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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. I would venture that most 231's now days that have been thru an OH were upgraded to "semi-automatic" wastegate and intercooler. My biggest want out of the 252 is the variable adjusting cowl flaps found in the 252. I have three positions: Open, trail, closed. I have found the useful load not to be a problem even though I have a loaded down M20K: O2, ski-tube, and mostly steam gauges. They fly (well) at any configuration I have put them in so far - including 4 adults for beach vacation. Here is my go-to card for performance:
  2. I just signed up for he TX clinic. I am a 300hr pilot with IFR and 200hr in the Mooney; I hope I can keep up. Downloading the materials and starting to look at those now before March.
  3. Just got this setup for my kids, yes older, but they love the light weight and ability to also listen to their iPads: Bose QC25 UFlyMike Headset it also helped I had a pair of the headsets already
  4. KI300? STC paperwork is due out at the end of the month. Rep says you can order it now thru your King/Honeywell dealer.
  5. Not a big help but I am in central AR with a 231 and visit Branson / Springfield often. From my understanding, the 231 is just the Turbo version of the 201 but interior should be near the same with some upgrades (split, folding rear seats, and fully articulating pilot/copilot seats)
  6. I just had my GTN 750 updated with the latest software (v6.41) for $60. It took 11minutes, I noted the time.
  7. Here is a picture. I, too, have a M20K and broke the handle last week for my cowl flaps. After an expensive order from LASAR, I got the cable shipped overnight. I replaced it with my A&P the next day and learned a lot about the mechanism. After the new install, I found that the cowl flaps would not stay closed in flight. I had to remove the cowl and adjust the cable adapter to be longer. As you see in the picture, the mechanical push from the cable cams-over the X brackets to lock them open (or closed). I have a spring on the left (pilot side) cowl flaps that assists the opening and closing of the flaps but the “throw” of the mechanism dictates locked open or closed. I have an illustrated parts catalogue picture I can dig out if you need further explanation.
  8. Yes, I called the Plane Cover guy several months ago and he said he was taking the winter off. "Take my money!" At least business is good, I will get the Halos and PlaneCover soon enough.
  9. I had a GTN 750 installed this spring. I was losing GPS on the unit and took us a while to diagnose. We replaced the antenna, the head (unit) and finally found a connector issue in the back of the tray. The installer used a staring connector that was pushing up against a bulkhead that was causing the issue. We then changed to a right angle connection and it has been rock solid since. I would trust it all the way down to minimums in IMC EVERY time now. As others have said, check your connections and coax.
  10. How does one order a pair of QT Halo sets? I have been to their website several times and they are always sold out. Is there a backorder program? On another note, I just received my order from UFlyMike after waiting like two months. I had a pair of the Bose QC 25 headphones and decided to give them a try for my (little) passengers in the back seat.
  11. Is it the gauge or the gauge and whole assembly? I, too, have a cloudy one but not enough that I want to mess up my paint to replace.
  12. I was in-town when the B-17 came to town that week but went out of town over the Saturday, Sunday. I snapped a picture one evening of my bird with the B-17. A Mooney "selfie" per-say.
  13. Where are you based in AR? We have four Mooneys at our field in Conway, nothing with FIKI but would be happy to show you what we have. PM me your contact information and we can try to hook-up. M20C, M20F, M20K 231, M20K 252 I know all the other owners and can show you a wide range.
  14. I will get a copy of the power settings card I made up for my 231,K tomorrow. It has all the different settings I use for different altitudes, fuel flows, MP setting and RPM... translated to real-word TAS. Mine also has a ski tube installed
  15. I was just reading last night about the LoPresti speed modifications that were made on the Acclaim. They found one of the biggest speed improvements, outside of the obvious cowl, was the nose gear doors. On my K and most of the pre-Acclaim was the bubble of air it created behind the nose gear so they improved the aerodynamic design of the doors making them more flush.
  16. I have an iPhone X 256 and an iPad Mini. I also have ForeFlight (pro) and Garmin Pilot. I use the two devices to backup each other. I use GP on my phone to keep my GTN up-to-date in the panel, still on the 12mnth free trial. I also love how I can push (and auto sync pull) flight plans to the panel from either device - FlightStream. Yes, I have tried the others but nothing is polished as these two. Downloads are automatic (new feature) and don’t notice them downloading b/c they are always up-to-date.
  17. I’d think you should factor steet price AND installation compared to the G5. I think they are making the Ki300 easy replacement. I’d love to see the G5 control the ATT roll steering for the KFC units. Some think it might in the future with another or updated adapter. I’d rather have 2 G5’s vs a Ki300 and a G5 HSI.
  18. I think I have 11:1 plugged into my model in FF for my M20K. I use the ring more as guidance (awareness) than absolute.
  19. Without confirming, it is my understanding this is a full replacement for the KI 256, so no upgrades needed. I will confirm with the rep that sent me the message. Attached is the brochure he sent me. KI 300_Bro_FF LR.pdf
  20. The altitude is way off, too - gotta be different.
  21. I had reached out to Honeywell/Bendix King on this last week. They just responded: Hi Bryan,The KI 300 will be available early January of 2018 and retail for $5995.00 MSRP. I've attached the PDF brochure for your records.I've added you to the list to receive product availability information on the KI 300 come January.If you have any other questions please reply to this email. Regards, -BendixKing Inside Sales Again, new dates, new wait. We'll see.
  22. They do great work.
  23. Let’s hookup sometime. I was just at FSM this past week at Northwest Ark Avionics, or now ABS Avionics. I have family that lives there. i am at CXW
  24. Where in NE Arkansas? I am in central AR.
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