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Greg Ellis

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Everything posted by Greg Ellis

  1. Thanks for the information and I will pass it along. There is no RX or TX light showing when this happens. The audio actually still functions fine, I can hear the ATIS for instance but this is in the background and is a real annoyance. The squelch is not on because when I push the squelch button you can tell it is on. It is very much different and can hear it. The only music/entertainment thing installed is what comes on the GMA 345 so I can have them check that as well. Thank you so much for responding. If you weren't in Oregon I would bring the plane to you.
  2. With the cell phone in Airplane Mode it still happens. With the cell phone in my truck it still happens. Only occurs on Comm 2 not on Comm 1. Thank you for the response.
  3. Thanks for the response. I will pass this along to my avionics guys and see what they say.
  4. Forgive my ignorance, but why $4000.00? I am all about making a profit. I own a business and without profit I don't feed my family or my airplane habit. But $4000.00? Is this because it would be a new part and they are scarce? Big difference between a used one from $100 or $250 and $4000!!! That's quite a wide range. And seeing something at that price really turns me off of LASAR unless there is a reasonable explanation for this costing $4 grand.
  5. Thanks for reaching out to him for me.
  6. Two A&P/IA’s and the avionics guy who installed everything and is very experienced are scratching their heads….
  7. Thanks for your response. They are going to check the grounds as well hopefully early next week before The Mooney formation clinic next weekend.
  8. Thanks for the response. This only happens with the GNC 300. The 530 is as quiet as a church mouse. When I recorded this audio the airplane was shut down, I was in my hangar. The only thing on was the master switch, the avionics master and the GNC 300 and the GMA 345 audio panel.
  9. Thanks for the response. The unit does generate normal audio. I use it to talk to ground and get ATIS. Yes, the noise is there with only the audio panel and the unit on. The noise goes away when the unit is off or breaker pulled. All lights are off and no USB power jacks except for the one built in to the audio panel. It happens with this unit as well as a second GNC 300 that I have. So either both units are bad or it is something else. My avionics shop has a GNC 300 on their shelf. I will get them to swap it with mine and see what happens. Could be two units are bad I suppose.
  10. Thanks for the response. I methodically unplugged all devices. Pulled the circuit breaker on the transponder, the squelch is not on, I checked that as well. Even turned my cell phone off as well as the Bluetooth part of it. I thought about the periodic broadcast as well just because of the way it sounds. This is the problem. Nothing I do seems to even alter it let alone fix it.
  11. Frequency doesn’t seem to matter. Thank you for the response.
  12. Calling all avionics experts…. So, I have been having great difficulty tracking down an issue with my avionics. I have a 530W, a GNC 300XL, a GMA 345 audio panel, a G5, JPI, and GTX 345 transponder. The issue is with the GNC 300XL. I am posting this video which is really just for the audio. You can hear the noise that is being made. The 530 is nice and quiet. This is coming from the GNC 300. I have tried pulling all circuit breakers to eliminate any other instruments causing interference. Nothing changes. I have removed the comm coax from the back of the GNC 300 and the noise continues. It is not affected by volume control. You can adjust the volume and the noise stays at the same level. This is recorded from the over head speaker but the noise can be heard in the headsets as well so it is not the speaker. I have tried a different GNC 300 and the noise continues. I am out of ideas. My avionics shop is not sure what’s happening but they are looking at possibly putting in an in line noise suppressor or something to that effect. Any ideas?
  13. Hi Don. Sorry this post has gotten off track a little. I love Hawaii. Been there about 6 times. I think it is a beautiful place and I am jealous that you are there and I am here in my office listening to patients gripe about life. Wish I were there. Have a great time in Hawaii. Post some photos please. Let us live vicariously through you.
  14. Or he's got enough parts to put one together yourself.
  15. So, it is mentioned that in order for these handhelds to be useful in the air, they should be connected to an external antenna. Is your Yaesu connected to an external antenna and if not how was the transmission and reception during the electrical failure? I have an Icom that I have had for 15 years now and I have never had to use it in the air but I think I need to get the ability to connect it to an external antenna.
  16. Hi @mike_elliott, This will be my first Mooney Summit and I am looking forward to it. Is the hotel ready for booking for this event? Is there a code for room rates? Thanks.
  17. At the time in 1993, my Dad had his license, my older brother had his PPL as well as flying jets in the Navy, so I just decided to do it in between my second and third year of dental school. Took a couple of months in the summer and got it done. I’m now the only one flying. My Dad had heart surgery and lost his medical and never tried to get it back and when my brother retired from the Navy he never went back to civilian flying. Not sure why on that. But I fly every chance I get and love my Mooney!!!
  18. Funny thing, I still keep regular log books. On my 5th one now. Never have done an electronic entry. This will sound weird I'm sure but it is very satisfying to me to sit and tally up the pages on my own and not have a computer do it for me. Okay, I know, I'm weird. Being 52 years old you would think that I would embrace the technology and use e-logbooks but I just find something satisfying about paper logs. And, they are easier to destroy and leave no traces if needs must....
  19. I understand that you are looking for an answer to your original question. But please keep an open mind to the fact that it may not be your alternator at all. For instance, I have a C model with 70 Amp alternator and with all of my avionics on (Garmin 530, 300, G5, GTX 345 transponder, an ipad charger, etc...etc...), landing light, nav lights and pitot heat on I do not come anywhere close to pulling more than the alternator can handle (usually I see about 20-25 amps being pulled on the ammeter). I cannot imagine what you must have turned on that would come close to causing an issue for a 60 amp alternator unless there is something wrong with the alternator itself (not the rating of 60 amps but something internally wrong) or something wrong elsewhere. You may end up spending money on a new alternator and your issue may continue because the problem may lie elsewhere. So just keep an open mind to the answers that you receive from these very, very knowledgeable Mooney owners.
  20. Her story just doesn't work with me, if that AvWeb article is correct in quoting her. Initially in the story it is first written that flying under the bridge was "an impulsive and “immature” stunt she told AVweb she knew was wrong." Then in a following paragraph it is written "Lunken said that after she’d crossed flying under a bridge from her bucket list she headed home and checked in with Cincinnati Approach and was told her transponder was off.:" So which is it....an impulsive and immature thing to do or something you have been planning for long enough to put it on a bucket list. Those two statements just don't work together. I think her whole story is hooey. I think she planned it out and did it and managed to get caught and now is back tracking to cover her ass. She gave GA a black eye. But this is my opinion only and not based on anything than what I have read.
  21. I know some will have this on immediate mental recall....so what is the proper torque for Lycoming Rocker Box screws?
  22. Not sure about the Alt Preselect but I think I would want my AOA indicator (assuming this means Angle of Attack) closer to my line of site out the windshield. Less eye/head movement especially when landing. Just a thought.
  23. There is the possibility that she did receive that phone call from the FAA. And instead of tucking tail and apologizing, she may have let her spunk get the best of it and spouted off the wrong things to the wrong person. How many times has it been told that if given a number to call that you are polite, apologetic and learn your lesson. Maybe she did get that phone call but was not quite polite and apologetic but the exact opposite. From what I have heard about her and read about her, this is quite plausible.
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