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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. Yes, this is why checking the emergency gear is down and latched is at least twice in the checklists before take off.
  2. Powerball is $526 million today.... One would not be enough. But ..... First a T-34A with IO-550. Fun to fly, very active type club with fly in activities. Can do airshows as a Warbird. Second an Aerostar. Love how they look, love how the fly. Third a CAP-10C. Mainly to offer aerobatic/upset training. Maybe a Phenom 300E (or PC-24) single pilot jet for longer trips.
  3. You can say that about people in general.
  4. Yes. And you can even use it in your car.
  5. I would LOVE to have an Aerostar. Operating costs are just a bit out of my budget. But if I win the lottery, I WILL have one.
  6. Simple chemistry. Natural gas is mainly methane. That is CH4. Fully combusted makes 1 molecule CO2 and 2 molecule of H2O. Propane is C3H8. Make 3x CO2 and 4x H20 Isooctane is C8H18. Makes 8x CO2 and 9x H20. The ratio of hydrogen to carbon goes down with more complex hydrocarbons, so more CO2 versus H20. BUT, realize the number one green house gas is actually water vapor.
  7. Or gasoline. Leaded of course.
  8. Watch out, I may take you up on that. At this time, I can't fly there, until Canada recognizes Basic Med. I have flown most of the Cessna singles, will work on the remainder.
  9. AWESOME. Even if you end up not getting a Mooney, please stay active here. You brighten up the place. I need to upgrade my Private ASES to Commercial. There is a 185 on floats at a school not far away that is on my short list. But there is also I school in FL that does the rating in Maules on floats. Hmmm. I have flown a C-180 on wheels, but never a 185. Also need to get some time in C-20x aircraft.
  10. In stress the mind does strange things. In building fires, people go past exits to where the came into the area. If the controller said Rwy 16, the pilot could become focused on 16 and not considered that 34 was a shorter vector.
  11. There are oil eating bacteria. Of course, you have to be careful that you do not let them get into oil you don't want eaten. And nothing stopping anaerobic (no O2 required) bacteria to eat oil. Yeah, I remember driving up to LA and ALL the oil wells pumping away.
  12. I think it turns out that is was a misconception. Same incandescent lamp for both. But LED does require specific to 14/28V.
  13. Or maybe just install rub blocks. If they were titanium, there would be not much weight and great showers of sparks to go with the touchdown. Like you see when F1 cars bottom out.f
  14. Hmm, I was last in SD in about 2010. GF walked the beach and ended up with some on her feet.
  15. Yeap, same in the San Diego area beaches. I grew up there in the late 50s/early 60s and had the same issue.
  16. Republic Jet just raised their prices. I was supposed to go there last Sat to have lunch with a friend and visit one or both of the nearby aviation museums. When I planned the trip, they were well under $7 per gallon.
  17. Right after the Exxon Valdez incident, the news folks were sticking microphones in front of anyone. One of the wildlife biologists responding said, on live TV, that it wasn't that big a deal, that they had one almost as bad the next bay over a few years before, and you couldn't even tell. Never saw him in TV again.
  18. Another option http://www.4pawsaviation.com/products/oxygen-hoods.php I am pretty sure none of the dogs I have owned would tolerate either of these.
  19. Where is this cheap fuel? A place to eat there? An MS fuel and lunch meet?
  20. People seem to forget, oil is biodegradable. Back in the 70s, there was a paper in Scientific American that proposed that oil is being produced all the time. The organic materials are carried into the earth and that they get trapped and are converted to oil And yes, major clean out to remove lead before other products can be carried. And the materials used to flush and clean are contaminated also and has to be disposed of as lead containing.
  21. In the A-10, as we rolled onto the runway, we did a Heat - Seat - Skid checklist. Turn on Heat - pitot and windshield. Arm Seat Turn on Anti Skid.
  22. They have been predicting that will run out of oil for MANY years. https://gizmodo.com/weve-been-incorrectly-predicting-peak-oil-for-over-a-ce-1668986354
  23. I almost had a similar short flight. And, of call places, at First Flight. We had stopped to see the site and museum. Club C-172. About 100 feet or so, had what I suspect was a stuck valve. Had enough power to slightly climb, so started a pattern to land. After about 90 degrees of turn, engine started making full power. So I circled over the field, climbing, until I had more than enough glide range to the next airfield and maintained glide to an airport back to KGAI (home base for the plane).
  24. No, you have to seriously clean anything that comes in contact with 100LL before it can be used for anything else. Or dedicate the equipment and trucks for ONLY 100LL.
  25. There are a lot of smaller companies and refineries that can blend quality fuels. The issue is, with 100LL they contaminate equipment. Another cost savings over 100LL is there is no need for dedicated trucks to transport it. If you put 100LL in a truck, you have to drain, clean, rinse and deal with the materials used to clean the truck out.
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