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Mooney Caravan Training, Chino Ca. 7/9/16
mooneygirl replied to mooneygirl's topic in Mooney Caravan
Here is the link to the dropbox folder, for the good, bad and the ugly. HA https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xiac6wwpsf3fa48/AADMhTUzNH7sSV4z-pvgiGoqa?dl=0 -
We had seven Mooneys, a Cessna, a Debonair and a Nanchang for Saturday. We are meeting at 9:30 tomorrow for round two! What fun. It was intense but a lot of fun too. And to think I don't need flaps!!
Unfortunately, I just got another conflict with the Monday gathering so I will be unable to attend. BUT, we can still look at W/Th at Friar Tucks for later arrivals. Maybe before the night airshow.
Hi there, put me down for a "maybe" on the 6:00 p.m. gathering. I think I can come, but my schedule always gets jumbled around. What we have done for about five years straight is a W or TH gathering at Friar Tucks as well. The fun is just around the corner. I am coming with a full compliment of Mooney Girls apparel [t-shirts, tanks, bracelets] and Mooney Ambassador t-shirts, sweatshirts in all sizes! I remember Slosh-kosh and selling out of the trunk of the car to freezing Mooniacs.
I bought elevators. To be honest, I cannot remember how much they were, but there were several to choose from. You might call them on Tuesday. They were really helpful.
My E model had damage when I bought it. The fellow slipped and pushed the airplane as he fell forward, bent the tail feathers. I purchased two used/salvage from Dodson International. http://www.dodson.com/ I was able to talk with them about my needs. Parts arrived and I had put on, no problem.
I sent you an email offline John.
Not trying to talk you in to something you might be uncomfortable with, but I thought I would share my experience flying the Fisk arrival last year. First of course you get the NOTAM and immediately get overwhelmed. Probably the best thing I did was go on YouTube and watched every single "Landing at OSH" "Fisk Arrival" video I could find. EAA also has a pretty good video. When I was watching the video I would stop it and take a screen shot of important points. I staged out of Poplar Grove, illinois C77. Steve and Tina Thomas who own this airport are the best. We left about 8:30 in the morning on the Saturday before OSH. The flight was a quick 30 minutes. I had my BFF in the right seat who is also a private pilot. Was it busy? Yes. But I decided I was going to fly EXACTLY the published arrival. I did not go over speed or over/under altitude. Slowing a Mooney down that much for that long took some practice. The arrival was the thrill of a lifetime. Someone cut me off on final, they were supposed to land on the taxiway and landed on my runway instead. It wasn't a big deal. It was just a right of passage so to speak. Now this year I will fly the mass arrival Mooney Caravan.
I had my Mooneys painted at ArtCraft Paint in Santa Maria CA. They have really become an expert Mooney paint shop having painted over 60. Anyway, part of the price of the paint job is five hours of body work, plus the design work and great paint. I chose to have my wingwalk be the paint plus Pismo Beach sand. It is unique and has worn just as well as the black stuff many folks have. ArtCraft will be at OSH 16 and has a special promotion for Mooney Owners.
I will be there all week. I will be flying in the Mooney Caravan and then will be at the Mooney Pavillion all week with Mooney Ambassadors and Mooney Girls. For me, OSH is like a huge family reunion. I have never encountered anyone that was snobby, actually the opposite. There are a lot of famous pilots, but they are just part of the family. Hope to see you there! Landing on the yellow dot was a ton of fun last year!! Woot woot
AOPA Regional Events for Mooney Ambassadors
mooneygirl replied to mooneygirl's topic in General Mooney Talk
Hello all Our Mooney Ambassador point person determined for Bremerton WA on Saturday August 20th had to cancel. We are looking for a display airplane to step up. Here is the commitment needed: Arrival to event on Friday the 19th before noon. Coordinate the booth and activities Have your airplane open for visitors with you or another pilot with the guest Tear down and leave after event ends We have an absolute blast and you will have support from me [through phone and email] and other volunteers who will be going. Sound like fun? Let me know so I can get us registered for Bremerton, WA on August 20th. Please let me know! -
Mooney Girls offering two more seminars this year. Generic single piston: September 10th, Santa Ana, CA, Orange County Airport and Mooney-specific: October 21st, MAPA, Kerrville TX [part of class in RedBird Sim]. Registration for Orange County coming soon. MAPA is registering for homecoming now. www.MooneyGirls.com
Jan and I will be teaching Right Seat Ready! in Orange County, CA on September 10th. This course is sponsored by the 99s and is our six hour general aviation airplane course. Many of you know that we just taught our two-day Mooney-specific course in Longview Texas with MooneyMax. We also will be teaching at Mooney International during the week of MAPA Homecoming [October 20-23rd] I am particularly excited about this because while this is a short course, 4 hours, two of the hours are in the RedBird Sim with an instructor from Mooney. We have had several of our attendees go on to get their pilots license. That is a fabulous by-product. However our goal is that the right seat, or even back seat companion becomes a more active participant in the flight, which can be an aid to the pilot during any flight, and of course, be Ready of the Right © if necessary in emergency. Jan has the remarkable experience of not only being an instrument-rated pilot, but the co-owner of Don Maxwell Aviation one of the largest MSCs in the country. I think that my being a Mooney owner that has experienced a crash, and a licensed psychotherapist helps round out the presentation emotionally/mental-health wise. As was previously mentioned in the thread... many folks [men and women alike] get the "deer in the headlights" look. This is because the lower part of the brain, which is ancient, has become activated and they are experiencing freeze. That part of the brain controls flight, fight and freeze. With education, exposure, practice and reassurance, the non-flying companion can come to utilize the high part of the brain that we do not share with reptiles. We stress practice, practice practice. Practice does not make perfect as the saying goes...practice makes practice, and with practice comes mastery. I suppose we all know this through our flying. We added having ATC attend our workshop at MooneyMax. Our participants were able to have the experience of being "talked down" by an actual controller. Jan and I are scheduling 2017 Right Seat Ready!