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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. Boolean? Going to look that one up.
  2. Hey. The post said Mooney ONLY!!!!!!
  3. Had me going there for a moment.
  4. Ahh. British humor. Got to love it........some.
  5. Love the colors!!!
  6. I saw reruns of the Johnny Carson show with Buddy Rich on it. I know Carson also played the drums I think he was inspired by Rich. Double negative points awarded to Mitch. Hehe
  7. Knock knock jokes. Who's there? Dewey? Do we who? Name the country song and group that sang that verse. Double points for correct answers.
  8. This is common knowledge. Nothing to see here folks. Move along. :)
  9. And it seems your neighbor may be of the questionable type. Hehehe.
  10. And you obviously slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  11. What brand of coffee did they serve on the Titanic? https://www.rebelsmuggling.com/Sanka-Instant-Decaf-Coffee-Ble-PO-1634?gclid=CjwKCAjwvZv0BRA8EiwAD9T2VYyCic2xOzu3aX64TaA35XH5SgHtJRLFYZRKM9MNEnpEnjE0knSmWBoCGQIQAvD_BwE
  12. Sure, sure. We've heard this before. good luck.
  13. Interesting write up by them. Describes the J as an advanced trainer
  14. Awesome. Good job Mr Rick.
  15. Tequila is always good.
  16. Okay. I will go look that up. Movie?
  17. I've been asking my family to get that fixed for years...……… Shows you how much pull I have. Good catch
  18. How about a full blown steakhouse with a wine list that has over 800 listed selections? You don't see that everyday. http://www.cowboysteakhouse.com/ Diclaimer.....I'm related Disclaimer #2 …….. I used to know how to spell.
  19. Robert, welcome to the forum. Please stick around and contribute when you can. Good luck on your future purchase. You will find that the Mooney is well suited to the longer legged type, and the room left in the back "should" be adequate. I'm sure you will find someone in your area soon that will wax poetic the virtues of his/her ship. Somewhere on this site @gsxrpilot keeps up a pindrop map of our members. DF
  20. There is a lot of money in Midland and Odessa Texas area when oil production is going well. I am sure that is part of the reason they have such a nice fleet.
  21. Alright!!!! Hence the "USA and Beyond" title. Thank you @Ibra
  22. We will see what the globe does when it is time to go back to work. I foresee "most' series trying to get in some kind of abbreviated season, but we will see. Scheduling will be interesting to say the least.
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