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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. The procedure to rotate a picture is simple. 1: You take your picture. 2: Then find the "@" symbol in your keyboard. 3: With the "@" symbol first, then insert "carusoam" next to the "@" symbol. For example @carusoam 4: Post your picture as normal. 5: Then you wait for a few moments or two, and then magically, your picture will be rotated. Hope this helps. Not a picture rotator. PPL only.
  2. .....and there ya go.
  3. If Stein falls through, my wife would love them.
  4. It may be an illusion, but look at how much angle the mounted engine appears. I know there is/are some degrees of angle engineered into the mounts for P Factor, I just didn't know how visual it is.
  5. Now that is terrible!!!!
  6. Here ya go. All the bells and whistles.
  7. Har, Har, Har!!!!!!
  8. The heading says "Tasteless" joke of the day Mitch. NOT appropriate joke of the day!!!
  9. Allegedly, @aviatoreb, broke the sound barrier............
  10. https://dailytimes.com/promotions/article_c21bec70-dd82-11ea-a82d-87cf48ef8451.html#utm_source=dailytimes.com&utm_campaign=%2Fnewsletters%2Flists%2Fbreaking%2F%3F-dc%3D1597338193&utm_medium=email&utm_content=image
  11. A boom at 25000 does not rattle windows to my knowledge. So it had to be @aviatoreb!!!!!!
  12. My wife sent me a text that said, "Your great" I sent her a text back that said, "No, You're great" When I got back home my wife was all sweet and bubbly and happy to see me and said "Thank you for the text" I am on the fence about this. Should I tell her that I was correcting her grammar?
  13. So, some approaches are not available with the 55 where they are with the 700?
  14. @gsxrpilot @LANCECASPER Does this Garmin Suite have the necessary updates with no other modifications needed to the system? Thanks in advance.
  15. Good luck with the sale. Please post the serial number and UL DF
  16. I am not so sure about the taildragger comment. What is a light-sport aircraft? A light-sport aircraft is defined as: 1,320 pounds maximum takeoff weight for aircraft not intended for operation on water; or 1,430 pounds maximum takeoff weight for aircraft intended for operation on water. A maximum airspeed in level flight with maximum continuous power (V H) of not more than 120 knots CAS under standard atmospheric conditions at sea level. A maximum seating capacity of no more than two persons, including the pilot. A single, reciprocating engine. A fixed or ground-adjustable propeller if a powered aircraft other than a powered glider. A nonpressurized cabin, if equipped with a cabin. Maximum airspeed of 120 knots. Fixed landing gear, except for an aircraft intended for operation on water or a glider. Fixed or repositionable landing gear, or a hull, for an aircraft intended for operation on water. A maximum stalling speed or minimum steady flight speed without the use of lift-enhancing devices (V S1) of not more than 45 knots CAS at the aircraft's maximum certificated takeoff weight and most critical center of gravity.
  17. Mohr's circle? Is that up there with Cavanaugh maps and Boolean Logic?
  18. Once you use a sidewinder on an opposing plane, the results are usually explosive!
  19. Anthony who?
  20. Rentals. Known Mooneyrentals in the USA and beyond Put that in the search functuon
  21. Please post Useful Load.
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