp. I'd expect them to all cruise faster than any vintage Mooney, plus K, M and R models with lesser power. The 310hp models should all be faster, as should the turbocharged models, although there are many turbonormalized Bos out there. Comparing the speed of my 180hp Vintage Mooney against any Bonanza is unfair. But I'll go up against any of them on nautical miles per gallon!
  22. Vne for my C is 200 mph = 175 knots. Older models have lower Vne. 175 mph? 185 mph? I forget. This is where units are important. 175 mph is indeed the top of the green / bottom of the yellow on my airspeed indicator.
  23. As far as I know, exactly one Mooney, a Bravo I think, has broken up in flight a couple of years ago. Spatial disorientation led to a high speed dive, and when he fell out of the clouds he pulled up too hard, folded both wings, ripped off the horizontal stabilizers and pancaked in someone's front yard. It was the pull up that broke the plane; the recent Bo broke up simply from exceeding Vne, also due to spatial disorientation. Each airframe has its own weaknesses, and both are slippery and accelerate quickly when pointed down.
  24. I wrote my own checklists, starting with what's in my Owners Manual. Then I took out things like "Radio--ON" and added things like "Avionics Master--ON" and "GPS--SET". Then I rearranged the order of sections to match my normal flow, and to fit properly on the page when printed, so that no section is split onto two pages. So it's really MY checklist! You'll learn a lot that way. Partly because it requires paying close attention while you copy from the Manual; partly because you'll be looking up things in the book; and partly because there's a lot of proofreading to do.
  25. When I pull the Cabin Vent knob in my C, fresh outside air comes out of this vent. When I pull the Cabin Heat knob, hot air comes out of this vent. In the winter, even in Ohio, I usually run a mixture of both, rarely over 50% hot air. The defroster is turned on by turning the valves on the two footwell heat lines, which also blow hot air when Cabin Heat is pulled. The roof vent is opened and closed by rotating the knob on the ceiling panel between the speakers, and the footwear fresh air vents are opened and closed individually. I am blissfully unaware of any ventilation or heat in the back seat, other than the two overhead vents.
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