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Everything posted by bob865

  1. The same reason boats sit in yards and rot away and cars sit in yards/garages and rust away. I assume there are a few different types of reasons: Fear of the unknown - they don't know what to expect with selling something. So rather than figure it out, they just avoid the uncomfortable situation all together. It's easy to do if the asset is paid for you and it's not costing you anything, or very little. The "I will get back to it" attitude - People buy or hold on to things even when they don't have the ability to use them because they plan to use it again. Sometimes it's health (I'll get back to it when I get back on my feet), sometimes it work (When work slows and I have more time I'll finally get back to it), and sometimes it something else. Sentimental attachment - Pilots are an interesting breed. I've seen so many hanging out because "that's my plane" even though they may not have flown the plane, or any other plane, in years. Physically Incapable - Sometimes a person is literally not capable of selling an asset. They could be hospitilized or something of the like that physically prevents them from being able to go through the work of selling it. I got back to flying after a few year break because I found a guy who had lost his medical but didn't want to sell his plane. He knew that a plane sitting would become worthless so instead he took on partners. I'm with you, I wish more people would take some action with planes instead of letting them rot. There is a whole row of planes, twins included, that sit along the back row of the ramp at GMU that have been there over 10 years!
  2. An old thread, but I found it when I was searching. I ended up buying these: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B004H96T7I/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 They actually work really well. I was extremely surprised. I have crimped only about 18 pins so far, but I haven't had a single failure. I assumed I was just going to be out $40, but they work as well as the little blue crimpers I used when I was in the marines. better actually considering I don't have to keep up with a buch of positioners etc. I will add, I'm crimping high density D-sub connector pins. I haven't tried it on non-high density pins.
  3. Looks like the G5 has some competition.
  4. Hate to hear this all happened to you, but glad to hear it before I took off down this route. I did avionics on F-18s in the Marine Corps so I konw how to build and repair aircraft wiring. Plus after seeing the work of my local avionics shop, I'm much much more comforatable with my work than what they did to my plane. I was going to buy all of my parts and assemble them on a bench at the house, build the harnesses and test the equiepment and wiring. After that get my A&P to help me do the physical install in the plane. He has always been good with me helping on the electrical work in my plane. The most important thing for me is having an IFR rated GPS. After reading about your pain, I may just bit the bullet and go the shop route.
  5. Am I looking at this wrong? I just went to Garmin's website and downloaded the STC..... https://support.garmin.com/support/manuals/manuals.htm?partNo=010-00412-01&language=en&country=CA Couldn't you fill this out, add it to the POH, and be legal? http://static.garmin.com/pumac/190-00356-03_F.pdf
  6. I found this when I was looking. It looks like a 337 is all that is needed to install used avionics. I got to that becuase I said yes/maybe to a "possible appreciable change in W&B" by installing a different device than was originally installed. This makes sense to me from looking at my logs where I found 337s for all the avionics changes through time on my plane. I could definitely be wrong, but I'm now interested in this topic becuase I'm in the market to do exactly this http://www.valavionics.com/uploads/2/1/5/0/21502568/tso_pamphlet.pdf
  7. When you talk TCO, I think you're looking at it all wrong. But, of course, it's all situational. In my case, I don't have a WAAS GPS position source so I had to pick something. It was a dash mounted transponder with a GPS source, or bite the bullet and get a GPS. Either way, expensive. And the dash mounted units were at least $1000 more than the skybeacon, not to mention install which isn't going to be cheap. You're right about needing a 'working' mode C. But you need that with the GDL-82 also, the next cheapest option. And if you think about it, the market is about to get flooded with mode C transponders that are effectively worthless(read cheap), except to those like me. Add to that, my transponder is a common older one that many companies make slide in replacements for (I found at least 2 different slide in replacements and an adapter to make a 3rd a slide in replacement). So for the purchase of the skybeacon, I get everything necessary to be ADS-b complient, no need for 1090ES since I can't/don't get that high anyway. Plus I get at least one LED light/strobe. If I get createing, I could say I got ads-b complience for 1400 instead of 1800 becuase the light would cost approx. $400 anyway and I wanted LEDs already OR I could say my LED upgrade project cost half becuase now I only need to do one wingtip. Add to that, virtually no install cost (I'm planning on doing the work with my IA supervising) and I get to remove the strobe power supplies. Not a ton of weight, but still useful load I didn't have before. And going back to TCO, yes I have two pieces of equipment to maintain, but both are easily/cheaply maintained vs the high install cost AND more expensive unit at initial purchase.
