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T. Peterson

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Everything posted by T. Peterson

  1. Until those with a certain philosophical bent decide you should not have a Mooney as it testifies to gross inequality of income and intolerable privilege. Therefore in the interest of fairness and the common good employ a socially sensitive government to confiscate your airplane rendering MS irrelevant.
  2. Well said, Andy! And your last line is exactly why we must never ever give up our guns!!
  3. To paraphrase a great former President: Scariest sentence in the English language is, “We are from the government and we’re here to help.”
  4. Thank you for the correction though my intent was never to make a statement of fact that forcing a sex change on a 3 year old is legally a criminal act in all 50 states. I have no idea of the legality of all this nuttiness. I do suspect the legal system never anticipated the current cultural absurdities and is likely very unprepared to deal with them. I don’t know that for a fact, just voicing my suspicion. Torrey
  5. Legally criminal in only a couple of States, but morally reprehensible anywhere. Wonder if the FBI is now going to pay me a visit! LOL!
  6. Very very nice!!
  7. No it’s not healthy, it’s criminal child abuse.
  8. Thank you -a-. Solid advice as always. Torrey
  9. Had that been the historical term to refer to humanity no one would have objected. Of course we can’t now adopt “Airwomen” because it is an indefinable term except among those intellectual rubes that would appeal to xx/xy. In our modern and enlightened world they simply fail to see the emperor’s beautiful clothes.
  10. Good point. If a shop has a good reputation I am fine with flying the airplane applying the caveats previously mentioned by the other posters. Fortunately the shop I have chosen is reported to do a post check flight. Certainly not a problem if they don’t, but definitely contributes to a “warm and fuzzy” if they do! Torrey
  11. I would certainly trust you to fix and fly my airplane, but that is not to say I would trust anyone to fix or fly my plane. I only know you from your posts and the reputation you enjoy on this forum, but if I was in Canada you are the one I would seek out to maintain my airplane. Fortunately I also have some excellent choices in Texas of which Don Maxwell is one. Torrey
  12. Forgive my ignorance, but doesn’t the mx shop do a test flight of the plane after an annual and prior to releasing it to the owner? I am having my first annual done the end of this month. Torrey
  13. Well, my hat is off to all you fellas! I didn’t follow everything, but sometimes I wondered if you weren’t saying similar things, just from different perspectives. I am envious that I cannot contribute any technical insights but I am not in your league as far understanding these things. However I very much enjoy reading your posts and absorbing as much as I can. Now I certainly understand A64’s illustration of the thumb over the garden hose and I am very happy the engineers have designed my engine with some sort of mechanical thumb to make sure oil gets to all the important places!! How’s that for a technical contribution! Lol! Torrey
  14. You too are blessed!
  15. Modern era or stupid era?
  16. Wow! You have been blessed! I am 63 years old and just got my first airplane 5 mos ago. I am very pleased and grateful for my Mooney, but I also think a 310 is wonderful! You have enjoyed a lifetime of beautiful airplanes!
  17. FWIW I am very pleased with my AV-30. When I bought my 231 through Jimmy Garrison 5 months ago I made it clear that I wanted a back up AI. He highly recommended the AV-30, and I am very happy with it. The turn coordinator was bad so his mechanic just substituted the AV-30. As I remember the whole thing only added about 2300 bucks to the purchase price. Torrey
  18. You smart guys always have to spoil it for the rest of us!!! Lol!
  19. My wife’s lap works good for me! If the iPad gets hot she holds it up next to the air vent. Works good!
  20. I am neither an engineer nor particularly bright, but my takeaway from this video is that the hand out the window of a speeding car is still the best explanation!!
  21. As a new Mooney owner in Texas I had never heard of AGL, but from everything I have heard on this forum they are wonderful folks. I am sorry you east coast Mooney owners are losing them, but I am pretty pleased that they are joining forces with Don Maxwell and company, another stellar group of folks here in Texas. It has to be encouraging to everyone that AGL is still in the Mooney service family and didn’t abandon the field altogether. Of course we Texas folks are delighted that Don Maxwell has even further strengthened his hand! I offer my warmest welcome to this family! Torrey
  22. Absolutely. PM me when that time comes and we will make it happen. Torrey
  23. Hi Bernie, I bought a 1979 K model about 5 months ago. I live 8 miles east of Ennis which is 33 miles south of Dallas right off I-45. I keep my plane at Ennis airport and would be happy to help you in any way I can. Unfortunately I am often out of town due to my job, but if our schedules mesh we can certainly go flying or visit about Mooney airplanes. My knowledge is very elementary compared to most of the folks on this forum, but I will help where I can. Torrey
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