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About Sixstring2k

  • Birthday 03/24/1979

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    New Jersey
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  1. Blancoliro has done a excellent breakdown of the accident
  2. Just saw in the news that the plane was (surprisingly) equipped with a voice recorder and it has being recovered. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/live-updates-philadelphia-medical-jet-plane-crash-explosion-deadly-valentina-guzman-murillo/4096778/
  3. Yeah I just woke up and saw the news, the guy died with his 16 year old daughter. Looks like engine trouble on takeoff.
  4. Just heard about an plane going down in a warehouse near the airport, anyone have any details?
  5. I think that all this conversation is good but we have a big part of the puzzle missing. Unless I missed it when was your tanks last resealed? I don’t want to make anyone feel like their being attacked but just looking at the factors that matter. As someone with experience with big iron I can tell you that when the sealant in the wet tank is basically about to fail because is at its end of live it does not take much to make them leak, anything from a drastic change in temperature, not so soft landing to looking at it the wrong way and it fails because it was over do for maintenance, it’s an airplane and when things go well and your pockets feel full it’s time to break. The plane could have being hinting at you it’s time and like we all do we push it or ignore the signs and in your case the tank said I am done and the blames falls on Gami feet but the signs might have being there all along and missed. Tank sealing is not an exact science by the way, again when applying sealant the proper temperature and cure times must be followed if not they don’t last, but if your tanks are past ten to fifteen years sense resealed not patch but full resealed they had a good run. Something maybe the change in fuel, maybe something external after all is getting cold and that change in temperature puts stress on the tank seals, flying at max weight might do it I mean something happened but I am not sure that Gami is at fault because we would see way more reports not just 3. I am counting the baron during fuel testing and the 2 Mooney’s, more are using it and nothing has happened to there tanks so again, why these 2 Mooney’s? What do they have in common? The baron had old tank bladders so the age of the last resealed matters if this conversation is to lead to good information and not misleading information. if had a plane with sub ten year tank resealed leaking like yours and the tanks where done by weep no more or the other two tank sealing shops that are know for good work then I think I start to really worry. Maybe it’s was previously tank patch that fail (they never last)but if your plane like many Mooney’s had one that could be the failure point and not the fuels fault just my 2cents.
  6. I think for one we are missing more information about this incident because it might have not only being compressed but also had other communication relevant to the conversation cut out. And two this happens years ago, I was taxing a 777 out for a high power engine run one night and a vibe survey and when done we had being giving instructions to a remote area to park it for the night, as we are pulling up (I am taxing left seat) I see that the barriers(big concrete barriers like the ones that go in the middle of roads) that had being placed along the aircraft parking area perimeter look kind of close, and I made the other tech up front who is the guy marshaling us in to double check the clearance, I power the plane in after the clearance was check and area was clear and wing walkers in place, engine shut down and the stairs case set up, as I came down the other tech met me and was tick off at me because “we park 777s here all the time and i acted like I hadn’t taxi one before”, I replied to him that when I am on the left seat that plane is my responsibility not yours and I walked away, the following week I see one of the 777 in one of the hangars and they are setting up to remove the #2 engine, as I walk around the left side of #2 engine was a mess. It turns out that same parking spot guard rail from before that look funny to me had being pushed inward by the people who used the facility on the other side because they needed more room to move cargo, I didn’t smack that barrier because I made a decision and that day I learned that weather is regulations / rules or peer pressure, if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe stop and make sure. I have no problem with the pilot of the mooney stopping and to verify the situation because safety of flight is his responsibility and the flight doesn’t end until the engine shuts down and he exercised his right, we had guys 2 man crews going with the flow and look at all the near misses we being having lately, bend metal with plane going of the runway because taxing fast to get out of the runway, maybe if some of the crew, highly professionally train and experience crews would have stopped and think safety first maybe some of for near misses we being having would not have happened. This situation turn out to be just an inconvenience but maybe under different circumstances it could turn into a disaster and maybe when said disaster happens you know what the ntsb investigation would conclude “all the pilot had to do is stop so is pilot error”.
  7. Yeah but by the look of the outside that’s three good owners, that paint job looks amazing.
  8. Congratulations.
  9. That’s good news, hope the faa gives them the approval
  10. So no one else can fix the engine mounts?
  11. @gsxpilot shows up from time to time on the Mooney facebook page if you want to send him a msg.
  12. Does anyone know if rocket engineering is still around and supporting the rockets and missiles? Are there any new gotchas?
  13. If only I could, this one is being on the market for a while but did get its tanks resealed so that’s one less thing to worry about and the engine overhaul was done in 2014. Prebuy prebuy. https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/232289405/2000-mooney-m20r-ovation2-piston-single-aircraft
  14. I do not have a Mooney at this time, I was just looking up the part number in this old post because I am interested in maybe some day getting on K model and this V band issue is on my mind as a prospective owner. When I saw AirPower website I am pretty it didn’t say back order, I didn’t call them directly just saw was available and this is the only site I frequent whose owners have tsio 360 engines so I posted here.
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