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Tom 4536

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Everything posted by Tom 4536

  1. I love my Sidewinder! I will be selling it (has a new battery) as soon as Jimmy Garrison sells my 231.
  2. My lowest callout on my M20K is at 5ft AGL. Any way to get callouts at lower AGL? Maybe 2 and 1ft AGL?
  3. It is the mooneyspace.com masthead banner that covers the top half of my screen, not adds. Makes it difficult to read posts.
  4. My flaps stuck down during slow flight on two flight reviews but both times would retract after I landed. My MSC said I need to exercise the switches on the ground by lowering the flaps a few degrees, then raising them and repeat the process 10 times. The problem seemed to be resolved. During my next annual he sprayed the switches.
  5. Sounds fair. Do you feel a prebuy should include removing the seats and side panels to inspect for corrosion. I am a bit hesitant about having the interior taken apart but I'm just curious how others feel about this.
  6. Yes, the prebuy AP NEEDS to return the plane to original condition, but WILL he? There are lots of posts here where the plane was worse after maintenance than before.
  7. I plan to sell my 231 as soon as it cools off here in Tucson. I will be very fussy as to whom gets to work on my plane for the inspection. It took a while to find someone I trust to work on my plane. One problem with flying the plane somewhere is finding transportation back home while the preflight is being done.
  8. I have a similar problem with my FS 210 in my new Garmin Panel. When the 210 stops sending data, I have to pull the 210's circuit breaker, wait 10 minutes, then the 210 will work again.
  9. I fly two M20k's. One with a JPI 900 and one with the GI275. During TO climb I prefer the JPI because it is easier to see the important data. During cruise I like the 275 & JPI 900 equally.
  10. On my 231 I have one AOT probe where yours is and one under the wing. On the ground they both read identical values; cruising they are within one degree of each other.
  11. I think I did but can you provide a link so that I can review it. A family emergency has kept me from even thinking about flying or anything airplane.
  12. My plane is going in for an annual at Chandler Aviation (MSC) if Garmin wants to look at the plane while it is apart.
  13. Thank you!
  14. Thank you!
  15. When cruising LOP, Mike Busch advocates running WOT and controlling power with only fuel flow. He says he even flies his turbocharged Continentals WOT. If, at say 15,000ft, we run our 231’s with Merlyn, GAMIs and intercooler WOT (or even 36 inches MP) won’t we have an overboost problem?
  16. Can the GI 275 be switched to Dual Cue?
  17. My newer JPI CAN change between LOP and ROP. Obviously you feel you know more than JPI. Too bad.
  18. On my JPI 900 I can switch between ROP & LOP modes by tapping one button. If the button is labelled LOP, then tapping it once switches the unit to LOP mode; at that time the button label will switch to ROP. My %HP reading is about 8% lower in the JPI LOP mode than in the JPI ROP mode. My LOP %HP readings are within a few percent of the theoretical %HP numbers calculated by the formulas I picked up from MS.
  19. I can have wind vectors or TAS, but not both on the AI. So, I display wind vectors on my 275 AI, and display TAS on my other 275 that displays HSI but with a turn of the knob will also display AI & TAS. Therefore I always see wind vectors, and only see TAS temporarily when I switch the HSI to the AI mode.
  20. My GI275 AI use to look like your friends, but when the GFC 500 was installed I lost 2 of the Misc data fields and mine now looks like yours. The GFC 500 needs some of the data fields.
  21. In September Weep-No-More charged me $8900 to strip & reseal both tanks (36gal ea) on my 231. No extras for fuel, hanger or other airport fees. No damage to the paint, but the wax was gone. I just had to reapply Wash n Wax to bring the shine back.
  22. Is Camguard unapproved for use in turbocharged engines??
  23. My 930 acts the same and it gives the same readings as you posted.
  24. I have seen shoulder harnesses with a rubber bushing. Do you know where to get the bushings?
  25. How did you connect the second canula?
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