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Tom 4536

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Everything posted by Tom 4536

  1. On the go around what will determine the position of the flight director command bars?
  2. An update on my GFC 500 disconnect problem. My avionics shop replaced each GFC 500 component, one at a time, and checked all the wire connections and it did not solve the problem. Garmin recommended a “Factory Reset” of the GFC 500 and my three previously installed GI275s. It solved the problem but meant everything had to be re-calibrated. My avionics shop had promised to work on the problem until the autopilot worked and they kept their promise.
  3. Sorry, but I actually have a new Primary JPI 900, and it has two alarm set points. One is a redline set by JPI, the other is a cautionary alarm set by the installer.
  4. There is a nice airplane museum and an excellent restaurant in Driggs, Idaho. Have you been there?
  5. First, I always trust and appreciate you advise. Thank you very much for your input. My (apparently incorrect) interpretation of what my avionics guy said was that he would install the software appropriate to the function of the servo. This came up because he is trying a new servo to see if the servo is causing my CFC500 disconnect problem and doing so he has to put the appropriate software/programing in the new servo.
  6. Last week my avionics installer said that although each servo is identical mechanically, each needs to be programed for it's function..pitch, roll, trim.
  7. EDM Pilot's Guide, page 42-Digital Fuel Level Display.
  8. The gallons are a pilot selectable option in the pilot menu. I changed mine to gallons about 3 months ago.
  9. My avionics shop said that Garmin won't tell them how the GFC500 works, making it impossible to troubleshoot the AP. They say that Garmin support has not been very responsive or helpful. My plane has been in the avionics shop over 2 weeks and still no resolution in sight.
  10. Not sure if your concern is the same as mine, but my new GFC500 & GI275 in ALT hold continuously oscillates the pitch (slightly) in smooth air. I don't have the date but it is strange seeing the horizon constantly (slowly) going up & down. The altitude is not deviating more than =/- 25ft. My avionics shop said it is not suppose to do that, but getting Garmin's help has been a struggle. I have an M20K-231.
  11. Does that AHRS problem exist only when you have the g3x? I ask, because 2 avionics installers and Garmin have not been able to find out why my new GFC500 keeps disconnecting every 15 minutes. I don't have YD. I don't have a g3x. I have a GTX 345 that I believe has AHRS and I have a GI275 AI with AHRS. Could my problem be that the 2 AHRS's don't agree? My avionics shop tried a different 507 but the problem still exists. Thank you. Tom
  12. Besides, we are all getting older (I hope) and as I remember, the memory is the first thing to go.
  13. It would be helpful if airport identifiers in posts also included the city & State.
  14. Where is Tankman?
  15. I don't have the YD and I get the disconnect.
  16. Interesting! I noticed at the time of one disconnect that the command bars were at about 45 degrees and the wings were level in HDG mode.
  17. Does the data logged include what triggered the AP disconnect?
  18. Can the GI 275 log the error data?
  19. I installed the 275 MFD to get all the functions. So I have 3 275's: AI, HSI & MFD. I was never able figure out how to get all the 275 functions with just having the HSI & AI. I like the 275's. The display is crystal clear and easy to read the small numbers.
  20. Today was my first flight with my new GFC500. I have 275s. No YD. Throughout the flight the autopilot kept disconnecting after 15 minutes. I could restart it after 5 minutes. It happened in HDG, NAV and climb modes. It disconnected at some intersections but not all. The command bars were visible when the AP disconnected.
  21. I have the flight plan markers and traffic without the synthetic vision.
  22. I did the same. I live in the mountains and I didn't see any worthwhile benefit.
  23. One of my new Cies senders hung up. They had to drain the tank and bend the sender. A note in the box would have saved some time and $$. BUT, I do like these fuel senders. They work well with my new JPI 900.
  24. Pilot Guide, Page 48, Tack Time, "Edit to Change Airframe/Hobbs Time". Manual is available on-line if you didn't get one with your EDM-900.
  25. I have the Aircraft Spruce unit and a full glass panel. When the panel was new I would have the panel on 2-3 hrs at a time with no problem. The GPU has a fan and it does not get hot. The battery voltage was always 13+ volts when I was ready to shut off the panel.
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