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T. Peterson

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Everything posted by T. Peterson

  1. Well said, but you may want to consider that some of us spend a lot more time flying other airplanes than our Mooney. A swept wing behaves much differently than a straight wing. Furthermore, a go around is not giving up but rather demonstrates good PIC judgment when things get uncomfortable. Especially when one is brand new to a particular type and cautiously learning the envelope. Torrey
  2. Call both and get a quote for the basic annual. That might help you decide. Torrey
  3. Everybody but me I guess!! Thank you for edumicating me! Now I too am in the know! I certainly realized he posted vociferously. I very much enjoy his writing style and pleasant demeanor. I also thank you for sharing your technique on IFR approaches. Torrey
  4. I certainly agree with you to a point! I need to figure out how to properly recover from a bounce, but once the boing boing starts I don’t think you should settle for a prop strike to avoid a go around. Doing a proper miss is part of our required IFR skills and should not put us in extremis. Of course avoiding the boing boing porpoise should be a part of our landing skills, but if I don’t fix it soon my friends are going to start calling me “Flipper”!! (Flipper was a TV show about a boy and his Dolphin back in the day. )
  5. Hahaha! I tried to post a picture of the Mooney, but it says the file is too big. I am over this aggravating technology. I don’t have time to mess with it anymore tonight. I have a men’s breakfast at 0600 and then off on a 3 day. Btw, there is no such thing as a bull steer. LOL! I will fly you down here and educate you in the ways of the Bovine!
  6. Hmmm…. I just got back from a little motorcycle ride with my bride. I will see if I can’t get this pic thing straightened out. I love technology and hate it at the same time!
  7. I thought that was what you meant. Your further clarification makes perfect sense. I just tried to post a picture. Don’t know if it worked. It’s a picture of my wife and me. Perhaps a picture of the plane would be better? I very much enjoy your bullet point writing style. You are very good at it.
  8. Hi -a-, I am not sure of what you are getting at or if I am the intended recipient. What is the avatar area? Is it that tiny little square in the top left where some put an indecipherable picture? I don’t know how that would make me any more memorable than signing my name, but if that is what you are getting at I will do so provided I can figure out how! May I say I see a bit of irony if you think I need to make myself better known when you withhold both your name and gender! I don’t say that with any criticism intended at all! I am sure you have good reasons, it just strikes me as a bit odd. Of course I may have completely misunderstood your original statement and in that case please forgive me! I very much appreciate and enjoy your many posts. best regards, -Torrey-
  9. You are welcome! Even though I don’t know you, I get the feeling that you are a very fine pilot! The good ones care about their performance and strive to be better.
  10. I am an airline pilot and my ego gets bruised on a regular basis! Stuff happens and you are to be congratulated on early recognizing a bad situation and going around. Good head work!! The bad stuff happens when we try to salvage something that is not salvageable. Learn, but don’t beat yourself up!! Been there, done that! Have a wonderful day! Torrey
  11. I am certainly no expert, but Dan’s explanation seems to me the most plausible. Even a Mooney wing can’t take that kind of a hit. American lost an Airbus a few years ago just due to over controlling the rudders. The tail separated and that was in controlled flight during climb. I can’t imagine the stress on those wings if Dan’s theory is correct and I think it is correct. I too am very sorry for the loss of these lives. Torrey
  12. Thank you -a-, I believe I am building my forever airplane, so a bunch of stuff is on the horizon!
  13. Thank you -a-, I believe I am building my forever airplane, so a bunch of stuff is on the horizon!
  14. Good morning Will! Great to hear from you! I do have an engine monitor and my ff is 24 plus on takeoff. I have no overtemp issues, just higher gph than I think is normal. Take care! About to push. Torrey
  15. Thank you! I appreciate the input. I will measure mine when I get home from this trip. I think my droop is more like an inch and a half.
  16. Thank you Tom, My airplane goes to Maxwell in August for an annual. I may just do it then!
  17. I have no idea as to the cause of this crash, but am so grateful the pilot survived without grievous injury. May God grant him a speedy recovery. I was amazed that the cabin was relatively intact. Other parts were mangled but the cabin was whole. My heartfelt appreciation to Mooney engineers. Mooney is a wonderful airplane.
  18. Wow! That’s wonderful performance! I don’t have Gami injectors or an intercooler, though I do have the Merlyn wastegate. Therefore I cannot do the LOP, or so I have been told. Thank you for your input! Someday I hope to install those extras and achieve a little better performance. In the meantime my wife and I very much enjoy our new flexibility in being able to visit family! I have never before owned an airplane and it is a blessing notwithstanding a few glitches to overcome! I am going to try your power settings and see how that works out, 2400/30.0 Thanks again, Torrey
  19. I have not had a problem with over-temp, but that may very well be due to the droop. Also hot summer has not yet arrived. Furthermore, since I am brand new to GA and piston airplanes, I am trying to be very conservative. I can’t get any better than about 12.4 gph at any altitude from 6000 to 13000 feet. My TIT is about 1550 and cylinder temp 340 to 380. The belly of the airplane is filthy, but that is going to be remedied on the 28th. I thought that maybe the dirt and cowl flaps were costing me, but I guess not. TAS runs between 157 and 162. The former owner said he got 11 gph at 11000, and I suppose if I pulled MP back I could do better. I cruise at 2500 rpm and 28 inches.
  20. Gentlemen, Thank you very much for your knowledge and advice. I had no idea that was the factory setting. I certainly won’t deviate but I will ask my mechanic to ensure they are measuring IAW with the specifications. Once again you fellows impress me. Thank you! Torrey
  21. Good evening all, I recently purchased a 1979 K model. I have noticed that in the fully closed position the cowl flaps are not flush with the fuselage but still droop about one inch. I called the previous owner to ask if he had the flaps rigged that way to provide better cooling, but he said he had not done so and didn’t realize they were so rigged. I am tempted to have my mechanic rig them flush, but am not sure that is wise. Is it possible that this one inch droop is factory set and should not be disturbed? I welcome your informed insight. Torrey
  22. Hopefully our beloved Mooney will someday yet again be rescued from the ICU ward. There are a lot of fellas on this forum that impress me with their engineering and business acumen. Who knows, it may be one of our very own that rises up to restore our favorite brand.
  23. California is an incredibly, stunningly wonderful place to live! I urge all the Californians that emigrated to our miserable, dusty hot and humid Texas to reflect on the luscious vegetation, warm breezes and soothing oceans of your homeland. Perhaps you might consider a return? We will help you pack! ( just a little humor!!)
  24. We moved to Texas from Michigan in 2013 and love it! we get our steers butchered at a small butcher facility run by a Mennonite family. Whispering Pines in Emory Texas. They are excellent!
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