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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. I'd be interested but I've blown most of my budget this year on GTN 750 (love) and ADS-B. My KFC 200 works great with Altitude Hold, Glideslope capture, and HDG mode. The "Nav" mode need the OBS setting set in the HSI to drive the AP computer for intercept. I am told that GPSS is what I should want and understand what that means but don't really want to spend $1500+ to get the DAC (GDC31) to give me GPSS when I can save for a Garmin G5 or an Aspen Pro with it already built-in. With those, it sounds like I can get altitude select. For now, I can rotate the OBS in the HSI to track my GPS course in Nav mode. Yes, I have to reset the OBS at every waypoint but I do that for situational awareness anyway - working on my IFR ticket.
  2. Altitude Bug was what I was referring to - but your link answered my question. Thanks.
  3. Great, what about altitude select or bug setting in the Aspen? (eg: stop and level at 12,000)
  4. +1 for the Mena, AR shop: http://www.menaaircraftpainting.com/
  5. http://marketing.aspenavionics.com/acton/media/26251/may-2017-promotion---unlock-the-savings
  6. Does the Aspen come with GPSS steering? I have a GTN 750 + KFC 200 AP and want to know if it contains the GPSS steering within the Aspen.
  7. I had a M20F that had something that looked like that but it was not an antenna but a OAT guage. Here is a picture of mine in some light rime ice
  8. I have a transponder that I just removed from my aircraft. It comes with tray, connectors, and backplate. It good working order. PM me for more details. P/N 011-00490-00 S/N 83702501 $350/shipped
  9. Nice. I just did my validation flight, too, recently, but I am waiting for my registration to process thru the FAA so me as the new owner so that I get the check vs. the seller whom I just bought the plane from does. One thing that I did not know about ADS-B was that my VFR (no filed) flights show up in FlightAware.
  10. @LANCECASPER, are yours LED? Looking to upgrade my M20K 231 landing/taxi lights.
  11. My 1967 M20F, the light stays on (red) while the gear was up... no matter the flap position. My manifold pressure (throttle) cable had a switch right behind the mount that sounded the buzzer if the gear was up and the MP was down to a specific point (near idle).
  12. Could be fuel injector(s) clogged. Saw a video recently of a Cirrus owner that stumbled upon the same issue while in-flight (only run smooth with fuel pump) and come to find out an injector on #6 cylinder was clogged. A/P cleaned it out, re-installed, and engine ran like a top.
  13. Going from a 327 to the 345 for 5000$ (installed) and keeping the 327. It is literally being installed right now.
  14. Agree but now you are talking $15,000+ for dual Aspens.
  15. (assuming 2x G5s - one for AI and the other DG/HSI) G5 Pros: two separate units that can each mimic each other. No single point of failure. G5 Cons: two separate units, doesn't look as clean (IMO). No Autopilot heading bug (right now). IFR certified? Aspen VFR Pros: upgradeable to more advanced feature with just software. Nice $1000/off discount right now. (probably the biggest reason - in my opinion) Aspen VFR Cons: single unit, single point of failure for both the AI and DG. Both look good. If I was pulling the trigger on a VFR non-autopilot plane today - I think I would do the Aspen at $3999 before the end of April.
  16. I went thru AOPA Insurance which matched me with STARR insurance. I had to have a check-out because of low Make/Model time. I think the checkout was like 5hrs dual and maybe 5 solo before carrying passengers. IMO, you need at least 5 hours with a Mooney pilot for transition training anyway.
  17. Registered yesterday in that forum for another topic I was interested in. Purchasing a new M20K so this Turbo will be new to me, next week. My CFI recommends a cool-down period (timer) starting from when you pull the throttle back on short-approach for about 5 minutes before shutting down. If you add power the timer resets. After reading the BT thread, it appears that modern insturmentation data shows that after touch-down with the throttle back that the ram-air cooling has done its job enough and more taxing and waiting is just a re-warm-up of the turbo? What do you Turbo guys think or do?
  18. I *was* going to but decided to remove some other old radar equipment and wend back to the standard 354 and not the remoted version. You can still control the 345 with the GTN 750 but it was $500+ cheaper to go back to the face-plate version.
  19. Aspen just announced $1000/off their VFR PFD... so $3999 for the VFR version. I bet you can still "software upgrade" to the Pro for the $4899 so it could be like $1000/off if you did not have the hardware to get started. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2017/april/03/aspen-avionics-offers-discount-on-vfr-pfd?utm_source=ePilot&utm_medium=Content&utm_content=snf&utm_campaign=170405special
  20. I am with you. Picking up my M20K 231 in a couple of weeks. It is in avionics right now getting a GTN 750 + GTX 345 install. I wanted to pull the trigger on the Aspen Pro but hoping to see some more competition from these G5 units. Sad that the newest HSI/CDI will not drive an autopilot.
  21. Agree, I will get that info posted today. They are the 201 styled control rods and thicker walled shafts so I will try to get the part numbers today. Thanks guys.
  22. I have just listed this on ebay but will entertain offers from fellow mooneyspacers. PM me or txt 501-472-0082 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mooney-Yoke-Control-Wheel-Leather-/142313526303
  23. Never been to Gastons but it is on my list.
  24. This was me two months ago. I just bought an F without complex or retract time and 'flew off' most of my 5hrs on the transport back from Charleston, SC. I live in Conway, AR and frequent NWA offen. Maybe we'll run into each other soon. Good luck. No sleep for me the night before but I was more worried about getting there on a buddy airline pass vs. a revenue ticket.
  25. I am replacing mine with an JPI EDM-900 next week. My stock one will be available soon.
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