  8. I was just reading through their install manuals and it looks like it is two different parts. You can order them with resistive analog outputs or with digital outputs. The resistive would work with your stock gauges and I'm guessing would also work with an engine monitor like a JPI, EI, or something, but would use an analog input instead of a digital input to the monitor. That's how I understood what I read anyway
  9. My partner on the plane is at OSH now and is buying us one. When he asked about it they offered the other wingtip. Apparently it is available now for $400. They also offered ADS-B in option also for $700.
  10. I'm part owners on my plane and my partner and I are oposites. He has no problem cold starting, but can't hot start to save his life. I have some trouble sometimes cold starting, but have never had trouble hot starting. Funny how that works. Anyway, to hot start, I don't touch anything. I leave it exactly how it was when I shutdown. It will not start for me in this configuration, but after the engine turns over a couple of times (2-3 blades) at idle cutoff, I start adding mix until she fires but never going above half mix. Once she starts to run, I'll go full rich to purge the lines and once running smoothly, lean for taxi. It also seems to start better if I have the boost pump on when I do this to make sure I have a stable fuel pressure. If I don't, the fuel pressure will drop out of the green arc when she starts to fire and takes a bit to recover. So far, has worked everytime I stop for fuel and try to restart.
  11. The first taste is always free.
  12. Good to know. My concern is there would be only one power supply and disconnecting only one strobe would make both inop. As long as I have a power supply in both wing tips, I'm all good. Going to look at the plane after work today and see if I can locate the panel where the power supplies live.
  13. Awesome. That's what I was hoping. I was concerned disconnecting one strobe might cause the other to not work if it was a single power supply.
  14. Thanks. One on each wing? Or is there only one for both stobes?
  15. Yes. The install manual specifically calls this out. The high voltage power supply must be bypassed. This is my question since I can't find it in the prints, Does the mooney have 1 or 2 high voltage power supplies for the wingtip strobes?
  16. Per their site, they have one in the works.
  17. Hey Everyone. The uAvionix SkyBeacon finally has its certification and is on sale! Planning on picking one up at Oshkosh. Planning for the install I'm trying to figure out how the strobes on the wingtips are wired up. I went through the prints that were posted in the download section and I don't see wingtip strobes in any of the prints. I have a '75 E model. In the cockpit I have two separate switches, one for position lights and one for the strobes. Anyway, the strobes must have a high voltage power supply somewhere. So my question is, where is it? And are there separate power supplies for each wingtip or is it one for both wingtips?
  18. Is yours fuel injected? I had the same symptom on mine a few weeks ago. It showed up first as a vibration that got worse as I leaned the engine. I then noticed the EGT on #4 was higher in my case and the CHT was lower than the rest. I read about the inflight Mag check and when I took her back up, I did the mag check. It showed an intermittent misfire on #4. Was actually bad enough that if I didn't run full rich, the whole panel/plane would vibrate pretty badly. Went through the normal checks with the A&P when I got back. Checked the injector, no signs of dirt but cleaned it while we had it out. Checked the flow flow with the adjacent cylinder and saw nothing wrong. Checked spark plugs and found nothing wrong, but cleaned them while we had them out. They had also just been replaced at annual a few hours before. Bore-scoped the cylinder and found nothing wrong. Test flew it again and everything worked fine. Better than ever actually. Was able to get her to lean of peak for the first time ever. Still not sure what was actually wrong, but glad it
  19. Perhaps another dumb questions, but how tightly should the governor hold the RPM? +-25? +-50?
  20. I feel dumb for having to ask, but this made me realize I didn't know the answer. How does a governor fail? Does it fail High RPM, Low RPM, Just unable to change RPM, or depends on the failure? Wasn't sure if they tend to fail "safe" at high RPM or potentially excessively high RPM (overspeed). I hope my question makes sense.
  21. It's been a while, maybe you have a 14v 430W now?
  22. I'd like to be added also! -Adam
  23. What app is that you are using?
  24. What would you take for the VA gauge?
  25. Thanks everyone. I'm going to get a custom one engraved to replace this for now, thanks @R Van Dyck for the photo. Thanks @Marauder I have some cracked interior pieces that need love/replacement. Jaegar had me when their first slide was either do it yourself or owner assisted. Want to replace my stained/discolored head liner too. They may be just the ticket.
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