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Everything posted by 201Steve

  1. Who last assembled the engine and/or the cylinder? Just curious…
  2. Wow, the forward bulkhead just wasn’t installed?? Seems like there would have been a bunch of open screw holes visible on the outside of the spinner.
  3. I’m replacing my spinner bulkhead. What’s the best material to buy for properly shimming a spinner to a bulkhead? I was reading SB 219 and it says 6.5 mil x .5 wide “scotch brand” 3M tape, pressure sensitive 549. When I search the tape it comes up as 5490 PTFE film tape. Is that the current day equivalent? @Cody Stallings?
  4. Its 190b https://www.mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/SBM20-190B.pdf
  5. I would buy a set, and I know of at least one other who would as well. probably post to Facebook group(s) as well. Lots more of them using those pages.
  6. So what’s the short version? Did we win in court or not? way too much to read!
  7. I’ve heard two forklifts with old mattress between the bottom of the wing and the forks. Lift on each wing. But, I often wonder if you had say a gear collapse on the runway, would you be able to conjur up two mattresses and two forklifts before the crane showed up. it’s good to have these things thought out in advance in case you find yourself at a busy airport eager to quickly reopen the runway.
  8. @JimB I need the spinner bulkhead if still avail.
  9. I think it turned into a big heated thing and wouldn’t be surprised if someone took it down. I’d bet they got it done. Be nice if you could get the worm gear also with matching metallurgy to the formerly available kit. Let me know how it goes. I need one for my shelf.
  10. And to think people actually sacrifice 64 for fuel bladders (50 something)!!!
  11. Cool paint job. I was at Mesquite about a month ago. Flew my 77j non stop from the coast of GA in 25kt headwinds. 6.5 from start to shutdown, landed with 12 gallons of gas. Go Mooney!!
  12. Pretty wild statistic that mooney is twice the rate of a bo
  13. Also pointed out by Doc (RIP!), Lycoming makes a sniffle valve at 1/10th the cost of a “Mooney” sniffle valve. Don’t recall the part#.
  14. I think this is a good example of nobody expecting the airplane to be still flying 50 years later.
  15. If you fly long distances, I like to have a small oxygen rig to stay fresh over a long flight. And then a refill bottle at the hangar is key.
  16. Yeah, a mix of the above. 350 hours per year but, swallowed a valve on one, failed tappets on another (hello io360), and TBO on the first, I believe.
  17. Let me start off by clarifying. I have no dog in this hunt and don’t know Pinnacle from Adam. I also have experience dealing with a shady overhaul situation as many of you know I’m probably the last person to stand up for poor performance or customer service at an engine shop. However, I don’t think this is totally out of control. It makes sense that a field overhaul would be more expensive than a factory out. If there are that major components, as is described here. There is nothing Shop can do about the fact that he can’t beat Lycoming surprising pricing after discovering said parts.. Do you like com pricing where it doesn’t matter what’s wrong with your engine is absolutely absolutely a gamble. Some people will come out ahead because they had bad major components and others will have overpaid relative to a good overhaul because all of their parts were you can’t really do much the math after discovering what your condition is tear down so I think folks are getting a little, hothead about the pricing where it really isn’t that egregious. That does not excuse performing work when not authorized and I think that is the major take away but communication can be misconstrued often times. I think an honest, humble conversation with the shop explaining your financial ability and best move forward , where everyone walks away a little bit unhappy and that’s the mark of a good deal. sorry for voice to text errors. good luck sir!
  18. He did not. There’s clearly something going on here that we are not privvy to.
  19. I know a seasoned owner who’s gone through multiple overhauls on a mooney he’s owned for 15 years, who has his engine at Pinnacle right now and he’s been very complimentary of the operation.
  20. Take your budget and go ahead and do yourself a favor and increase it by 25%. I just flew my J from the coast of Georgia nonstop to Dallas with a 25 knot headwind the whole way and still had 12 gallons on board when I landed. It’s so very capable. expect the buying process to take about a year if you want value and most importantly, a good bird. It’s a part time job if you aren’t using a broker. You should know every plane on the market and be aware of new ones within 24 hours, prepared to move forward at any moment. my contribution
  21. They re-worked the website!!!!! Dollar General lip stick!!!
  22. Wasn’t Jonny part of a VC firm? isn’t it true VC never creates anything? Only puts lipstick on something for a flip or recurring revenue by doing nothing. i guess it had a better shot than the Chinamen that disappeared long ago. Elon is our only hope.
  23. lol @EricJ throwing some accolades to the HIGHLY COVETED AND DESIRED 1977 MOONEY M20j and it starts a model debate. Love that energy, boys.
  24. I can’t say for certain about Continental but I know Lycoming is a year and a half back ordered for new engines. If that’s also the case with conti, there’s your likely answer.
  25. Lycoming is 18-22 months back ordered for an engine. This is as of last week. If you want specifics you’re going to need to hammer the phone and talk to several shops to narrow it down. Cost and time will vary dramatically. Find your best combo. Whatever you do, do not under any circumstance read the old threads and consider Jewell Aviation Kennett, MO unless you want to overhaul it twice to fix their overhaul.
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