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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Yes, with a GAD29B adapter, it can replace your KFC200 HSI to give you GPSS (steering) today. You cannot use the 2nd G5 (ATI) to replace your Flight Director (KI256).
  2. Great PIREP. I have a KFC 200 and been looking at this upgrade. My KI 256 (ADI) has to be kept because of my legacy AP. My understanding was that I could not move my old ADI and replace with a G5 ADI (position) according to the STC. I am calling today about the G5 HSI and GAD 29B. Might as well ask about the ADI, too.
  3. Taking my commercial written next week. I just checked all the boxes for the flying portion so will start those maneuvers next. congrats!
  4. For me, the G5 HSI is of value because I don't have GPS Roll steering. I have to turn the indicator at each course change - it wont' follow the magenta line. Instead of installing a DAC for Roll Steering, it makes more sense for me to install a G5 HSI with the GAD-29B to talk to the autopilot. It is my understanding that a G5 AI cannot take over and send the Flight Director signals to the King autopilots.
  5. The problem I am having is that, like @MooneyBob, the KFC 200 (autopilot) in mine requires the roll steering from the AI. I will probably upgrade to a single G5 HSI to replace my steam HSI and then wait for a G5 AI to be able to talk to the vintage autopilots or install a GFC500. I think I can install a second G5 AI to replace the turn corrdinator but I have to keep my AI for the autopilot. The Aspen can be installed replacing both the AI and the HSI if you purchase the EA100 - another $2500 on top of whatever Aspen you get installed - so yes, at least twice the cost.
  6. I agree with the FlightStream, but the FS 510 is only compatible with the GTN series. The FS 210 will also give you a back up AHRS. I just upgraded to the FS510 for my 750 and the interfacing is awesome. I file within ForeFlight, sometimes I get back and expected route via FF and then can push that to the panel upon verifying with Clearance Delivery in the plane without keying every point into the 750.
  7. Pretty cool day at my home base today (KCXW) and thru this weekend. EAA's B-17G is in town! Not very often can you park next to such history.
  8. I use the VCalc utility on my GTN 750 for long descents. I even put a user config field on the main screen / map which is Top Of Decent (time). Once configured for airport pattern altitude, or waypoint intercept altitude, or airport elevation, I get a countdown timer to my TOD. I use this nearly every X-country flight. The Visual Approach guideance is a nice feature to look forward to, especially on unusually narrow, upslope or other other visually deceptive foreign runways without PAPI or VASI.
  9. I have those (or very similar) in my '82 K version and just upgraded to all LEDs. I went with the more expensive Whelen Orion 650E and the 500 for the tail. It was not a hard upgrade. You remove three strobe ballasts and gain about 6-7lbs of useful load back. I chose to run a sync wire to sync all the strobes up. I did most of the work and my IA signed off on the work. Take a look at this thread with pictures and video: If you decide to go with these, I can save you about 7% because of my spruce discount. PM me for details.
  10. Do you have your G5 HSI tied to an autopilot? Today, I don't have GPSS in my GTN750 equipped KFC 200 autopilot but I can turn the HSI needle to the next heading without issue. I really want to upgrade to something more on the 6-pack side and I am hoping the G5 HSI + GAD29B is my answer. I think the next, more expensive option is to go to an Aspen 1000 Pro. Then the G500, Then the new TXi stuff.
  11. Also, what has made it nice for me with Foreflight (filing) and my new FlightStream 510 is that Foreflight regularly gets a response back on expected route from the system. I filed direct to Scottsdale, AZ (KSDL) several weeks ago from Albuquerque and got a crazy "expected route." Once Foreflight received that information back into the system, it asked me to load it into the Maps view - I confirmed. They also gave me an expected Squawk. Then once in the plane and ready for taxi, I called to get my clearance, and the exact route and squawk was given to me albeit the "climb maintain 6,000/expect 16,000 10 minutes..." and I was able to push the route with 5 waypoints into my GTN 750 with a touch of the button on the iPad.
  12. Thanks for posting the documents.I just received my email from G on the STC release and 6.41 software update.
  13. From what I have read, database updates can be done by the owner/operator but the software is "STC"d and needs to be installed by an FAA avionics shop. I am sure they will charge, at minimum, their shop rate. The update should not take long. I read the release, and it says: When a flight plan is loaded, the GTN will also provide a short cut to optionally load and activate a visual approach when the aircraft is within 5 miles of the destination airport if an approach is not already selected.
  14. When you say "Load" do you just load the Visual Approach via the "Procedures" screen as I would for an ILS or RNav? Will be contacting my avionics shop about this update soon. Waiting for the email from Garmin.
  15. I agree: "whatever works best for you." I guess I should have phrased my response as: "For me, I want to train for IFR in something that I am going to use most of the time." I don't understand the need to want to get your insturment in a VOR only equipped airplane to never use that moving forward. Flying in the soup, or down to minimums, I want my reactions (and training) to reflect what I will be exposed to and most comfortable with.
  16. I was in your situation 10 months ago. I bought an F with a similar panel, I ended up selling the plane to buy a K model with a GTN 750 in sound working order to get my instrument rating in instead of upgrading my "shotgun" panel. If I plan to upgrade to a 6-place (larger) bird, I will have an better chance recouping some of my money out of the K model than the F with a new panel. I would not get my instrument rating (today) without doing it with WAAS or at very least IFR rated GPS. It is 90% of what I use in the IFR real-word - GPS/RNAV. It seems senseless, now days, to get your instrument in a VOR only equipped aircraft only to upgrade later to RNAV. My opinion, install a 430 WAAS, GTN 650, or Avidine with an glide-slope indicator if you plan on keeping the plane to get your instrument. ADSB would be nice but you have 2 years before required.
  17. Wonder if you forgo insurance protection if something happens outside of TBO?
  18. Switching from W100 (SAE 50) oil to W80 (SAE 40) for the winter months.
  19. A site (and app) I just started using for icing, wind, and cloud (tops/bases) is: www.windy.com Andriod and iOS apps available as well from there selected app stores. This has tons of layers that you can add-on and even has some aviation pre-selects. I am quite impressed and use it now along with the FF weather and prog charts.
  20. Here are a couple of things that showed up on my PPI on a recent purchase of a M20K 231: Compression tests Oil Sample tests or Borescope Corrosion Fuel leaks, seaps Mags (500 hr inspection status) O2 Hydro test, life left No back spring inspection damage history? (if so, repairs) MSC annuals in logs? Flight history
  21. I agree, sounds like you need a different CFI. A good CFI told me once, "I am just in the plane to help protect you, the plane, and myself until you, the student, learn how to fly safely."
  22. Same thing. I Sharpy a "C" on the treated oils. I ordered two cases from this sale as it was cheaper than my Dealer Aircraft Spruce account.
  23. In my first Mooney purchase, an F, this is what we found upon the ferry flight home. Needless to say, I drained and drained until I had 5-7 cups of fully clean blue fuel. Promptly the o-rings were changed after we got home. Not to completely derail, I retract as soon as positive rate is established to gain as much altitude. Tough to use *runway behind you" or the runway below you.
  24. Congrats! i bought an Executive just under a year ago - great frame. I now upgraded to a K because the F had old avionics in it and wanted someone else to install. You'll love it transitioning from the Cessna.
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