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Everything posted by Hank

  1. If he's awake and alert, he's fine. My dog is usually asleep on initial climb.
  2. Look up the muffler, see if you blew off a flame tube
  3. Congratulations! Looks nice. Be ready, it won't fly like your trainer. Check out The Mooney Flyer, a monthly ezine (sorry, too much work to create a link on my phone this morning) for lots of helpful hints and a list of Mooney-experienced CFIs.
  4. I just loaded my 9-lb poodle into his crate in the backseat. Never took him above 9500 msl, I don't think; maybe 10,000 once?
  5. At high altitude (5900 msl counts, much less 7200 DA), go full rich, full prop, WOT, then slowly pull the mixture back while watching RPM. Lean for max RPM and smooth running, do the magneto checks, then pull throttle to idle. Leave the mixture where it was. When you pull onto the runway for takeoff, push the throttle in and go. Make sure Prop stays forward, and Mixture stays wherever it was. I don't go out that way often, but this worked for my C in the Dakotas and Wyoming. When you get home, or near to sea level, take off on as close to standard temp and pressure as you can find (59°F, 29.92", 0 msl) and record your full-power EGT as you climb out. Look up "Target EGT" before your next trip to high altitude airports, and follow those more modern procedures instead.
  6. LASAR Beegle's Jerry Pressley Nearby MSCs Other salvage yards That's all I can think of right now . . . .
  7. No matter where the prop is positioned, a blade or two is in the way of the lower cowl. Fortunately on my C, the lower cowl rarely has to come off; then again, it has separate cheek pieces that are easily removed for every oil change.
  8. Hope everything works out well!
  9. @carusoam seems to really enjoy the 310 upgrade in his O. He may have some pointers to offer.
  10. Once upon a time, there I was with the DPE, shooting ILS 23 into CRW when a Lear checked in behind me. Tower told the Lear to slow down, he had 50 knots on traffic in front of him that was making 80 knots. I looked at the DPE and said, "that's me, isn't it?" He agreed that it was, while the Lear pilot was replying with shock in his voice. "Should I speed up?" "Sure, let's see what you can do." So I raised flaps and accelerated to about 135 mph and we rolled down the course, slowing at about 3nm out, dropping flaps then lowering gear 1-1/2 dots before intercept. We did a miss to get out of his way, went back to the HVQ VOR and did a VOR-A approach into 12V, Ona Airpark, where he typed up my Temporary Instrument certificate before we took off flying in opposite directions--he went east, back to CRW, and I headed west to KHTW. Again, hardly "today's" flight, but the story just fit in so well.
  11. The passenger seat is the easy one, because if the door opening. Thebpilot seat rubs thebfront corner on the outside wall when removing / installing, and tha back seat coned out easy, but installation teaches you new vocabulary while removing the skin from your hands.
  12. Because to many of us, "chemistry" is at best an impolite word. A girl in my high school chemistry class had been straight As, honor roll student her whole life. First test, she made a D and cried right there in the classroom . . . .
  13. No idea about the big Mooneys, but this is what my Owners Manual says about spins. Last I checked, we all have the same vertical tail and rudder, except the early models with the short rudder (my rudder goes all the way down). This does not sound like "we recover well" to me. What does the Long Body POH have to say?
  14. Since the Charlie weights are used to move the CG back into an acceptable location (memory says they are inly in models with the larger, heavier 6-cylinder engines), I thought their effect on spin recovery would be positive. I also thought that ALL Mooney Owners Manuals / POHs have some version of "spins are not approved" written in the FAA-approved portion. As for affecting the entry into a prohibited maneuver, stay away from the lower edge of the flight envelope and you won't enter; if you do, the Charlie weights are supposed to enable you to regain control vs. not having the Charlie weights.
  15. I saw the thumbnail a couple of hours ago. Haven't watched it yet, things are going on here.
  16. Love that banner!!
  17. And here I thought we just responded to one particular post, and once we scroll past the title, we don't remember what the discussion was supposed to be about, only the part that we each want to respond to . . . . .
  18. Owner Produced Parts is always an option. The amount of owner "involvement" can be surprisingly little.
  19. Then they put a forum on the Mooney web site, and it dwindled rapidly from little to nothing.
  20. I share a box hangar, and just point my tail into the corner where some rooms have been built. So I get the "short" side of the hangar!
  21. Winds at the ground weren't bad, takeoff and landings were good. But Sunday from central AL to central NC and back, I had 20-25° wind correction in cruise for almost 3 hours each way--up at 7500, back between 3000-4500. I remember one short flight where I looked out the passenger side window to see where we were going, but to keep a minimum 20° wind correction angle for 3 hours over 4 states was just surprising. Smooth but surprising . . . .
  22. I always thought the Encore's grass problem was nose wheel weight, not lower gear doors. But one was never in my budget, so I could be mistaken. My annual beach trip is to a 3500' grass strip, obstructed and displaced when landing towards the nearby water (14?). Not sure I'd take a loaded Encorenin and out, even though there's no fuel so no gross departures.
  23. I've long thought that the Encore is the ultimate Mooney, but you gotta be careful where you go with it--my C will easily go in and out of places that an Encore won't. Plus the Encore isn't much of a grass fielder. It's all in the compromise--which functions are important to you, and how many AMUs are available? The final answer will be different for most of us.
  24. I'm just getting older . . . . My wife helps push the plane when she flies with me, less than 20% of my flights.
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