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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. absolutely love my m20e. Honestly the backseats aren't that bad considering how far you pull the seat up to fly. whatever you buy make sure it's atleast adsb compliant, you don't want the frustration of trying to install avionics right now.
  2. g5 can be set to work as an HSI so it'll replace a dg and a cdi
  3. are they covering maintenance and giving you a massive discount on the AP?
  4. just wait till an indicator goes out, then the 1 g5 can replace both the dg and indicator.
  5. Send Brittain a message, they have G5 connection drawings
  6. full flaps and landing trim aren't that big of a deal in my E, it's not a lot of pressure(not trivial either) to keep the nose down and airspeed up. is it a problem in other mooneys ?
  7. Nice video, really like the camera. For the record, I love TnG's in the Mooney, would prefer a long trip but sometimes just don't have the time.
  8. you guys realize the brittain tubing is auto parts vacuum tubing?? omg like tractor lights and truck rubber pucks aren't, rofl
  9. there is an article on the web which compares aviation oils, I think it's by Blackstone. short and sweet: if flown often, it doesn't matter, there isn't any significant difference among the majors ( exxon elite, aeroshell, phillips ) personally I use aeroshell 15w50 and keep it moving. the report is somewhere on the following site : https://www.blackstone-labs.com/engine-types/aircraft/
  10. Garmin pilot on my Samsung galaxy tab s2 8 inch and s4 ( larger ) work great. not a whole lot of difference between the ios and android versions of gp anymore
  11. hey ship my pma8000 wiring harness before you go to gulf shores and have all the fun.
  12. always top her off after a flight, one less step next flight.
  13. woot all the bits and bobs are here, just need to get it installed. REALLY RELLY Tempted to fly the mooney to Sacremento. Even purchased new stereo Headphone jacks. Wish aviation stuff came in shiny packaging, not much to drool over. The Audio Panel comes with a warning to NOT open the box, pfft.
  14. https://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/LSA-Weight-Limit-Increasing-To-3600-Pounds-231639-1.html
  15. Ordered a PMA 8000G, can't wait to get it installed in Birdy.
  16. already tried swapping the radios, same issue. If the issue is the ki-214 there's almost no replacing that thing. Been chasing this issue for almost a year now, over it. going to replace everything involved, radio, audio panel, antenna, cabling.
  17. currently, kma20 -- audio panel stratus esgi -- transponder mx170b -- nav1 kx170b -- nav2 kn-64 -- dme ki-214 -- vor/loc/ils with GS radio built in ki-201c -- vor/loc problem is between the main nav and the ki-214, not that easy to replace unfortunately. spent a few thousand last year messing with it
  18. It has an AML STC under which the m20e is listed. Installation will be per the gns480 installation manual with mostly listed equipment, exception being a brittain autopilot. If i'm reading the instructions properly, even the brittain autopilot would be approved as it understands standard NAV Left/Right. I have the previous 337 from when the gps was last installed, could almost copy it verbatim.
  19. mind translating the following for those not fluent in FAA 8) : "if there is an STC for an IFR installation rather than needing to create a "follow-on" 337 from another plane on an STC AML or having to do a 337 for an IFR installation. "
  20. yeah, not as good as black walnut but really tasty
  21. There are a number of us over at KDWH(hooks) you should stop in next time you're headed this way
  22. Good old days. Went to the audio shop just a few weeks ago, they have NOTHING to even fit my new Camaro. GM has made them almost impossible to upgrade without completely ripping out the factory system and half the new safety features.
  23. Been asking Gena and John for a slot for the last 2 mos, shrug maybe that's what i'll have to do
  24. I remember those ORION amps omg needed a dedicated powerstation for them huge class AB amps.
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