© courses. We want to teach about four times a year. If you would like more information please PM me, or email: jolielucas@charter.net Our attendees also receive a double-sided emergency checklist. As mentioned we have a generic single airplane version, and of course our Mooney specific version. The goal is safety of all in the airplane, a by product is gaining a sense of mastery and perhaps inspiring a new pilot or two. No seminar can guarantee how someone will actually perform in case of an emergency. Here is a sample review. I gently convinced my wife, Veronica, to take Jolie and your Mooney Right Seat class. My wife does not have any aviation passion & does not enjoy flying. As a direct result of Veronica taking the right seat class, my friends wife, Helen Bergantz also agreed to take it. Joe Bergantz & I were both amazed at lunch at Sharkeys on Saturday, that both of our wives were enthusiastic, interested & asking lots of questions about emergency procedures & basic piloting procedures and other questions about flying our Mooneys. We were even more amazed that they sat through the longer afternoon class & were still enthusiastic & more interested in basic emergency, pilotage techniques & other questions about our Mooneys. Joe & I absorbed lots of aviation & Mooney safety, operation & maintenance information, techniques, "lessons learned", recommendations & knowledge. However, the right seat class was more valuable to us because it generated some interest & passion for our wives in flying our Mooneys! They are obviously much more knowledgeable about Mooney emergency & basic pilotage procedures but more importantly your class greatly reduced their fear & anxiety when flying in our Mooneys. Thank you very much for setting up & conducting the Mooney Right Seat class Darrel Caldwell Mooney Girls are thrilled to have partnered with Lightspeed Aviation. Our attendees will be able to try the Tango wireless headset which is a breakthrough in technology and safety. We also do part of the presentation with our Lightspeed Tango headset on. Here is our video trailer: YouTube Video Trailer Again, if you would like to schedule an event for 2017, please let us know soon. We get more requests than we can accommodate, yet Mooney-specific is our favorite course to teach.
I'm happy to report that Derrick Barrington won the spot landing contest and came in third place on the flower bombing.I'm happy to report that Derrick Barrington won the spot landing contest and came in third place on the flour bombing.
We are having blast! Six Mooneys I the campground. Maggie on the ramp
http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2016/jun/11/plane-crashes-near-collegedale-airport/370592/ Has a photo of the plane. My thoughts and prayers to the families. Man.
For those joining me at the Columbia CA [O22) Father's Day Fly-In June 17-19 here is the website. There is pilot information and a volunteer form if you are so inclined. Some additions this year are the Fireman's BBQ in the campground on Friday night, as well as Movie Night on Friday in the campground. We have about six Mooneys coming. I would like one more Mooney on display with mine if you are interested. Our earliest arrivers will be there TH night to get Moo Camp staked out as usual. http://www.fathersdayflyin.org/welcome-1.html
Here is my latest installment for AOPA Opinion Leaders. This time I highlighted a great GA family-owned business the SkyTypers! http://blog.aopa.org/opinionleaders/?p=3194 I also was able to park Maggie at Mooney, so Stephen and Greg got a tour from Ron Blum [Chief Engineer]. They are considering six M10s for the skytyping! How fun is that?
Yep I have done all those things. So far nothing has worked out, scheduling-wise. There was a workshop the weekend I was in Texas for the Cessnas. I will keep a look out. Would rather it was Mooney-specific, but could do Cessna, Beech, etc.
Yves Yes! Trying to find a formation clinic on the West Coast. So far no luck. It was a blast
Wow, those photos of the Grand Canyon are so fun. And I loved the photos of your family, all smiles. Reminds me of flying with my Mom and Dad and brother. Family is everything, and you have a happy one. Thanks for sharing.
I had a fabulous day flying with the Skytypers. The Stinis family started the business in the 1930s. Such a history of innovation and perseverance. We launched out of Chino, CA and flew to San Diego at 10,500 feet. The patented smoke system makes letters that are twice the size of the Empire State building. I got to fly formation which was a total blast. The owner, Stephen is thinking about using the three-seat M10 in the future. Wouldn't that be cool? IMG_5214_2.MOV
You are correct Hank. We cannot forget those who made an ultimate sacrifice for our country. God Bless them.
I ended a busy work week with a cool 1 hr. 8 minute flight to Chino. Ms. Maggie is tucked away in the hangar at Mooney! I get to fly with SkyTypers tomorrow for a story I am writing. I love love love flying over the snarls of traffic down on the freeway. Who else is going flying this weekend??
If you want to be the #2 display plane you can park right on the asphalt with me! There is other parking on the ramp. The dirt taxiway is really a non-issue, but I get it. Come join the fun!