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Everything posted by Pinecone

  2. I suspect extensions. But here are some pictures.
  3. When I did my transition training in my plane, I noticed that the brake pedals are rotated aft too far. It is impossible to not get some brake with rudder application until I carefully position my toes below the brake pedals. Airplane is now in annual and this was a squawk. But the shop is telling me that the pushrods are adjusted as short as they can go. Has anyone run into this before? What was wrong? How was it handled?
  4. Right now, I am using a simple spreadsheet that lists all major component serial numbers. Inspections/services done and due. Also expenses. I am interested in a product that sends me reminders, so I don't have to check the spreadsheet every time. But may just go to a sheet for the airplane with reminders. CAP does this. Their maintenance module prints out a cover sheet with hours and date of last service/inspection and hours/dates due. For logging and currency, I use SafeLog Pro. I used AeroLog Pro for many years, but it is marginally supported now. SafeLog was able to convert my AeroLog data file so I did not have to re-enter everything. So far, I am very happy with it. It syncs the data to the cloud as well as to each device. So I have the data on 2x PC, 2x iPads, my phone, a laptop, and the cloud. I think it is pretty safe.
  5. https://www.amazon.com/Form-Funnel-Flexible-Draining-Tool/dp/B017MTFIYE/ref=asc_df_B017MTFIYE/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312094794461&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3238710840475768222&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1018545&hvtargid=pla-493245967151&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=62497261819&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312094794461&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3238710840475768222&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1018545&hvtargid=pla-493245967151
  6. I put mine on the glare shield to at first, then hang it from the yoke long term.
  7. Here they are. Used in Beech, Cessna, and Piper aircraft. 0.5 to 50 amp rating. But only down to 1 amp listed. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/pbcircuitbrkr2.php?clickkey=6257663
  8. Great, I would love a picture when you are done. I was thinking about how to label them, but with lighting.
  9. Yes, but thanks for the reminder. Do they make toggle switch breakers? Or would you need to put in separate breakers?
  10. No reason these days to use polyester resin, except for chopper gun. And no reason to use chopper gun for ANY aircraft part (higher weight, lower strength).
  11. Thanks. You do have ETA? One is on it way to be models, but is needed, I will reach out for another one. Are you putting rockers back in? I have been thinking about going to toggle switches when I do a panel upgrade.
  12. I still wish this unit would be expanded to provide wifi (even slow wifi) in the hangar.
  13. Sims are great for this. When I was in UPT we would do "solo" sim rides. It meant two students without an instructor. If the other student was flying and messed up the approach, but I could see the runway, I would try to land. Did I do it every time? NO. But I found my limits to try it if the choice was land or eject.
  14. And lighter and strong if made from cloth. And chopped strand is normally polyester resin, not epoxy.
  15. FYI, there is a GSA Personal Aircraft rate. Currently at $1.81 per mile. But they normally will only pay you what the airline ticket would be.
  16. That would be GREAT. I will DM my address.
  17. Ok, makes sense. But I would probably have just waited. Mooney frugal.
  18. My mechanic should have seen this. @jetdriven
  19. Why do you need the vacuum pump if you are putting in a G3X? Can't you just fly it VFR to the avionics shop? Will they reuse the EGT probes? Or are you going with the Garmin EIS?
  20. That is why I am trying to get a good (not broken) ETA switch cover, it get a CAD file done, so we have a source for them. But no one seems to have a spare one to donate for a short period.
  21. The USAF still used it into the 80s. They even ran the O-2A/Bs (Cessna Skymaster) on it. I am sure they had lead fouling issues. You cannot have an "octane rating" higher than 100, as by definition, pure iso-octane is 100 octane. So above that it is technically a performance number. To get those higher ratings, you go to aromatic compounds. I know that at one point, Formula 1 cars were running almost pure toluene. Xylene is used in G100UL to boost the rating. And metallic additives, such as tetraethyl lead. Even today, you can get leaded race fuels. VP Racing fuels makes an MON 120+ fuel. MON is similar to the 115 of the 115/145 fuel. IIRC G100UL is something like 98/140+
  22. Just like owning a convertible. Lock it, and they may cut the top.
  23. And also very telling. Those who don't have it don't know what they are missing.
  24. I disagree. You CAN do it, but you need to train your feet. Tail wheel or glider time will help do that.
  25. You could float them, at a low enough voltage. Just not full voltage. As for cell by cell balancing, even cheap radio control packs have had the capability for 15 years. Either through a separate connector that allows individual charging from a good charger or built into them. I agree that LIFEPo4 makes a lot of sense. And while a lighter battery generally good, on Mooneys, we would just be increasing the Charlie weights or putting in two batteries to make up for the light weight.
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